
Elena Gilbert, Daughter of the Strongest Vampire

I own nothing. You all know the story of Victor Elderblood and his many wives starting with three beautiful vampire wives but what if Vlad Dracula Tepes finally had an heir that surpasses him to take the throne, what if she had a head start on Victor to become the new Primal Chaos two years before him. A girl transmigrates in a crossover world as Elena Gilbert with a single wish, thought her life couldn’t get worst as her friends abandoned her for her Twin Sister, Jenna’s dead, Jeremy and Alaric took her sister’s side leaving her no one. But in her anger she awakens her blood her heritage to which Alexios and Natalia Alioth sense to bring her to Nightingale before the King. Elena is Lesbian and OP. Chapter one is the only time you’ll see TVD characters.

xGodWarriorx · Anime und Comics
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Chapter 4 - Dragomir Clan

Elena POV

After I returned to the Castle I see a Royal Guard waiting for me.

Guard: Lady Elena, The King would like an audience with you.

Elena: Very well, lead the way.

As we were coming up on the throne room I sensed fathers killing intent as I smirked.

I come up to the throne to see him as he looked down at me.

Elena: Hey Dad.

This was Vlad Dracula Tepes, One of the most powerful beings on the planet, King of the Vampires and now Elena's father.

Elena: I know your testing me but could you cut it out with the killing intent?

Once then the killing intent ceased as Vlad smiled at Elena.

Vlad: I hear you have two wives who are countesses, Scathach Scarlett and Annasthashia Fulger?

Elena: Yep, I regret nothing.

Especially when I have an ability to give me a male organ to have kids, I just found that out.

Dad smiled at me to shake his head.

Vlad: Elena, I'm the span of two years you have exceeded anything that a new vampire has ever shown, you mastered all your abilities, mastered Vampire Count Form to it's highest level, and so I will you the title of Countess.

Elena: Alright but I'm still gonna train, I won't become lazy even in peaceful times.

Vlad: Good.

Elena: But I'm doing this to find stronger opponents, not be one these losers who stands in the safety of your shadow, I wanna challenge to a fight when I'm strong enough.

Vlad had a smile on his face.

Vlad: And I would gladly except.

Elena : I choose the name Dragomir as my Clan name.

Vlad: With my authority as king of all vampires, I, Vlad Tepes, hereby declare the birth of a new Vampire Countess!

Most were shocked and surprised.

Vlad: As of Today, the fifth pillar of vampire society exploring and discovering new lands is assigned to Clan Dragomir.

Vlad: The Leader of Clan Dragomir is the wife and disciple of Scathach Scarlett, one my children, princess of the vampires, Elena Tepes.

Many were thinking they can take Elena on for her title especially her brothers but that won't end well for them.

Vlad: My citizens, hail the new Countess Vampire, the new pillar of Vampire Society, Elena Dragomir.

As the ceremony ended I looked at my hand to clench my fist.

Elena: Father, I'm going to the human world.

Vlad: Oh? We'll just wait til I call you if there is something for you to do.

Elena: Very well.

I walked out to my room as I smiled cause I know my brothers well two of them are traitors which they will be dealt with.

I said goodbye to Ophis who hugged me and I kissed Elizabeth on the lips to teleport to Scathach territory.

As I arrived I saw Natalia greeting me with a smile.

Natalia: Congratulations Darling~ on you becoming a countess.

Elena: Thank you, is Scathach in?

Natalia: Yes, along with everyone else, I'll lead the way.

Natalia lead me inside to see everyone especially Victor who looked at me with a creepy smile, he's the same as Scathach.

Scathach: Darling!~

Scathach ran to me to kiss my lips as I kissed back as she disconnected from me.

Scathach: Congratulations on becoming a Countess.

Elena: Thank you, but the real reason I'm here is that I'm going back to the human world.

Everyone looked surprised.

Elena: What? I'm originally from there so I want to, by the way, how's June my beautiful witch doing?

Scathach: She's fine, she misses you.

Elena: Oh? I'll have to make up for old times.

Violet: How does she know June?

Elena: She's my wife as well along with Natalia.

Natalia blushed and bowed.

Victor, Violet, Sasha, Ruby were surprised but Scathach daughters knew this already.

Elena: But I'm here for something else, Victor Walker.

Victor: Yes?

Elena: I have been given the Vampire Count position same as me?

Victor: Right?

Elena smiled.

Elena: That means I finally get to have a friend who that's just like me so I'll sticking with you from now on, I have feeling more interesting fights are gonna happen with you.

Victor: I don't care really but don't get in my way.

Elena: Same goes for me, but if your gonna be killed, don't be mad when I jump in to block attacks, as the brother I've chosen I can't let you get hurt.

Victor felt a sibling bond with Elena like a older sibling.

Victor: Very well.

Sasha: Wait, can two counts rule together?

Elena: Well it's never been done and since my father likes Victor I'm sure he won't mind.