

It's already getting dark, I think it's been enough for today, we'll continue tomorrow – said Siriana, looking proudly at her friends.

They had spent several days training, and each time they achieved greater control over the elements, managing to create strong winds, lift large rocks, split the earth with tremors, and form small tornadoes. It had all been thanks to Cisse's advice, although she could not share that information with them.

We have improved a lot - Markku said smiling - soon we will be ready to rescue your brother.

Behind Markku, Siriana could see Cisse moving her head to the sides of her, looking at him sadly.

I don’t think we are ready yet – said Siriana

We are not ready - Lena interrupted - we can already control some elements and move things, maybe throw a stone and destroy something, but it is not only about attacking, we must also learn to defend ourselves and survive from nature.