

And the earth shook, in a forgotten place, where before the powerful gathered and sealed them. In the darkness they waited, for thousands and thousands of years, and now the earth shook and the once powerful seal cracked and in the darkness joy appeared.

Once feared, the bringers of darkness, who ruled the world in chaos and despair; now laid forgotten, locked in infinite darkness. But they waited, because they knew that one day they would be forgotten, and so it happened.

The cities rose and fell, and they waited.

They waited for the magic of the powerful to weaken, and so it happened.

They hoped that the people would forget their own greatness, and that the seal that contained them would disappear.

They waited and when the moment came, the earth shook. But no one noticed it.

The towns remained asleep, with a false tranquility, believing that everything were myths and legends, stories of old people to scare little children.

And when the earth shook and the seal was broken, some escaped and the rest waited, for their time was coming.



I don't think it's a good idea Bador, they haven't shown they want to challenge us. Why do you seek war? Or could it be that I am too weak to govern and make these decisions?

A soft breeze came through the window and moved the papers that were on the table, there was a beautiful sunset outside, but the duties of governing did not allow her to enjoy the sunsets or the countryside. The kingdom of Esra was under her protection and his brother Bador insisted that she was in danger, although she did not notice it. Could it be that I'm not good at this?

Addae watched as her brother closed his eyes, thinking about how to argue her decisions. You would have been a good king, if you did not seek war so much - said Addae - our father realized that it was unnecessary, they gave his heir to the throne to demonstrate their intention for peace; Eskol has lived with us since we were children, perhaps Doesn't that prove it to you?

Our father was weak, he did not see the signs and they are very clear; Romen has spies in all the kingdoms, and everything indicates that Druikstall is planning to attack us, hurt by his defeat so long ago – Bador responded, staring at her, a strange shine in his eyes that caused Addae anguish.

But why now? It makes no sense for them to seek war after so much time of peace – Addae said uneasily. What spies will Romen have? I have never trusted him, always whispering in my father's and my brother's ears, walking in the shadows and working in silence - Addae thought, anxiety oppressing her heart.

Peace does not exist sister! That is something they want you to believe to attack you when you are vulnerable, we both know that the military is not your strong suit, leave it to me to protect our people – Bador responded, his pale face taking on color as the veins pulsed in his temples.

Not until we have more evidence - Addae said bluntly - a war is not necessary, let Romen bring his spies, let them...

Her highness – it was heard along with knocking on the door – I have brought the documents that you requested regarding taxes.

Come inside Maeve - Addae said, turning her back on the ornate mirror she had on the wall of her room.

Addae watched as Maeve slowly entered her room, now she was already showing a certain limp, the years were finally taking their toll on the old woman. She had white hair tied in a tight knot, and a long indigo dress that made the paleness of her skin, now full of wrinkles, more noticeable.

Thank you, Maeve, please tell Qadeer that I want a word with him about the situation of the army, in a few minutes I will wait for him in the council room and tell Naim that today I will have dinner in my room, after talking to Qadeer. Close the door when leaving, thank you – Addae said, looking at her affectionately.

Of course, your highness – said Maeve walking towards the door as she left, when she was at the threshold she stopped, turning to look at her with affection and concern – your highness, were you talking to someone now? I heard you were talking to someone, but there is no one in the room, I was afraid I was interrupting you.

I was thinking out loud – Addae said quickly – It's a habit I have now that I'm alone.

You can always talk and ask my advice your highness, I know I am not an expert, but I have taken care of you since you were very little, I only wish the best for you – said Maeve, then slowly left the room, closing the solid wooden door behind her.

Thanks Maeve, I don't know what I would do without you – Addae thought.

How nosy! Listening to other people's conversations – she heard from the mirror.

No one knows you're here; everyone believes that you and our father died together - Addae said, turning around and looking at the reflection in the mirror.

The reflection that should be hers, and where she should be able to see herself, her long blonde hair and black eyes, was no longer there. Now in front of her was someone very similar in appearance, with the same eyes, but with a different look.

How can we be so similar, but at the same time so different? You have always thought that others want to hurt you or are against you, you fail to see the best in people, especially Maeve, who raised us after our mother committed suicide. Understand them, a phrase that Maeve always repeated to me since I was a child. Understand your mother, she was devastated by the death of your newborn brother, understand your brother, he is grieving for her absence and that is why he has that complicated temperament. But how can I understand that a mother chooses death over her two little children, how can I understand that abandonment. Fortunately for us, Maeve, was there to take care of us, otherwise we would have been on our own. – Addae thought, looking sadly at her brother in the mirror.

She only cares about me, nothing more - Addae said, turning her back on her brother. - I must go, Qadeer is waiting for me.

We will always be together sister, let's see what Qadeer tells us.

True, I still haven't gotten used to the fact that my mind and body are no longer just mine.

Qadeer was a robust, strong man of few words. He had been the leader of Esra's army for several years when the previous king was still alive. He had been able to keep the peace, even when Romen advised the king of the need to invade Druikstall, pointing out that his spies were planning an attack. Qadeer was not swayed without first being certain that it was true and prevented the war from being prolonged by entering into negotiations with the rulers of Druikstall.

But the shadow of war is upon us again, and now it's up to me. Several years have passed, and the news that Romen brings are not encouraging, my brother insists on war, I hope Qadeer has different news, otherwise it will be difficult times for the people of Esra.

Qadeer was waiting in the council room, standing by the window, he still looked like the strong and confident man, although older, almost without hair, but with a big beard that made him look even more serious than he always was.

Good afternoon Qadeer – said Addae as she closed the door to the royal council room – thank you for the wait.

The room was large, several paintings of ancestor kings and mirrors in gold frames covered the walls, a rectangular wooden table stood in the middle of the room; designed so that the royal council, which once consisted of fifteen people, including the king, the crown prince, Romen, and various generals and high-ranking officials of the kingdom, would meet to discuss the future of Esra; After the death of the king and her brother, the meetings became more and more distant, she was never part of the assemblies, so this room still seemed unknown and intimidating to her.

Good afternoon, your majesty – said Qadeer, turning to greet her – thank you for giving me your time, I know these are difficult times for you.

Thank you Qadeer, these are difficult times for the entire kingdom, that is why I need your advice. Romen insists that war is necessary, that his spies inform that the kingdom of Druikstall plans revenge for the loss of its prince, taking advantage of the fact that we are vulnerable to the death of the king and the crown prince, that it is necessary to invade before his army reach our shores. I have never wanted a war, but I don't know how I can avoid it.

I know, your highness – said Qadeer – similar reports are those that Romen has sent me, although I still cannot confirm their veracity, I have no reports of what is happening in Druikstall, my informants are silent, something is happening, but still, I do not know what it is.

And when you can be certain, if war is indeed imminent, we must prepare.

Give me a few days, I'll go to Druikstall myself if necessary. We must try to prevent war.

We cannot wait too long, nor appear weak. Do what is necessary to obtain the information about Druikstall's plans.

Of course, your highness – said Qadeer.

That would be all, I will wait for your news.

With a bow, Qadeer left the room, leaving Addae alone with her thoughts.

Qadeer is more fragile every day, he is not capable of taking the necessary actions to protect the kingdom, you should not wait so long, sister, you are vulnerable now, all the kingdoms know of your inexperience, they know that Esra is weak, you should show them that we are still the most powerful kingdom. – said Bador.

I know I don't have military experience, but I'm doing the best I can - Addae said, looking at the reflection in the mirror.

You should accept my help, I have experience in the military field, I can take this weight off your shoulders, let me make the decisions, let me help you.

Thank you, brother, I know I can trust you – Addae said as she slipped into the darkness