
Part 2: DREAMS AND OMENS / Qadeer

Qadeer sat at his desk, the weight of the years apparent on his furrowed brow. The room's dim light cast long shadows upon the polished wooden surface, where scattered spy reports lay. Hours of contemplation and strategic planning had etched lines of concern across his face as he sought alliances crucial for the kingdom's potential war. Beyond the castle walls, the hushed murmurs of the city settling for the night reached his ears.

These reports yield no concrete answers - he murmured, his weariness evident as he reclined in his chair, exhausted by ambiguity of the information before him.

A firm knock on the door jolted him from his reverie. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, Qadeer rose and approached the door. Upon opening it, he beheld Eskol standing with a solemn air, bowing respectfully.

You sent for me, General - Eskol stated.

Yes, Eskol, come in and take a seat – he said, pointing to a chair and closing the door behind Eskol.

How can I help you? – asked Eskol