
On Thedros

Now do you see why a larger ship would not have been able to pass over those rocks and currents? – Talia asked, getting out of the boat that took them to the shore, splashing water around her.

Yes, you were right, a bigger boat wouldn't have worked – Iryna responded, taking off her shoes and lifting her dress so as not to get wet.

On this island there is nothing but ruins, over there is what remains of the Ukruluh temple, and the ruins of Theravada are to the south of the island, that is where the oracle is supposed to be, if it existed – said Cygnus from the shore.

Talia ignored that last comment, pulling out the map she had brought with her to see the location of the temple. You are right – she said after examining the map – the oracle temple is to the south.

And why do you want to see this oracle? – Jano asked after tying the boat to a tree on the shore.

Talia and Iryna exchanged glances, remaining silent.