

What are you saying? Why do you ask that? – His mother responded surprised – come, sit next to me and tell me what is happening.

Cygnus looked at his mother, and saw the concern in her eyes. Cygnus found that look very strange, usually his mother only gave him peace of mind, his mother's eyes were always happy and calm, which made Cygnus's world a safe place; if his mother was calm, he was too. But now it was different, he could see the fear, sadness and worry in her eyes, and that caused Cygnus a greater fear than he was prepared to face.

Cygnus slowly walked to the chair next to his mother and sat down looking at his hands, he didn't know how to continue, thousands of questions were formulating in his head, but they all felt wrong. How could he ask his mother if she was really his mother without hurting her?