

This morning the sun is very strong – Cygnus commented to his parents while he looked at the port, waiting for Teor to arrive. It was early but the sun was already warming the beach, the seagulls were flying over the catches that were loaded from the boats; the coming and going of fishermen and merchants, trying to sell the fresh fish before leaving again.

The port of Zahra was the largest in Imgnar, almost all the fish that fed the kingdom came from there. It was a bustling port, boats arrived at all hours, bringing with them the fish they had obtained, as well as different merchandise from other kingdoms. There were large and small boats, of various colors; people from different places and cultures crossed paths at the port, hoping to sell what they had to leave again in search of greater profits and adventures.

Cygnus squeezed his hands as he looked at the beach, trying to calm his mind so the others wouldn't notice his worries.

Don't worry, son - Phineas said - I know you're nervous, but you're a good sailor, it's time you had a better boat.

Cygnus turned to look at his father, he was a strong but old man, he had been a fisherman all his life, his skin was cracked by the sun, and his hands were rough from using the nets for so many years, his green eyes still showed the strength of his youth and his desire to return to the sea.

But what if I can't? What if it's a mistake to spend all this money on the boat? – Cygnus asked distressed.

Son you are seventeen now, this is something you have saved for a long time, you are a very good captain, you know the sea better than anyone. Your father and I will be fine, we have a good home and our stall in the market, don't worry about us – said Belvina.

Thank you, mother, – Cygnus responded, looking again at the coming and going of the waves to relax.

Phineas, Belvina, good morning - they heard in the distance, when they turned, they saw Teor walking quickly towards them.

Good morning Teor – Phineas responded, smiling, and shaking his hand.

Cygnus Gamp – Teor said shaking his hand – is a good day to have your own boat, do you want to see it?

Let's go – said Cygnus responding to Teor's greeting.

It's this way, follow me – said Teor, guiding them between the boats, until they reached one that was white with blue stripes, which was small compared to the other boats around it.

Please come up – said Teor, who was already on the deck – here we have the hatch, as you will see everything is very well maintained, the posts are in perfect condition, there is no corrosion, that is the captain's cabin, over there are the lifebuoy, that's the main mast. Going down the hatch there are the interior chambers and the machinery room. The boat is ready to set sail at any time, and it is a small and easy to navigate boat, just what you need Cygnus.

How is the helmet condition? – Cygnus asked as he carefully observed the poles and cables, ignoring Teor's last comment.

In perfect condition, there is no rust or corrosion on this ship – Teor responded, pointing with his hand to the side of the ship.

"It's a good ship," Phineas said quietly to Cygnus - it's worth the money invested.

I will buy it – Cygnus said to Teor.

Perfect, I just need you to sign these documents and the gold we agreed upon – Teor responded, taking out some documents from his briefcase.

Everything is in order – said Cygnus as he signed the papers and gave him a bag with the gold pieces.

Now you are ready to sail, and to think that a few years ago your father taught you how to fish – said Belvina with tears in her eyes.

Thank you for your help – Cygnus said hugging his parents.

Are you ready to set sail yet? – His mother asked while she placed the last packages into the basket.

Yes, I'm ready, the crew should already be there – Cygnus responded.

It was already evening, the moon was beginning to appear in the sky, the sea was calm, the wind seemed favorable for Cygnus's first catch as captain.

And have you already painted the name on your boat? – Phineas asked, sitting in his favorite chair in front of the window.

Yes – Cygnus answered – it is called Korallion.

Jewel of the sea – Belvina commented – what a beautiful name, upon your return we will celebrate your first catch.

With a big hug, Cygnus said goodbye to his parents, took the basket carefully and left for the port.

Cygnus walked slowly, on more than one occasion he wanted to turn home, but they were waiting for him at the port and that made him continue on his way, his hands began to sweat and, on several occasions, he had to wipe them on his pants, looking around so that no one notice that.

Cygnus, here we are! – he heard from a distance, when he turned around, he saw Jano along with four more young men. Jano was a year older than him, he was thin but strong, with black hair that covered part of his face and brown eyes that shone when he smiled, his childhood friend, they had grown up together, and their passion for the sea had made them even more friends.

Jano – Cygnus answered – is this way, this is my ship, it's called Korallion, be careful with the paint on the name, I painted it recently.

It's a good ship – Jano commented when he arrived next to it – this is part of the crew, the rest is preparing to get on board, meet Gavin, Timothy, Arew and Elián. Cygnus watched them for a moment, Gavin was tall and thin, he had black hair and dark brown eyes, he looked happy, although he had a nervous smile and was constantly moving in his place; Timothy was shorter than Gavin, with long brown hair and hazel eyes, he stood with his hands in his pockets; Arew was the tallest of all, he had short curly reddish hair, his face was covered in freckles and he smiled in a friendly way, but the smile did not reach his eyes; Elián was the same size as Gavin but with a thicker build, without being fat, the way he stood denoted confidence and security, he had brown hair and dark green eyes.

Nice to meet you all – said Cygnus greeting everyone – let's get started, we have to leave early to take advantage of the wind.

The sea was calm, the moon was reflected in the ocean, the calm wind allowed them a safe trip. They set up the nets and waited while in the distance they saw the lights of Thedros, the island where the oracle was said to have once lived. After talking and enjoying what their mother had prepared for them, they raised the nets and celebrated the catch. The place they had chosen was suitable and they achieved an abundant catch. Happy for their first trip, they returned to the port of Zahra when the sun began to show its rays.