

Narrow had regained consciousness inside an expansive, compassing white room. He stumbled to his feet and cast a dazed gaze around himself before patting his body down.

Soft hands roamed over an immature figure, bringing his mind to a stuttering halt as he raised his hands and inspected pubescent extremities; he even had his fingerprints, something he lacked in his past life as a renowned assassin.

"There are no entrance or exit wounds. Something isn't right." He thought aloud, peering ahead, but it was all the same whiteness.

His last memories repeatedly played inside his mind as a sinister smile crossed his face.

Blood for blood. He had returned the humiliation he suffered and even served them their cold deserts when he betrayed them. He hoped his mother and his family were resting in peace now.

Narrow, the faceless assassin of the underworld, hadn't spared a single soul, weed, or even the family pets.

He had taken a saying from the stories he read as a happy teen living in an idealistic city, unburdened and unblooded by the realities of life with his mother and siblings.

After wandering heedlessly for what seemed like hours, something unexpected occurred. A standard black office desk that wouldn't be out of place inside a cubicle suddenly appeared mere moments later; without giving him time to take in the magical trick that had only happened in the stories he read, a man in a tuxedo popped into existence.

Narrow eyes slowly expanded, his mouth opened and closed, his mind turning over ideas.

He took in the figure, and a sense of acceptance settled into him, but his trained mind pushed it aside, and he slipped back into a martial arts stand, his hands coming up in preparation for a fight.

He had ideas, but each became as far-fetched as the first, but now his original one was spot on.

"I'm dead." He thought aloud. The man had taken a thick book out, not even sparing him a greeting.

Narrow stood in place, rooted in disbelief at his situation.

"Before I'm judged, can I talk to them?"

He asked, his fight draining from him with the drop of his arms.

The tuxedo-wearing man stared at him for three minutes, his golden irises further gluing him into place.

He cleared his throat, leaning back and closing the tome. Narrow eyes followed everything he was doing, and years of training hadn't fled him even now when he knew everything was for naught.

"That's an impossible feat for one such as I. Narrow is your name of choice? It's quite a moniker, but after reading your entire existence, I agree with it. Now, let's get down to why you're here and what is being offered."

Anger churned in his gut at being turned down, and the conflagration soon found itself on his face as his youthful features morphed into righteous anger.

"I'm not sorry for ending them all. If I can't see them, send me to hell and get it over with."

As he mentally prepared himself, he threatened.

"Fuck you!" Snarled Narrow, his voice breaking with emotion.

One eye quirked at the explosive outburst, and a tired smile crossed his judge's face.

"Emotions are harder to control when you're stuffed into a new body."

"I never believed in you anyway. Where were you when my family needed you."

"They are aware of your proclivities."

Incensed at God's words, he exclaimed.

"You can't judge me!"

"I'm not here to judge you." The man replied as he flipped through the pages slowly, stopping on pages only to mutter unintelligible words.

Narrow tensed and made efforts to move, but he was a statue.

"That's quite the will you have. You've managed to flex somewhat. That volcanic will easily explain your existence."

"The only reason I can't end you is because it's not fair," his voice cracked, "Nothing is fair."

"Life is cheap in the moral worlds; someone such as you should understand that, but I do understand all that death and blood, and then it's suffused into a newborn shell."

"You keep saying things I don't understand. Just do what you must."

The man eyed him dispassionately, almost how an individual would admire someone insignificantly.

"I shall do just that," he said, closing the book and focusing on Narrow.

"Now, I'm not your God; I'm an Arbiter. Spare me the outburst and listen."

He raised his hand, and Narrow's mouth clenched shut.

"You're dead; I'm glad you understand that. And no, your parents cannot be reached as they have already entered the lake of reincarnation. Understand?"

He lowered his hands, giving him back control.

Narrow nodded.

"Good. This will speed the process up quicker. Narrow, as stated to be the name of your choosing, I must first apologize on behalf of the powers that be."

"Were they happy?" He said in a rush of emotions.

"Ah. I see. Let's address these worries so we can continue. Your family relinquished their rights to compensation in favor of bolstering your own."

"Why?" He suddenly felt a wave of emotions that threatened to consume him.

The man waved a hand at him and shook his head, declining to give reason.

"Quiet the sacrifice that was, too." He muttered, reading over something Narrow couldn't see.

"This isn't normal compensation. I understand you're aware of reincarnation and transmigration?"

Narrow swallowed, understanding what was occurring.

"Interesting," he said, "Your family will find each other in every life as long as their souls remain."

He heaved and stared at the man, wanting to hear more; these emotions consumed him.

"Because of their karma, they will be better compensated than most."

A tear streaked down his cheek, and he moved his arm; it was rigid, slow, and like swimming against the current, but he managed to wipe the tears from his face.

"Incredible. It is rare to see such a potent soul like you, and now I see how you accomplished those feats in your past life."

He cleared his throat and tapped against the tome before him like a judge presiding over the court.

"Rest easy knowing they're in a better place and will remain that way bar all the common pitfalls of mortal life."

He nodded.

"I'm a judge of souls. Thank me as a lawyer with minor judge-like powers."

He nodded. What else was he supposed to do? Not God, nor a god, but a lawyer with powers to judge.

"So, why am I in need of an arbiter?"

"Because your death wasn't ordained." He declared with great concern etched across his facial features.

"A cosmic hiccup occurred, and Arbiters intervened at the gods' behest. Now, if it was a simple death like a heart attack or maybe a truck hitting you while crossing the road out of nowhere, I could snap my fingers, and miraculously, you would survive and get an interview on the local news station or whatever."

"My purpose is to offer you a second chance at life." He raised his hand, stopping the teen.

"Whatever unfinished business you had on your previous world is not my concern, nor can your choices be used to return or distort an already disarrayed balance."

Narrow's shoulder slumped.

"Don't fret; your last endeavor has set the mortal perpetrators back; I'm not even sure they could recover before others pick them off."

Narrow spirits rose at that.

"Moving forward. I'm empowered to offer you four choices; think of them as wishes or upgrades, entirely of your choosing; your imagination is the limiting factor on what you decide on."

"As an avid reader, I know you've read stories about this scenario?"

Narrow nodded his head.

"Great. Sign here; slide your hand across the bottom half. He said as he scrolled unrolled in front of him.

"Shouldn't I read this?" Narrow asked, taking the scroll.

"Once you sign it, the details will be known to you." Narrow looked at the man in disbelief. What kind of shit was that?

"As your arbiter, I work for you, and only you at this moment frozen in time."

Narrow reluctantly rubbed his hand across the bottom half after glancing at the scroll's contents.

His vision began to spot black dots emerging around him as he rapidly blinked.


The man stood from his black desk and said, "Your innermost self has chosen. Think of it as a stopgap to your conscious self-making mistakes. I also want to warn you that your choices will affect the world. Humility should always be abundant, but who am I to say that to someone like you? I do hope we never meet again. Goodbye.

The God's litigator tipped his white top hat and vanished.

Suddenly, a mechanical voice spoke inside the white room. Your choices are being modified to your settings…

The Host has chosen a pseudo-system that includes missions and rewards for completion.

I am applying System as primary!

The Host has chosen to transmigrate into the Shinobi world.

Adjusting world….

World adjustment halted…

The Host has chosen Shinigami( Bleach) as an Archetype.

World adjustment halted. The host Body isn't prepared. Halting Zanpakutō manifestation until world adjustment is complete.

The Host has chosen One piece as an Archetype.

One piece is the second archetype. Altering wish to function better. One piece archetype has been turned to Kekkei-Genkai( Bloodline Release)

Applicable backstory required. Naruto Uzumaki's backstory was slotted—discrepancies were discovered.

Solution found.

The world is adjusting to your arrival! Please wait patiently.

Adjustments underway!

While the world is being adjusted, please modify your appearance to your liking.

He couldn't believe this was happening because of his parent's selflessness.

He rubbed his hands together and started clicking on the screen.

Character Sheet being generated!

Adjustment Completed!

Welcome to your new life. As cosmic law requires, your mortal life will be erased, and any experience you have will be translated into muscle memory.

Enjoy your new life.

"What?" He exclaimed before the dark spots rapidly consumed the room.