
9. Daily life

Today was a special day at blair's house, they welcomed a new family member today. Hilda gave birth to a boy, they named him Kane. Ast was 6 years old now he still avoided his family except Anya and did not joined his family on this occasion, and his family did the same as in their eyes he would be a burden to his family in the future.

Ast had a separate room it wasn't anything special but still he was happy as he got ample privacy, Anya came to his room this day asking " why didn't you came to meet Kane Ast", Anya was a year older and sometimes thinks of teaching Ast lessons on social behaviour cause in her eyes Ast was a bit anti social, though he was her favourite but still he was a bit of an oddball.

" Hmm I was busy Anya you won't get it" Ast replied.

" I am older than you, what won't i get, as your older sis it's my responsibility to teach you things, you won't understand my burdens Ast" Anya exclaimed while pouting proudly.

" My cute little sis you don't have to worry about me hehe" Ast said while pinching her cheeks.

" Stop that Ast. Call me older sis from now"

Anya replied annoyingly. " Anya when are we going out to see the forest? " asked Ast while changing the topic.

" Hmm lets go tomorrow all would be busy tending to Kane this is a good opportunity to sneak out what do you think, oh by the way Ast why don't you go check your affinity from that stone today. I want to know how capable is my cute brother." said Anya.

" okay, but we will go in the evening when no one's there and don't tell anyone about my affinity okay. And also you have kept me not being sick anymore a secret right? " Ast asked, he knew that this freedom that he has now would be gone if his parents were to know of this.

" yeah yeah i have kept your secret, but i don't get whats with all this secrecy "Anya replied.

" Okay then let's wait for the evening and then we will go, oh by the way are you studying about your elements Anya? " he asked

" why are you always pestering me about this stuff Ast, it looks like I am the one who is younger.. " anya was clearly annoyed.

Ast knew it would be hard to explain to her how important it was for her to be able to create a new element that suits her the best and not just simply go with the fundamental one. After going to the library a lot Ast came to know that almost all of the kids go with the fundamental elements to bind with their soul and this whole process of altering the elements to match yourself was not even properly mentioned anywhere neither it was a known practice in those academies. But from his conversation with the old man and his through research in the history books he came to know that many of the historic figures have had indeed done some changes to the elements before merging them. Although it was not explicitly mentioned anywhere but one had to read between the line and look at the skills they created and the feats they achieved. So he was forcing Anya to have an in depth knowledge of her elements and later and slowly through the years he would explain her what to do. This showed how close he was to her as it involves his many secrets.

"Anya just trust me on this one. I don't want my older sister to be weaker than me when we grow up. I have found a way to be super powerful and will also let you be powerful like me aso that we can travel the world together you and me. You remember right it's you and me against the world.. " Ast said while looking intently at Anya.

" Yes I will trust you then. It will be our secret Ast. Don't tell anyone else about the method ok. " she said looking adorably at Ast as if stars were formed in her eyes. To Anya it was her dream to travel the world with Ast, she trusted him the most.