
40. Auction(3)

Ast didn't knew the participants in the auction but it was clear that owning this set of books will bring trouble but he was prepared. As no one knew his identity and anyway he was planning to rob the auction house anyway.

Yes Ast was planning to rob some of the most precious items from the auction house. His confidence wavered a bit in the beginning but he had planned meticulously and his element had no restrictions whatsoever inside the auction house.

Ast bid a total of 10 millions and won the set of books in bidding. But he could feel many gazes upon himself. But he wasn't disturbed as new items would be brought soon and people will stop bothering him, that was what he was thinking.

The auction continued and many precious items were sold, but none of them piqued Ast's interest. He waited patiently for the main event.

" Ladies and gentlemen, we have arrived at the important hour that you all have been waiting for. So let me introduce you all to Mr. Sean who is present with us today and will takeover the stage from this point. Mr Sean it our privilege to be amongst the presence of an elite elementalist like you. Everyone please welcome the pride of our Ditri continent, level 9 elementalist also known as the flame emperor Mr. Sean Doom "

" Hello everyone, thank you for your warm welcome. I Sean Doom, here representing the Royal Faction will elaborate you all on what we have in store for you. I am going to display a few items to you all, but let me warn you all these items are not for sale. Before you start getting angry let me elaborate. The things you will see are the things which even we the royal faction are unable to figure out.

And as you might have guessed these items all came from the elemental nodes. So I will display the items and if you know anything about them, please come forward and cooperate with us.

We will compensate you accordingly but yeah there is a twist"

Sean was a middle aged man with short red hair. In the beginning he had an air of authority and benevolence but as he continued speaking it was replaced with malice.

Sean had a wide grin on his mouth " The trick is that you have to tell us the truth whether you like it or not. So the thing is that all of you are prominent people gathered here and we have a golden opportunity to know your secrets don't you think so"

Soon there was gas seeping inside the whole auction house and all exits were locked completely. "Before you do something stupid let me tell you that, we have already checked your ranks and powers and even if all of you were to band together, I could burn you all to ash within seconds. So just cooperate. The gas you all can see is some sort of truth serum or something mixed with something that further restricts your use of elements. Hahaha not fair right. Don't worry after we are done with this all you won't remember anything. Magical isn't it. Hahaaah "

Ast checked if his powers were restricted but to his surprise there was no negative effect on his powers. On the other hand Anya was feeling a bit shocked and scared as she could not even muster a spark of lightning.

" Brother what are we going to do " Anya asked with her eyes bulging out as if this was the end.

"Don't worry my powers are not affected. And I think its time for us to start our own plan. Stay close and plug your ears we don't know if we will be able to defy his orders due to the effects of the gas. Be ready now ok, hold my hands " Ast said while giving Anya the ear plugs.

Ast wanted two things now. Firstly he wanted to create some chaos and disrupt the royal faction's plan and secondly he could see the precious items kept in a box near Sean and his plan was to run away with it. But it was easier said than done.

The structure of the auction house was circular in nature with the periphery facing outside with some windows and the centre stage was where the host would display the items.

With some practice Ast had begun to feel the shadows even without being able to see them. And to his advantage besides Sean he believed no one else was able to use their elements so all others were weak at this moment. A plan formed in his head.

Ast closed his eyes to sense the shadow of two people towards the far end in a closed chamber. He took two knives out of his storage ring and threw them into his shadow. The knives appeared out in a room away from their room and plunged into the heads of two people who by the looks of it were some nobles.

There were other people in that room and they quickly started shouting and screaming seeing the two dead nobles. This attracted Sean attention and he quickly moved towards their room to check what was going on. Seeing this opportunity Ast activated his powers and quickly moved the treasure box through its own shadow into their room.

Ast moved the box in his ring and went near the windows with Anya.