
38. Auction

Ast raised both his hands and admitted defeat. He was afraid Anya would attack him if he was a second late.

Seeing this Anya quickly removed her skill and jumped in joy. "Yes hehehe now you realise the greatness of your Anya... Hehe.." Anya was laughing loudly with a proud expression on her face. Seeing this Ast got up and patted her head.

" Yeah yeah our Anya is overpowered" Ast said while smiling warmly. " So, what lesson did you learnt from our spar Ast?" Anya asked him seriously, as if taking the role of an older sibling.

Seeing this Ast tried his best to hold his laughter. He knew if he laughed Anya would be pissed. " Never underestimate your opponent. And always include Anya in your plans. That's what I have learnt"

"Yeah yeah you should also follow this my stupid brother" it was now Anya's turn to rub his head. Seeing this Ast felt warm and pinched her cheeks.

Ast asked more about Anya's skill. Anya had named her skill god mode it gave extra buff to all her attributes almost tripling them for about half hour. Ast was shocked hearing this. According to his knowledge the first skill that an elementalist gains should not be this overpowered. But both he and her sister got overpowered skill.

Though his skill was not too overpowered in combat it had several other uses and if used creatively its application were endless. He could use his skill to carry someone with him jumping from one shadow to another. Currently 300m was his reach but with time and proficiency that could be increased.

He could also move objects throgh shadows which could either be used to attack or support.

He also asked Anya about how she was hovering, but she told him that it came with the skill and she didn't do it purposely. Ast also asked her how she learnt the skill and she told him that it was like a new muscle memory was fed into her brain.

But to Ast's surprise she was the one who named her skill. When he tried asking the system about the same he got no answer. Ast was a bit suspicious of his system although naming a skill isn't that big a deal. But there might be a possibility that either the system had some agenda of its own or the 'old man' that Ast had met initially was hatching some plan behind his back.

Ast made a mental note to not use the system if not absolutely necessary(overly cautious).

Ast and Anya now decided to move inside Aldi and collect information about the auction as well as the competition. Anya wanted them to move separately but Ast declined. Although she defeated him Ast ability was ideal for escape and finally Anya relented.

They both entered the town, with hoods and masks hiding their identity they looked very suspicious but right now the town was crowded and many others were also using the same means to hide their identity.

Later in the evening they booked a spacious room to rest. Auction was to be held in the noon tomorrow and upon investigation they found the auction was conducted by the royal auction house. It was a undertaking of the royal family of the continent and was a trusted company throughout the continent.

But Ast still needed to plan ahead as they were going against a prominent family of the continent, he wasn't sure if any nobles can be trusted anymore. From what he has seen and read nobles only spoke the language of profit and to trust them would be stupid.

From all the gold they found in the cave and from the amount that he stole from Blair treasury and fromRay and Tim, Ast had collected around 50 million gold coins in total(1 platinum coin =1 million gold). This was an astronomical amount major of which came from the cave.

The main reason why Ast wanted to participate in the auction was his curiosity about the magical things of this world. So the first thing that Ast did in the next morning was to book a vip chamber in the auction for 10k gold then he and Anya went through the town. Anya was given the task to restock their supplies and buy what they might need while Ast was busy mapping out the town in case they need to escape.