
2. Life of Axel

Axel had a pretty normal life up to this point but his personality is nothing as simple as it seems. In a family of 4, Axel has a younger brother by the name of Ron, a strict father with a superiority complex and a mother with a mild knack for religious fanatism.

During his primitive years up until he was 8 years old he was used to living with his grandmother which changed one day which was hard for him to cope with but with time things got into a routine and life goes on.

From his very childhood, he has had an active imagination and a habit of questioning and challenging authority. At later stages, he got interested in physics and found many of his questions answered and some new questions forming in his head.

As he was not too close with his family he found physics interesting and relaxing other than that he liked to play games and read fantasy-based stories.

He got into a prestigious institute and pursued physics as he wanted but at some point, he lost his passion and among the praises and accolades something elementary was lost which made him love what he does the most.

He decides to go towards government services and wanted to find his new passion but from the enchanting theories of quantum physics to jump towards the selflessness of social justice coupled with the hypocrisy of most of the civil and social structures it became hard to stay true to what one wants. And slowly and gradually mediocracy took over.

What followed was not pretty but common across the world an unemployed 26-year-old living with his parents bidding his time and waiting for inspiration to hit but to no avail.

Axel's love life was a bit dull for the most part and having had a bad experience in this regard earlier he wasn't that trusting.

this chapter is just kind of get to know the protagnist ..so as to make sense of the decisions he make but his personality and thinking will become more clear as the story goes on.

To_be_continuedcreators' thoughts