
1. Intro(I will rewrite this whole book, so check out my other book for the time being)

Have you ever wondered about the place of humanity in this vast universe, scientist says that we have a huge carbon footprint on the earth, but are we that significant in this world which we know so less about?

Are we a part of history or just a blip in this vast ocean of time? These are the thoughts that accompany me daily. Although the importance of humanity can be questioned what has become pretty clear to me is that my life is certainly just a waste of breath.

Don't get me wrong I have had great opportunities in my life and a great academic career which could have resulted in something but some poor choices here and some there and here we are an unemployed single fellow with non-existent social life. My greatest plus point is my ability to view things in a very different way and my curiosity which brought me success but the thorn of procrastination sunk my boat or so I thought.

I, Axel Jair a physicist in the making left my dream in the middle and thought of going in the direction of civil services only to realise that grass is always greener.

After three years of constant failure in this new line of work I had completely lost my passion and was just numbly going on with my life, it's just that I have been having some weird dreams for weeks.

In these dreams,m always a particle travelling the space fast very fast barely able to see where I am going in space as fast as light. And September 2nd 20222 was just another day with a similar dream in my mundane life.

This was the last sentence that Axel wrote hisississisissry before going to sleep and what happened next was something magical frightening and breathtaking at the same time.

hi akshit this side, first of many to come ... wait for it...

a magical journey to begin , i invite you to be a part of it.

To_be_continuedcreators' thoughts