

in the cafeteria everyone eating Samantha as always sit on a different table and enjoy her lunch alone others looking at her

SAMANTHA- so now you four can join groups very easily.

all four of them surprised and realise

yes it's all thanks to your training.

yeah if you weren't give us training we all lose our spars.

yeah thanks a lot.

thanks you so much now I can join beakdu.

Samantha just smile at their reactions and keep eating her lunch then the girl ask

what about you three what group you going to join union or shinhwa?

she ask while looking at wooin, jiwoo after Samantha and other three also looking at Samantha for her answer

SAMANTHA- Nah I'm independent awakened one I like to do whatever I want and live my life however I like yes it's dangerous but I have my both brothers to protect me.( well im strong enough to take down a top 10 ranker and now with kayden's force control like heel anyone can hurts me except kayden himself )

she said looking at jiwoo and wooin with her warm smile

so you two also not going to join any group?

JIWOO- yep I also want to be an independent awakened one like noona.

WOOIN- same here.


after everyone return to thair room to rest after sparing well that suppose to be but for some reason everyone is samantha's room?

SAMANTHA- don't you guys need rest after the spar?

Nah im good.

I can still fight another spar.

yeah my spar also end pretty easily so I don't feel like rest.

SAMANTHA- hmmm....so now we all have free time why not work of the force control me.jang taught us?

everyone look a each other and sit down samantha only one who was sitting on the bed since other people sitting on the flore

SAMANTHA- I kinda feel bad for only one sitting on the bed.

well you said comfort made us weak rights?

SAMANTHA- yeah now im the who break my own lesson.

after everyone laugh at her word everyone work on thair force control expect wooin, jiwoo both of them work on thair mistake while thinking about their sister combat training and go through again and again to improve.

samantha looking at them and outside while kayden on her lap


KAYDEN-(™ huh?)

SAMANTHA-(™ I love you)

KAYDEN-(™ I love you too)

samantha surprised

SAMANTHA-(™ huh? that it?)

KAYDEN-(™ is there anything else to say? or do you expect me to do something naughty?)

kayden look at samantha with smirk smile

SAMANTHA-(™ well I know a virgin like you can't do that but that's not what I mean you just reply too casual to my confession not even flinched even a bit?)

KAYDEN-(™huh? well I get used to your I love you oppa the only difference is that you just remove oppa so yeah I just reply the same way as back then when we used to live together)

SAMANTHA-(™ hah....hey I can change gender you know?)

KAYDEN-(™ huh? yes you can so what?)

SAMANTHA-(™you never take advantage of me because of my age so I was thinking if we both change our gender we can do some naughty stuff)


kayden shocked looking at her with wide eyes

SAMANTHA-(™no not exactly well....in a way yes you can say that)

KAYDEN-(™ aggh...you and your ideas and what made you think I agree?)

SAMANTHA-(™ well because you never do anything to me so I just thought if we change our role you might agree?)

KAYDEN-(™ seriously how can you say those word with a straight face)

SAMANTHA-(™ because im talking to you)

KAYDEN-(™ what that suppose to mean?)

SAMANTHA-(™well because you already seen me naked many times before)

she also said that with a straight face like yeah what the deal

KAYDEN-(™hah....dont talk to jiwoo about this topic and no I don't change my gender only for lust I can wait years for you to grow up)

SAMANTHA-(™ ok but you know high rank female awakened ones like me age slower then you)

KAYDEN-{™um....we still have to train jiwoo more two years right?)

SAMANTHA-(™ oh yeah )

she reply with a smile and start working on her force control

KAYDEN-(™ phew~)

after everyone work on thair force control for whole evening and return to their room's in the night

and what she meant was while sparing with kayden many times both kayden and samantha get damage on thair casual clothes pant and t-shirt and the question is samantha's clothes also get damage while fighting other awakened ones?

the answer is no because her shorts and long sleeve made by world strongest thread combination of spider silk and nylon oh made by samantha herself

next day

was no classes because professors hold a meeting about the future of the unaffiliated ones


beakdu representative professor

wooin, jiwoo and that red hair girl samantha were classified as unaffiliated they have been trained more systematically then most affiliated students!

INHYUK- why is that a problem? what important is that they weren't and aren't affiliated with any group.

park also nod on inhyuk's statement

again beakdu professor ask

that just a claim without evidence! and what about that girl don't you feel the power behind her electrical attack? do you think I believe that she can achieve all that on her own!?

everyone went silent

INHYUK- samantha used to live abroad for her study and she used to fight friendly spar with other awakened ones for years of her staying abroad and now she became most powerful among the awakened ones group she used to fight.

everyone seem to surprise knowing the fact

the beakdu professor again ask

....and what about jiwoo and wooin?

INHYUK- huh? jiwoo is her brother so it's common she trained jiwoo herself and wooin also taught by his mentor.

I don't think there a problem with them being strong

everyone surprised at mir professor words

I also think there's not much of an issue here. we seen many unaffiliated awakened ones with mentor before.

beakho's second professor said

MS.KO- I would like to test out samantha's ability to communicate with animals.

she also can control animals?

beakdu professor ask with confuse look

yeah you said something like this yesterday

halla professor ask

MS.KO- yes from how she control duri her commune ability also outstanding but im still curious of her bond with her....boyfriend cat.

everyone surprised expect park and inhyuk

boy..friend cat?!

other four ask

next day

samantha get notice to show up in the arina with her cat for her commune ability test in the morning


samantha enter the arina with kayden by her side and in the arina all professors already present


she said and ms.ko ask

MS.KO- so this cat is the animal who help you with your daily works?

SAMANTHA- yeah...he like to eat hehe.

MS.KO-....I can see that....ahem so let's start the test.


after ms.ko take some test of samantha with kayden

first test information transfer behind the wall


dodge obstacles

pass without touching any of them


well... just directly go to the end from around the maze

MS.KO- like you said he smart for a cat you said he can throw cat punch right? I like to test his punch force.

halla professor ask

um...ms.ko what is cat punch?

MS.KO- well I also find that recently on Internet after hearing that from samantha it a ruthless attack used by cats.

oh...i first time hear this fact.

SAMANTHA-so how you gonna test that? dose academy have any device to measure that?

MS.KO- yes we have

we don't need that I can do the last test myself.

beakdu professor said

MS.KO- mr.seong I don't think that's necessary.

SEONG- but wouldn't it be better test this myself then any device and I like to test her commune ability myself and clear up my doubts about her other ability.

SAMANTHA- I don't mind and a experience and powerful awakened one is better then some device.

SEONG- see she also alright with this and don't worry I only defend without using my power.

MS.KO- hah...alright just be careful.

SEONG- yes of course.

seong stand in the arina front of kayden on his backside samantha standing

SAMANTHA- are you ready?

SEONG- yes just start.( im gonna kill this cat i'll just say it was an accident.)

seong smirk and think about killing kayden but his nightmare start



everyone shocked expect samantha






kayden on top seong's chest and grabbing his collar with left clow and punching his with right clow



KAYDEN-( consider yourself lucky I only beating you she kill you if I didn't step is bastard be GRATEFUL HERE'S A KITTY PUNCH YOU PUNK!)


seong close his eyes while dreaming about his ancestor and


seong fell on the ground unconscious kayden come back to samantha's side she pick kayden up in her hand and look at the professors

SAMANTHA- inhyuk I see killing intend in his eyes he was about to kill my cat.

INHYUK- what!!?

everyone shocked hearing this

samantha turn and left with a pokerface kayden on her hands

MS.KO- her cat's combat power is quite high.

INHYUK- hah...so first thing first let's take seong to the medical center.

everyone nod

samantha back in her room with kayden

samantha looking outside the window and kayden trying his punches

KAYDEN- this cat punch is pretty useful.

SAMANTHA- why didn't you break his core?

KAYDEN- hah...well he is a member of this Academy and I already break his nose,skull and some broken teeth more specific sixteen in total and why you get angry do you think that puck even able to scratch me?

(author- how kayden know all about his health? since he has samantha's force control it's help him to examine the condition of others health example animal,human, awakened)

SAMANTHA- im not angry because he show bloodlust towards you but he try to kill you think you as a normal cat just because I beat his group's rookie such a foolish way to get revenge on me.

KAYDEN- well his bad luck im not a cat.

SAMANTHA- forget that fucker lets do force control and the class start from tomorrow.

after both do thair force control and the others kids were also busy with force control

next day

everyone waiting for the professors standing side by side



everyone looking at the discretion with full confidence smile


inhyuk, park and jang smile proudly

JANG- good morning and... samantha everyone in the academy talking about how you knocked down sucheon in one attack even principal confuse as well.

SAMANTHA- what about them?

she said looking at her brothers and fellow students

INHYUK- everyone surprised seeing how powerful the unaffiliated students are but since you are the who trained them all everyone interest in you more then others.

SAMANTHA- now the main topic is the principle approval our request of getting same treatment as affiliated ones?

other students also looking at the professors

JANG- yes from now on unaffiliated students will be as equally educated as the affiliated ones.


jiwoo ask with excitemeant and the others also smiled seeing jiwoo excitement and the information

INHYUK- classes will begin in a few days and some still don't like this idea about get equally treated.

SAMANTHA- who cares about them we earn this chance by our hard work right guys!


everyone happy smiling and happy about thair achievement

the class went normal running, head stand and last force control

next day also went same

after lunch before evening samantha, jiwoo and kayden walking outside

SAMANTHA- hey oppa I fell so jealous of you.

KAYDEN- why is that?

SAMANTHA- you only eat, sleep, shit and repeat you don't have to attended boring classes.

JIWOO- hehe..

jiwoo smile awkwardly

KAYDEN- but you are the one who said she want to attend classes like a normal high school girl?

SAMANTHA- that only for high school not some awakened academy or boring training and I start going high school because I want to spend time with jiwoo just like a normal sister going high school with her brother.

KAYDEN- heh brocon.

SAMANTHA- hey who are you calling brocan huh?!

JIWOO- sis don't get angry mr.kayden just tease you.

KAYDEN- jiwoo you are no fun.

JIWOO- hehe sorry.

samantha pout in anger

JIWOO- {cute}~

KAYDEN- yeah you look so cute when you get angry samantha dar~ling.

she extremely embarrassed by kayden's statement and look away to hide her crimson red face but you can still see her red ears jiwoo looking at her with a warm smile

KAYDEN- oh is the great samantha blushing?

kayden said to tease her and it work

SAMANTHA- NO! im not!

she disagree but you can still see her crimson red face

KAYDEN- hahaha I love that side of yours.

her face become even more red

JIWOO- hehe.

SAMANTHA- what the heel are you laughing at!?

JIWOO- sorry but it the first time I see you blushing this hard normally you look so cool but now you look so cute.

he said with warm smiling face.

SAMANTHA- hah you know you also look so cute normally but when you smile you look so handsome.

JIWOO- huh? do I.

SAMANTHA- yep want prove?

JIWOO- how you gonna prove that?

SAMANTHA- simple just said I love you noona with a smile.


he was confuse how that gonna prove that

KAYDEN- hah just smile and say that then you understand.

JIWOO- oh ok I love you noona.

he said with a bright and warm smile


JIWOO- huh? you were record all that?

SAMANTHA- yep and now im gonna share that with the others.

JIWOO- others? jisuk and others?

SAMANTHA- nope some world ranker who known for his handsome face.

JIWOO- huh? awakened?

KAYDEN- oh you are talking about him?

SAMANTHA- who else.

she said with a devil smile


both kayden and samantha laughing with thair devil smile sounds so horrified sends a shiver down jiwoo's spines and makes him uncomfortable.

sorry about late chapter well first my accident and now father's health well I was in the hospital for past few days with dad and who like to write in that kind of situation? when I was admitted I continue writing because of boredom and for the promise I made on my first fanfic hah...thanks for reading the chapter and if anyone waiting for my story sorry for the late and PearOfDeezNuts thank you only for your comments I still continue the story or else I might lost hope because of my horrible grammar and spelling mistakes well thanks to everyone who still reading my fanfic despised my all mistakes....thanks a lot..