

the story about a girl who love her brother more then anyone in her life BUT..... WHAT HAPPENED WHEN SHE LEARN ABOUT AWAKENED ONES? AND JIWOO IS ONE OF THEM?!! will she help him to grow stronger? or live a normal life? or will she leave him?!! and what if she also an awakened one?!! wanna know? go read this I don't own eleceed it's just one of my ideas I want to see in eleceed and English is not my first language so you can find many grammar and spelling mistakes sorry for that in advance please comment on my mistakes I solve them thanks for reading the synopsis

SAM_ZOLDYCK · Anime und Comics
Zu wenig Bewertungen
40 Chs



jiwoo enter the school campus and start thinking about

JIWOO-( I wonder what happened to wooin...he got hurt because of me and even fought with his professor.i wonder if he is ok)

after jiwoo enter his class room and notice wooin is not in the class

JIWOO-(wooin is not here.)

and thinking about what happened yesterday and just going to sit on his seat but someone call him from behind

ha shit took forever.

jiwoo look back and confuse and the boy again said

bitch didn't think you'd see us again right?


he reply

this fucker he doesn't remember us!

jiwoo reply innocently

JIWOO-huh? who are you?

ah shit you looking down on us?

then jiwoo remember that he seen the three with jisuk yesterday.


you remember now? where is the other basterd?

the other students start whispering and he yell at them


the student turn around and stop whispering then he again look at jiwoo and tilted his head right side and said

too bad your friend didn't come and we can't let you run away like last time...

he then kick jiwoo in the leg jiwoo can't react to that sudden kick and fall back on the ground

hurts dose it? huh? shit you are in pain already? we're just started.

again he kick jiwoo in the chest and jiwoo CRASH at hit desk and his head hit the desk the the boy again said

ha, this son of a bitch sure know how to fly.

both three students laughing at jiwoo then WHACK

someone kick the boy who kick jiwoo in face the boy CRASH hit the wall and fall on the ground everyone look surprised who is this girl student can't see her face because of her hoodie then he look at other two students and said

leave or you also become like him!

and point her finger at the boy lying in the ground and the boys shout


like heel I scared of a girl!

WHACK WHACK she punch both of them one in stomach and other in face and both of them THUD THUD fell unconscious on the ground the students in the class look shocked what happened just a single girl knockout the school bully's alone with only three hit?!

she turn around and stretch her hand toward jiwoo and said

give me your hand

JIWOO- huh?

jiwoo look confused

GRAB she just grab the hand and pull jiwoo up from the ground jiwoo still look confused who is she then she remove her hoodie and smile

so wanna to shopping after school?

JIWOO- sis!

SAMANTHA- yep but I ask a question.

JIWOO- we talk later if teacher come you get into trouble.

SAMANTHA- heh you don't have to worry about that

then everyone hear

hay! what's going on here?! you kids fighting in the classroom? which one of you started it?

yes it's teacher and sir enter the class and see three unconscious body and shout that them

TEACHER- it's you guys again?! every time...! who did you fight with? jiwoo? jiwoo seo?....did you....fight them?

SAMANTHA- nope sir it's me.

she said with a smile

TEACHER- huh?...but who are you? you didn't look like this school student.

SAMANTHA- yes sir I'm not I came here to take jiwoo to hospital because he get into a little accident yesterday and when I enter the class room this three bully jiwoo even kick on his injured body so I just pay them back.

she said with a smile teacher look surprised at her word and said

TEACHER-hmm...hah so you are saying you beat them to protect jiwoo right?

SAMANTHA- yes sir but if I break any rule of this school for helping jiwoo then I am sorry sir.

and she bow her head teacher reply

TEACHER- you don't have to do that I am already get lot of complains against this three you just protect jiwoo.

SAMANTHA- thank you sir and can jiwoo take an early leave for today I want to get him checked at the doctor.

TEACHER- oh of course if he injured he should go to a doctor.

SAMANTHA- thank you sir.

she again bow her head and hold jiwoo's hand and walk out of the class after both of them leave the school building kayden also join them.

JIWOO- what are you two doing here?

SAMANTHA- well I just want to go shopping but after I remember your health is not that good so it's good to check yourself to a normal doctor.

JIWOO- oh... but I'm all good after you heal me.

SAMANTHA-oh that good to hear.

KAYDEN- she miss her beloved brother that's why we are here.


KAYDEN- what? you said that yourself.

SAMANTHA- I just said we should visit jiwoo not that much.

KAYDEN- yeah yeah.

JIWOO- hmm...what about you mr.kayden?

KAYDEN- I just wanted to have a look around...

SAMANTHA- bullshit he just tag along for his meao bites, kayden the FAT CAT!

KAYDEN- it's not my fault I change in a hurry!

SAMANTHA- whatever that's not change that fact.

JIWOO-hehe oh but wooin didn't come to school today.


JIWOO- oh sis might not know but yesterday me and Mr.kayden fight with some awakened one and wooin is the one who try to protect me.

KAYDEN- yeah he that professor's student you talk about yesterday.

SAMANTHA- what! he also have student? that a new information. so what about him?

she said looking at jiwoo

JIWOO- I wonder if he's doing ok.

KAYDEN-you know you half dead back there right?


SAMNTHA- well forget about that so what you wanna eat in dinner I make you anything you want.

KAYDEN- I don't wanna eat that shit anymore I want to try meow bites and some other different type of cat food.

SAMANTHA- I'm talking to jiwoo not you.

KAYDEN- oh..

SAMANTHA- shameless even after I make new dishes everyday for you ungrateful awakened one.

KAYDEN- hehe truth is bitter right.

SAMANTHA- jiwoo you take oppa home I can go shopping alone.

STEP STEP STEP STEP and she run toward the supermarket direction

JIWOO- mr.kayden you hurt her feelings...

KAYDEN- yeah... I shouldn't joke about that...


I was running toward the supermarket before entering the market I stop running and enter slowly

and go to foods section and get a cark and picked everything I need and go to counter for bill


everyone talking about how Samantha look


look how beautiful she is

who is she?

is she a celebrity?

is she shopping for herself?

might be a actress

and many more reaction and people keep whispering about Samantha even many boy blushing just by looking at her but she didn't even care all she just leave the mall with two big bag full with food and go toward home


I was walking toward my home I feel someone follow me I didn't care because it's not an awakened one I take a left and wait for him come he turn left and look surprise I ask

SAMANTHA- what you want uncle.

he was wear a suit and goggles and reply

those bags look heavy do you need help to carry those

SAMANTHA- no thanks and don't follow stranger like that uncle.

I turn back and start walking he also come close to me and said

don't be like that we're do you live I carry those to your home

SAMANTHA-(hah I'm already sad and this old man keep annoying me) I said don't follow me I don't need your help!

he reply

hah! what with your atitude I'm not asking for free I also pay for it

and he put his hand on my shoulder and use force to pull me back



SAMANTHA-( fuck I'm as annoying as it is now this pervert old basterd)


Samantha leave for home and the body of that old man lying on the ground his face can't recognise his skull smashed on the road he try to breath air but can't and dead on the spot.


I enter the house and didn't see jiwoo or kayden so I go to kitchen and start preparing food for dinner after one hour later kayden and jiwoo return with lot of cat foods.

SAMANTHA- jiwoo go wash your hands I ready your food and kayden... I already put your meow bites on the plate you also can eat that if you want.

jiwoo go to washroom and after he return I serve him food he eat and reply with joy

JIWOO- so delicious sis as always!

SAMANTHA- eat slowly I made a lot and if you also think my food is shit throw it in the dustbin I order you some ramen.


and Samantha go to bed room in first flore and go to bathroom for taking a shower.in the ground floor kayden change back and see she prepared two extra plates kayden take that plate and start eating after

30 minutes later


I exit the bathroom and put on my night pajama and go down stairs for cleaning the plates and eat my dinner and see kayden in his human form sitting on the sofa and jiwoo with other three cats and I didn't care and go toward kitchen then someone hug me from behind

SAMANTHA-( jiwoo miss his sis hehe huh... this hands?!)

I hear a voice in my ear

KAYDEN- don't make a sad face in from of me I don't like to see my sis sad because of me.

SAMANTHA-what the heel are you doing leave me are you crazy leave me!

KAYDEN- not until you smile.

I grab his both hand and CRACK and breake his both wrists

KAYDEN- well now it's hurts.

he said with a smile

SMASH and punch his face

KAYDEN-ow! that hurt what that for? you already break my both wrists.

SAMANTHA- that what you get when you cross the line.

KAYDEN- then what about when you hug me when you were in my house huh?

SAMANTHA- huh? you maximum time come with injuries or badly injured what you expect your sis to do when she see her oppa is injured huh?

KAYDEN- well...hehe but you always heal me in the end so I don't care about being injured.

SAMANTHA- you never care about yourself that why I don't like you.

KAYDEN- well I have you who care about her oppa more then he himself.

he said with a smile

SAMANTHA- hah I can never win again you.

I release my energy towards kayden and heal his break bons and said

SAMANTHA- don't use your hands for half an hour after one day your wrist will fully recovered...sorry.

I said with a sad look on my face

KAYDEN- hey don't make the sad face again I already broke my wrist ones I don't want to break it again.

SAMANTHA- hehe like heel I allow you to hug me again.

I said with a smile

JIWOO- well now all good between you two should we go prepare for sleep?

SAMANTHA- you go first you also have school tomorrow. I didn't eat my dinner so after eating and clean the plates I go to sleep

JIWOO- ok but sis...

SAMANTHA- do you need something?

JIWOO- no is that you and kayden... nothing goodnight.

and jiwoo run for his bedroom I look at kayden and ask

SAMANTHA- what jiwoo try to say just now oppa?

kayden just shake his head sideways after I clean the kitchen I start to eat my dinner I made Rice + meat + Kimchi for dinner I was eating my dinner and kayden keep stared at me I ask

SAMANTHA- what you want go back to sleep.

KAYDEN- I don't feel sleepy.

SAMANTHA- so stop staring at me and go play with cats or do your force control you need to recover faster right?

KAYDEN- the cats are also sleeping and for recovery I have you by my side.

SAMANTHA- so you saying you don't have anything to do.

KAYDEN- yep nothing.

SAMANTHA- can at least you look away I don't like when people looking at me while eating.

KAYDEN- nope don't wanna.

I don't care and start eating my dinner and he still keep looking at my face

SAMANTHA- hah.....what do you want?

KAYDEN- the dinner you made.

SAMANTHA-huh? but you already eat your food right?

KAYDEN- yes but I'm still hungry.

SAMANTHA-ok but how you gonna eat you can't use your hand remember right?

KAYDEN- yep you are the who break them so take responsibility and feed me.


I see kayden's face and he dead serious I go back to Kitchen and grab a plate and a spoon put left food on the plate and return where kayden was sitting I hold the plate on my left hand and spoon on my right hand I take some rice and meat on the spoon and hold in kayden's mouth hight

SAMANTHA- say ahh

KAYDEN- ahhhh CHOMP hmm as always delicious.

SAMANTHA- huh? I think you call my food shit in the school campas.

KAYDEN- I'm sorry for that ok. now as an apology I kayden give anything you want from me even if you want my force control.

SAMANTHA- you said anything ok don't back on your word in the future ok.

KAYDEN- yep so what do you want?

SAMANTHA- just look after jiwoo for me.

KAYDEN- huh? but that you also can do and even better then me.

SAMANTHA- you and me both know how the awakened world is and we can't predict the future so in future when jiwoo don't get the support from me I need you to look after jiwoo.

I said with a little smile

KAYDEN- don't worry about that I asure you don't have to leave jiwoo also in the future I kayden protect you and jiwoo from the awakened world that how great awakened I'm you also know that better then anyone.

SAMANTHA- when I was just starting fight with world ranked only to get stronger but after I look back I hope to live normal life with jiwoo and mom....but now I have you if I don't fight the world rankers I might not meet you so I'm just worried about jiwoo's future what if I don't stay with jiwoo to watch his future or what if he can't get enough strong to protect himself also what if something happened to you I always worry about you when I was away from you what I do if you leave me alone

what if something happened to me you only fight and never think about your life what if-

before I complete my word kayden hug me from front I feel warm and gentle and I clam down

KAYDEN- feel better?

I just nod my head and he slowly lose his grip I hug him tightly

KAYDEN- what if jiwoo come down.

he said in a low voice but I didn't care


after two minutes she fall asleep in that pose and kayden slowly lose her grib and carry her like a princess walk toward the living room and put down her on top of the sofa and go to the Kitchen and clean the dishes and after ten minutes later he return to the leaving room and go to jiwoo's room and return with a blanket and a pillow put the pillow under her head and blanket on top of her and return back to his cat form and jump to her sofa and sleep beside her with a little smile on his face

next morning