
Bob Stoops

We got to the airport at high-speed. Eleanor slept all the way with her face fuming yellow. She looked peaceful and cute, but I was too mad at her to compliment her angelic statue or even look at her face.

Hermes explained about stories I already knew about the Gigantomachy, the vow, and how I got here. I just couldn't connect the points to her. Eleanor. Why does she get to see gods? Hermes said that she was mortal, but why her?

''Now,'' Hermes quickly blurted out. ''Your prophecy is four lines long, and hers too. That would be ten in total. After you get both, merge them together and try to find out where you should go next.'' He merged his hands in a fist to demonstrate his words. ''Here's seventy bucks.'' He handed them out and smile,'' use them wisely.'' He chuckled at his front mirror.

Eleanor, still sleeping, caught his attention as we parked at the airport entrance. ''Wake the beauty up, will ya?''

I stared at my shoes without moving an inch.

''Kid,'' he shot me a secure glance. '' You should trust each other.'' He straightened his face and punched Eleanor at her shoulder,'' Come on Emma, there's a flight to catch.''

He turned his eyes on me and said,'' Go to the reception thingy. You say you need to take the tickets in the name of Bob Stoops.'' He glanced at Eleanor and then back to me.'' Kid, I need to talk to Elsa over here please. Wait for her at the entrance.''

I nodded and said,'' Yeah yeah sure.'' I got out of the cab and inhaled the fresh air in. I leaned at the driver's door and said,'' Thanks Hermes. Best dad ever.''

His voice softened and I could see his eyes twinkle,'' I hope so kid. Now go, and don't let Zeus hear ya or I'll be delivering messages to the Atlantic for nine years from now on. Go kid come on!'' I ran across the cars and looked back. He was smiling at me, like a proud father to his son. He then turned his back to talk to Eleanor.

I walked through hundreds of feet. What was the name again? Bob something? I hope Eleanor remembers the name. I got to the big glass wide doors and waited for her to come.

I heard a roar of a car startle the audience and someone screamed, ''MANIAC! THAT'S MY FOOT. '' I smiled as I saw the yellow cab flash towards the streets smashing every foot it could spot.

I saw Eleanor moving between the figures, head bowed down, mind fighting thoughts, or anxiety, and hair glowing the sun. She looked up at me and gave me a little smile. I took my eyes off her. I just couldn't get over this whole situation. She got next to me, panting. I went through the electric glass door. I could hear her behind me breathing through her nose to calm her nerves.

We waited in line when we got to the reception booth. I whispered to her behind me,'' You're not going to tell me what Hermes wants from you?'' My tone was way meaner than I wanted it to be.

''He said not to bother you and something about trust. And he said something about never splitting up in Delphi.'' She sighed and I felt her warm breath tingle on the back of my neck.

''Isn't there anything else?'' I felt like she still is hiding something. Why do I feel that she's always hiding stuff from me?

''No. That's it.'' She quietly said.

We got to the blond haired lady with flashing red lipstick at the booth. ''How may I help you?'' She politely said while not looking up from her computer.

''I need to take the two tickets in the name of Bob.'' I couldn't even remember the last name. I turned to Eleanor and whispered in her right ear,'' What is the name Hermes gave us?''

''Uhhh,'' she thought hard until she quickly announced, ''Stoops, Bob Stoops.''

I copied the name to the lady. ''Yes. He called. Then you must be, Alex Kane and she's Eleanor Jones.''

We nodded at her in response. She took out two tickets filed with two passports. ''Okay. Your flight leaves in ten minutes to Greece, Delphi.''

We both said, ''thank you,'' and rushed to the flights isle. Eleanor was too slow, so I took her hand and pulled her. As usual, her hand was cold.

We got to the isle lined with red tapes scribbled with a fancy font. We were the only passengers with no luggage or bags. People were staring at us like a couple of psychopaths. A flight attendee was waiting at the silver door to the Greece Flight. She took our tickets and greeted us in. Hermes, I mean Bob Stoops, booked us a Business Class.

As we stepped in the airplane, the First Class bar glittered before our eyes almost blinding me. I saw white seats almost like beds with the perfect service of nuts and whiskey bottles. Eleanor was shoving me to move and pass across paradise.

We got to our seats. They were red and comfy separated with a grey plastic holder. I sat next to the window and took a sneak peek at the ground. The men ushering with yellow sticks looked like ants down there.

Eleanor slowly sat on her seat. ''Alex,'' she mumbled quietly. ''I need to tell you something.''

Finally the truth, I thought. ''Yeah. Anything,'' I coldly replied.

''I… umm… This is my first time in a plane… I… what do I do?'' she was too nervous and scared. I could see her bottom lip trembling with fear, but still she didn't say what I wanted to hear.

I tried not to smile at her innocence. ''Nothing. Try breathing through your nose.'' The most stupid answer ever, but it pissed her off.

''What is wrong with you?'' I could see her tone harden and eyes filled up with frustration. Fear was drowned from her face, replaced with anger.

''Nothing,'' I kept the cold energy coming at her.

''Do you think I want this? Do you think I want any of this?'' She was now slightly yelling. People were staring. A man at the corner of my eye inserted ear plugs.

''Eleanor, please people are staring,'' I said in a whisper.

''I don't care. Alex, me and you, we're fucked up into this. There is nothing we can do about it. If you don't want to be next to me then your dad should've stopped Hades from bringing the fucking baby back to life.'' She reddened and pursed her lips.

''What are you talking about? What baby?'' I looked her straight in the eyes. I saw tears building up and stress fusing from her pupils.

''Alex, I know you need answers and trust me I do too. All they keep saying is to get to fucking Apollo to know. I have that kind of patience, but if you do not I'm not going to handle that bitchy ass attitude.'' She punched the cup holder with her fist and tightly closed her eyes as the captain announced the lift off. She was biting her trembling lip. I saw a tear tinkle down her pink cheeks.

Okay, I thought. I believe you. I inhaled and placed my hand on top of her fist. As we were pushing through air she took my hand into hers. I felt her heart beat in my palms. Okay Alex, cool down. She knows nothing more than you do. Take Hermes' advice. Trust her.

OKAY YOU GUYS, what is wrong with the dude? Do you think they’ll get to Greece safely?

ANYWAYSS be sure to drop your thoughts and theories in the comments. AND COMMENT which is the best flight you got on.

Let me know 0.0

Darine_ALRAMMAHcreators' thoughts