
Eldritch Shop System (DROPPED)

George Candra, a nature enthusiast fell from a cliff and found himself awoke in the bottom of a ravine with a ton of skeletons surrounding him. As he tried to climb up, he found out that he have a system, but it wasn't your usual system. It was... a shop. Yes... a shop. With the coins that he found nearby, he somehow managed to survive in the bottom of the cliff. He even made a house in there, until someone crashed the house and destroyed it... "..." He suddenly felt an urge to just demolish the house he just finished building a moment ago. "WTF... There's a person on the roof." He poked the man and demanded compensation of the house to him, but the man can't seem to understand Indonesian, nor English. "Uhh... Wo.. ai.. ni?" The man's face darkened. ... #DROPPED#

TrinityShock · Ost
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129 Chs

Another Transmigrator

"Splash potion of slowness?"

George nodded his head. "Yep! It's this one right?" He grabbed a splash potion of slowness from a display table and showed it to them.

When Wen Yang saw it, he recognized it immediately. "Yes, it's the same elixir like what the bad guy has thrown to Big Sister Mao!"

"Does it make any harm to our body?" asked Zhen Zhelan.

George shook his head. "No... The effect is only making your body became slower, that includes heart rate, capacity to think, and many more! Well.. if we summarized it, it makes all of our body slower!"

After hearing that, Zhen Zhelan could relieve the tension. She was very worried if there's something wrong with her only disciple. "So... My disciple is alright? No poison or something like that?"

"Of course! These potions had time duration, so the effect should have been gone from her body." Replied George.

"Aah! That's good then! Thank you very much for telling us that!" She once again cupped her hands at George. Mao XinYue also followed her master and cupped her hands too. This time, she and her master were really relieved by his word.

George smiled. "No problem! Well.. if you want to ask something, you could ask my disciple here. Bye~"

"This shop is indeed a magical place! It's like a Hogwarts!" Said Zhen Zhelan.

"Huh? Hogwarts? What is that, master?" Mao XinYue asked curiously.

She simply said "A school."

George frowned really hard when he heard that, but he only walked away naturally. It only means that this girl is the same as him, but rather than befriending them, it should be better if he doesn't. What would happen if this girl suddenly tried to do anything funny to him?

Seeing George didn't show any unnatural movement, she removed that idea of hers. "Hmm? I thought that he was also a transmigrator like me... But maybe I'm wrong!"

"Okay... Could you tell us about all the elixirs that you sold? All of them sounds really overpowered and I think it's definitely crucial to have!" Seeing her master didn't say any words, Mao XinYue asked Sun Zhou to show them around the shop.

"Okay!" Sun Zhou nodded.

She thought that Zhen Zhelan might not want it, but she didn't object and followed them around the shop.

"This is a potion of harming, it could..."

"This is ..."


"And finally, this is our new items! This one is called upelkuchen, while this one is called pishsalver. This one could make the consumer bigger, while the potion makes your body shrinks."

When Zhen Zhelan heard about the description, she immediately thought of something. "Alice in Wonderland!" She narrowed her eyes in shock. Not only that, she realized the word "eat me" on the cake. That made her more certain of it. "T- this! Even though in the original movie is not a cake, it was a cookie... But, this is definitely not a coincidence! Who the hell is the owner..." She said to herself.

Zhen Zhelan then reminded herself to talk to George whenever she saw him. "It's too bad... He is already gone! Maybe I'll come here often and asking him about it."

Meanwhile, Mao XinYue was very focused on the explanations and was shocked by them. "Eh? Is that all of your items?" Asked Mao XinYue. She was very interested in all of these potions, all of them had unique effects, so she wanted to buy them all. But of course, she didn't have that much money, so she couldn't buy a lot of them.

Seeing her master is still thinking about something, she bought the cheapest variant of these potions, like a potion of invisibility, potion of harming, and a potion of slowness. But of course, she bought the splash one, because it was more advantageous than if she has to drink it, especially to the debuffing potions and the potion of invisibility.

"Aaah! I'm really broke this time around! But it was very worth it!" She smiled happily. "Ah, Master! Don't you want to buy something too? Look... The shop almost closed!"

Zhen Zhelan suddenly realized that she was very distracted by George's existence for a long time and almost forgot to buy a few potions. Like what Mao XinYue said, even though it was very expensive... It was very worth it! Especially the instant health one, so she bought a few potions of instant health, potion of fire resistance, and many more.

She then left the shop with the little boy and her disciple in a satisfied manner.

"The items in there is very ridiculous! They are very expensive! I nearly used all my spirit stone on these potions!" Exclaimed Mao XinYue, but she didn't show any expression that saying she was disappointed by it.

"I know right?! Aah! I'm also broke right now! But there are a few things that I wanted to buy... Sigh... I guess... Like always, let's search for some bad guys and stole their money!"

Mao XinYue nodded her head. She also wanted more potions, so she must have a lot of spirit stones. Well... even though stealing from someone is really bad, but it's a bad guy, so it's okay!

The two of them suddenly disappeared from that place quickly, leaving behind Wen Yang.

Wen Yang: "..."


George looked at the window with a frown etched to his face. "Who is that woman?! Why did she know about Hogwarts?!"

He wanted to use the all-seeing eye spell, but he decided to not doing anything for now. But... if she had once tried to do anything funny to him. He smiled coldly at the direction they have gone to. "I'll definitely monitor you guys 24/7 Like a stalker!"

"I guess... I need an upgrade right now! Maybe an ender pearl farm for emergencies or making advanced witchery curses sh*ets!" He nodded and opened the shop interface.

"Let's go to the end first!" He searched for a portal to the end. And he also needed a few things for the great raid in the end dimension.