
Eldest Sister, Why Haven’t You Married Yet?

Once transmigrated, she entered a fire pit. Yue You Jin, as the eldest daughter of the second branch, was adorned with a bunch of younger sisters. Her strong soul, however, didn’t have a strong physique. So she could only swallow her anger until she was twelve years old. A scum Dad, who can’t give birth to a son, cheated while married and brought home the third wheel with him. A grandmother, who places more importance to son over daughters, doesn’t treat her granddaughter as a human being. And also cousin sisters, who want to climb high branches, looked down rural people and a ‘superbrain’ cousin brother, who emptied the family wealth to bribe examiners … Fortunately, she finally found a chance to escape from Yue Family, this bunch of oddballs. Yue You Jin had to shoulder the heavy burden of supporting the family of ten, She can only to empty her brain for money-making ideas. Finally raised her sisters. Initially, she thought she could retire in honor. What? You guys are starting to rush marriage? The little sisters: “Eldest Sister, you and your brother-in-law have been in a nameless relationship for so many years, just short a ceremony. There’s no time like the present, so let’s do it today?” The brother-in-law who never got the chance to get formal/legal status was moved to tears. “Sisters, add oil (go for it)! Brother-in-law wants to buy you a big house!” The female lead’s family surname was Yue in the early stage and changed to Su in the middle period. Not my work !

Judy_Cambell · Geschichte
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162 Chs

Chapter 57. Foolish guy with lots of money

Song Yan grew up under Xiao Family's firm and fair house management. He had never done anything like forced transactions. How can he withstand others' remarks of him? His fair little face was already flushed with embarrassment. However, the task entrusted to him by Young Master wasn't completed. If he doesn't die, he would have to lose a layer of skin when he goes back! So he had to bite the bullet and ask for it.

You Jin was also in a bit of a dilemma. Although it would be a pity to miss out on such a big business, it would be a bit of a loss to offend the main source of customers for a single big business. So she took a step back: "Brother, how about this? I'll sell you a jar today and you give me the address. I'll send you a barrel early in the morning tomorrow?"

Seeing her like this, Song Yan had no other choice but to buy a small jar and go back to satisfy the young master's cravings first: "Little girl, then you must deliver it to me tomorrow. Send it to the household in Yuqian Alley on the East side. "

"Okay! Brother, take it easy. I'll send it over in the morning." You Jin swiftly filled up a jar of sour plum soup. Including the jar, she charged him a total of twenty-five wen for the sour plum soup. She jollily bidded Song Yan goodbye.

The customers in the back also drank Su Family's sour plum soup, which was called the best in Luohe Prefecture. All were quite satisfied: "Su Family's lass, your business is getting bigger and bigger!"

"Because of everyone's help on a daily basis, we can earn a small amount of money. How can it be considered a big business?" You Jin scooped up the last bowl of sour plum soup in the wooden barrel and smilingly handed it to the last guest.

Although You Jin said it like this, You Jin was calculating when she would set up a small storefront. In summer, they could sell some heat-reducing food. In the winter, they could sell some noodles and steamed buns. It will be better than farming.

But right now, there were two obstacles to opening a shop. One was that there was no money. The family's money was currently kept by You Jin. The sum on hand was only three to forty liang. In Luohe Prefecture, the annual rental price of storefronts with better locations were at least a few dozen liang. It was really unaffordable. Second, there was no manpower. Su Family currently consisted of old, weak, women, and children. The best cook, Mrs. Su wasn't in good health. On top of that, there were two babies who were still in their infancy. How can she free her hands to devote into cooking?

So she can only think about this idea. For now, sell sour plum soup with peace of mind. Once the money is gathered, plans can be made then!

After selling the sour plum soup, it was home time. You Jin trio first busied away on making the sour plum soup that will be sold tomorrow. The three sisters had learned how to make sour plum soup from Mrs. Su. Mrs. Su had it a lot easier now.

After making the sour plum soup and the sun wasn't that blazing, You Jin went to the mountain alone with a basket on her back to find traces of licorice. Licorice was an indispensable ingredient for making sour plum soup. In order to save money, the licorice Su Family used was all dug from the mountain.

You Yin and You Zhu were at home helping Mrs. Su to prepare the pastries that will be sold tomorrow. Su Family's pastries were easy to sell now. They were sweet and soft. On top of that, the price was more than half cheaper than that of snack shops. That was why they sold out in half an hour.

Mrs. Su skillfully kneaded the dough. A faint smile was on the corner of her mouth. She never dared to dream of the current lifestyle. In the past at Yue's house, it wasn't that she didn't show off her skills. She had cooked delicious dishes to please old Mrs. Chen's liking. At the beginning, it worked. But once she couldn't bear any sons and only daughters one after another, she was blamed for wasting food at home. It was really unbearable to recall.

Now everything was fine. Her health improved. The smiles on the faces of her daughters were brighter and brighter. All of them had grown a lot taller and gained weight. She can even do her favorite thing in the kitchen. All of this was thanks to the presence of You Jin.


Back to Xiao Lin Feng's side. After Song Yan bought back the sour plum soup, he merrily drank two bowls. His appetite for dinner improved a lot. He ate half a bowl more than the previous two days. This made Eldest Son, Xiao Lin Yu feel it was a bit miraculous. He clipped eight-treasure duck for his younger brother: "What? You figured it out this time?"

Xiao Lin Feng disgruntledly glared at his eldest brother: "Old Ancestor isn't here. Eldest Brother, can't you just turn a blind eye?"

If Eldest Brother hadn't ordered it, would he be able to sneak away?

It seemed that his anger hadn't dissipated yet. A knowing smile appeared on the face that was about 70% similar to Xiao Lin Feng's. Xiao Lin Yu put down his chopsticks and said, "Old Ancestor's meaning is for you to return to the capital immediately. If I didn't take care of you, you would be in the capital now."

Lin Feng was old Ancestor's most favorite. How could old Ancestor not be anxious when such a big incident happened? However, he felt that his younger brother was almost thirteen now. It was about time for him to come out and suffer a bit. He couldn't let his family protect him for the rest of his life, right? Therefore, the person sent by old Ancestor was stopped. Xiao Lin Yu let him stay in Luohe Prefecture.

Xiao Lin Feng curled his lips. No wonder! He thought old Ancestor's charitable heart had appeared. It never crossed his mind that it was Eldest Brother who pleaded for him. Thinking of how he threw tantrums with Eldest Brother every day these days, Xiao Lin Feng felt a little guilty. He stretched out his hand to beckon Song Yan and whispered a few words in his ear. Song Yan bowed his body and repeatedly said yes before retreating.

After a while, Song Yan came over with two bowls of sour plum soup that had been chilling in the ice cellar for a long time: "Eldest Young Master, Youngest Young Master."

It turned out that Song Yan was sent to pick up the remaining sour plum soup that he bought today.

Looking at the unknown liquid contained in the small and exquisite white jade bowl, Xiao Lin Yu smelled a sour smell: "Sour plum soup?"

Seeing the faint dislike on Eldest Brother's face, Xiao Lin Feng felt a little unhappy. He had contemplated a long time before allowing to give Eldest Brother a bowl. He actually disdained it! He spoke: "Eldest Brother, if you don't want it, give it back to me."

Xiao Lin Yu was seven years older than Xiao Lin Feng. As the eldest son in the family, he bore a heavy burden. He had received the most rigorous education since little. His personality was on the mature side. Unlike Xiao Lin Feng, who grew up loved and held in the palm of his family since little. Still, Xiao Lin Yu loved this little brother dearly. Seeing his unhappy face, he picked up the bowl of sour plum soup that he somewhat disliked and drank it a mouthful.

"How is it? It's delicious!" Seeing Eldest Brother nodding in satisfaction, Xiao Lin Feng proudly raised his head with his hands on his hips, "I bought this with great difficulty!"

With a faint smile on Xiao Lin Yu's face, he responded, "It's not bad."

Xiao Lin Feng knew that Eldest Brother had eaten a lot of good food and there wasn't much food that could match his taste. To get such an evaluation from him was even less. He proudly straightened his waist and asked for credit with a vibe saying 'it's all thanks to me'.

As Younger Brother's temporary guardian, Xiao Lin Yu naturally knew why Younger Brother went out that day. At that time, he was also curious about the sour plum soup that made foodie younger brother, who was used to eating delicacies from all over the world, sneak out. Now he tried it, it was truly good.

The two brothers talked and chatted with each other. Xiao Lin Yu promised to take him out of the city in two days. Xiao Lin Feng's two days of bad mood from the bad luck dissipated.


Early the next morning, Su sisters went to the city to sell sour plum soup again. First, the two barrels to be sold today were put on the mobile stall they normally set up. You Jin left some instructions to the two sisters before sitting on Uncle Niu's ox cart to Yuqian Alley in the East side to deliver the agreed one barrel of sour plum soup.

At this time, Xiao Manor's villa, the front yard and the back kitchen were busying away in an orderly manner. Xiao Family's Eldest Young Master had to go out at the three quarter every day. The back kitchen who was in charge of meals was naturally busy preparing delicate and delicious breakfast for their master.

At the same moment, Xiao Family's youngest young master was still soundly asleep in the bed. While Eldest Young Master had finished grooming. With his slender and white hands, he casually picked up a jade hairpin and fixed it like a waterfall blue silk. He changed into a stone-blue gown with bamboo leaf pattern. Who knows how many girls' hearts were captured by those star-like eyes. He was truly a jade-like gentleman.

When You Jin delivered the sour plum soup to Xiao Family's entrance, Xiao Lin Yu had already finished his breakfast and got into the carriage. Hearing the movement at the gate, he stopped the carriage: "What's going on outside?"

The study attendant sitting outside the carriage answered: "Replying to Eldest Young Master, the sour plum soup's place sent a girl to deliver."

It must be the person who saved Youngest Brother that day. Xiao Lin Yu lifted the curtain of the carriage and looked at the entrance. A little girl who was only eleven or twelve years old in a bamboo green top and skirt entered sight. She actually subdued three grown men and rescued Lin Feng. Inexplicably, he felt a little appreciation for the little girl.

He beckoned to a young attendant who was guarding the door: "Go to the accounting and pay her fifty silver liang."

Treat it as a reward for saving his ignorant younger brother. After giving the order, he signaled the carriage to continue.

You Jin, who was waiting at the gate of Xiao Family's entrance, received fifty silver liang in one go. You Jin, who had experienced a lot in the past, couldn't help but drop her mouth open in surprise. What? Were rich people so good at playing now? A barrel of sour plum soup cost seventy or eighty yuan at most. He gave her fifty liang? Although You Jin wanted to accept it, but her conscience won't allow it: "Brother, our sour plum soup isn't worth this price..."

The young man smiled slightly and said, "Little girl, you are lucky. This was personally instructed by our Eldest Young Master. Since it is for you, you should accept it."

Although You Jin wanted to ask if their family's Eldest Young Master number-blind, she wisely swallowed the words in and gave her thanks. After receiving the money, she came out of Xiao's house. She still need to go back to the stall and sell the remaining sour plum soup!

As for Xiao Lin Feng who didn't wake up until the sun was up. After washing, he drank a small bowl of iced sour plum soup. It was served with the sweet bean pudding and sesame crisps that You Jin sent today. He contentedly sighed.

"I didn't expect that there are still some edible things in this small broken place!" One bite after another, the small plate of sweet bean pudding was demolished in a short while. Xiao Lin Feng smacked his lips with craving. Afterward, he instructed Song Yan to go tomorrow and buy some snacks.

As for You Jin. In an instant, she got fifty silver liang. More than double of their savings. Even You Jin couldn't believe it. A barrel of sour plum soup plus some inexpensive snacks were exchanged for fifty liang. Who would believe this?

In order to avoid causing unnecessary panic and speculation in the family, You Jin tactfully put the matter aside and did what She should do every day. However, she began to pay attention to whether there was any place available for renting in Luohe Prefecture. After all, they were rich~~