
Eldest Sister, Why Haven’t You Married Yet?

Once transmigrated, she entered a fire pit. Yue You Jin, as the eldest daughter of the second branch, was adorned with a bunch of younger sisters. Her strong soul, however, didn’t have a strong physique. So she could only swallow her anger until she was twelve years old. A scum Dad, who can’t give birth to a son, cheated while married and brought home the third wheel with him. A grandmother, who places more importance to son over daughters, doesn’t treat her granddaughter as a human being. And also cousin sisters, who want to climb high branches, looked down rural people and a ‘superbrain’ cousin brother, who emptied the family wealth to bribe examiners … Fortunately, she finally found a chance to escape from Yue Family, this bunch of oddballs. Yue You Jin had to shoulder the heavy burden of supporting the family of ten, She can only to empty her brain for money-making ideas. Finally raised her sisters. Initially, she thought she could retire in honor. What? You guys are starting to rush marriage? The little sisters: “Eldest Sister, you and your brother-in-law have been in a nameless relationship for so many years, just short a ceremony. There’s no time like the present, so let’s do it today?” The brother-in-law who never got the chance to get formal/legal status was moved to tears. “Sisters, add oil (go for it)! Brother-in-law wants to buy you a big house!” The female lead’s family surname was Yue in the early stage and changed to Su in the middle period. Not my work !

Judy_Cambell · Geschichte
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162 Chs

Chapter 56. Taking action

Drink sour plum soup? You Jin froze for a moment. It turned out that he came to buy sour plum soup. Somewhat embarrassed, she responded: "Today's sour plum soup is all gone. The three of them drank the last three bowls."

Initially, they planned to go home after selling those three bowls. Never thought they would encounter the local ruffians.

With a dagger at his neck, the pockmarked man was still shaking. Elder Brother, Elder Sister, if you want to chat, let me go first, okay? But he was a cowardly one as he feared the great aunt behind him would cut his neck with the knife as soon as he opened his mouth.

You Jin didn't intend to kill people on the street in broad daylight. She put the dagger back into the leather dagger case and kicked the pockmarked man away: "Don't provoke me, or next time it won't be as simple as having it against your neck."

Finally released, the three of them eagerly nodded. Pissed-scared, they crawled away. Even if they were given a water tank full of gut, they wouldn't dare to provoke this terrifying grand aunt again!

And when Xiao Lin Feng heard that he couldn't drink the sour plum soup, his fair jade-like face immediately dropped. Today was really unlucky. For the first time in his life, he was threatened by some ruffians. On top of that, he couldn't drink the sour plum soup he longed for!

Seeing him getting on the horse with a displeased face, You Jin hurriedly added: "Lord, if you want to drink, we set up a stall here every morning. However, you have to come early as it will be sold out if you are late. "

Xiao Lin Feng vaguely nodded before riding away on his horse. This can't do. This young master was extremely upset. He had to go home and mobilize people to teach those bums a lesson! It was them who drank his sour plum soup and wanted to take action against him on the street!

The pitiful three, who had already been beaten up by You Jin, got severe beating from a dozen people who were dressed like martial artists led by a teen boy on a white horse half an hour later. They'll need to lie on the bed for more than ten days to recover from these injuries. This was all future matters.


Back to You Jin's side. After sending Xiao Lin Feng off, she went home with two empty wooden barrels on a shoulder pole. At the south gate, they ran into You Yin sisters who hadn't returned. Seeing that You Jin was fine, they breathed a sigh of relief: "Elder Sister, you scared us to death!"

"It's fine. Let's go home quickly!" You Jin patted the two younger sisters who were as frightened as baby birds that had just left the nest.

Maybe it was because You Jin's single-handedly sorting out those ruffians that day, no one dared to provoke her since that day. Now You Jin woke up early every day and went to the city to sell sour plum soup. At noon, she came back to eat and sleep. After the nap, she continued to slowly clean up the few mu of wasteland that had been piled up with fertilizer a few times over. After more than a month of tossing around, the few mu of land had gradually accumulated fertility. Although they hadn't turned into fertile fields so quickly, they were much better than before.

Now there were tender little buds growing in that field! Although they couldn't grow grain, You Jin got her hands on some fresh raw melon seeds and planted them all. After the autumn harvest, two or three mu of melon will be collected. Another big profit will happen during the New Year's sale.

Now the river west side's Su Family had undergone earth-shaking changes from when they first moved in. The lively laughter, the flat green fields, and the smoke from the kitchen. This peaceful and beautiful atmosphere made the villagers of Wuliqiao forget that this was a desolate haunted place that adults don't dare to pass by at noon. It was as if the west side of the river used to be like this.

Su Family's girls even made friends of the same age in the village. Although the east and west sides weren't too close, which village children didn't run out wild?

On the east side of the Wuliqiao River was the official road to Luohe Prefecture. While on the west side of the river was only Su's house. There were also wild vegetables, pigweeds, and all kinds of wild flowers that cute girls like most.

Since the west side of the river had become populated, the children of the village gradually dared to come here. Groups of three or five came to forage pigweed and pick wild vegetables. Over time, the girls who were about the same age as Su Family's became familiar.

That's why there were people outside looking for You Bao to play:

Two little girls with half-old bamboo baskets stood at the river base outside Su's house and shouted, "You Bao! Let's go pick wild vegetables!"

While You Jin trio went to the city to earn money, it was You Bao who had been staying at home to help Mrs. Su with chores. She was the first to meet the little friends in the village.

Hearing the calls of her little friends, You Bao pushed aside the bowl after eating and then hurried outside with the basket on her shoulders. She didn't forget to explain to Mrs. Su: "Mother! I'm going with Xiao Hua and the others to pick wild vegetables!"

Mrs. Su, who was playing with the baby in the main room, responded in acknowledgement. Seeing that her child found a playmate, she was delighted. It went without saying she wouldn't stop her daughter from going out.

The twins were over three months now. Because You Jin cooked fish soup for Mrs. Su every two days, Mrs. Su had enough milk. The two babies grew up fast. From their fairness and plumpness, one couldn't see any sign of their initial sallowness and thinness. Back then, Mrs. Su herself was worried that the two babies wouldn't be able to survive. Now they looked fair like jade and cute.

After working in the field for nearly an hour, You Jin returned home with a hoe on her shoulders. The sun had already slanted to the west. Looking at the house not far away where the smoke was already rising, You Jin couldn't help smiling. The disastrous scene at home began again.

Besides You Zhu cooking with Mrs. Su every afternoon, what other disastrous scene could there be? At this time of day, the entire Su Family was on high alert. One time, You Zhu almost burned the kitchen down!

In the kitchen, You Zhu grumpily looked at You Yin, You Luo, You Chou who were outside watching the fun. Hands on her hips, she pretended to be angry and said, "You don't want to eat tonight!? If you irk me again, I won't give you anything to eat today!"

"Third Elder Sister, isn't it Mother who cooks all the meals in our house?" You Ling stood on the porch and merrily said, "Eldest Sister said we should keep an eye on you. If our house is burned down, we will have to sleep on the street."

"Just you wait. I will cook delicious dishes!" You Zhu had the most unyielding temperament. She knew that her family members weren't deliberately laughing at her and was aware of her own shortcomings. No matter what she wanted to change it!

"Enough you guys. Don't tease You Zhu. Are little Eighth and Kang-er awake inside?" A squeak sounded. You Jin had returned. The family's spirited grown pups saw its master coming back and immediately happily ran over and circled around her.

Harassed by the few puppies, You Jin felt helpless. She merrily spoke: "Alright, let me put things down first."

The family's four dogs used to have black and shiny fur. Now they grew up, one can gradually see they were the seedlings of wolf dogs. Because You Jin took them out for systematic training every day and they were fed by You Jin every day, the pups were the closest to You Jin.

After putting away the hoe, she went to the kitchen to pick up the pot of raw meat and bones she had prepared. Afterward, she took the four ecstatically happy dogs and the few drama-watching little ones at home out for training.

After more than a month of training, the dogs had been able to understand the basic commands. Seeing the tattered-from-vicious-biting sackcloth bag, You Jin was very confident in training them to be skilled housewatchers.


Su Family's life was getting more and more prosperous. Everything was going in a good direction. Even You Zhu can fry a fish that wasn't black charcoal now.

Su Family's sour plum soup had a small reputation in Luohe Prefecture. In the past, it took nearly two hours to sell out the two large barrels of sour plum soup. Now it was gone in less than one hour. That was why You Zhu and You Yin went home to fetch the two barrels hanging from the well when the first batch of the day was almost sold out. Now, at least four barrels of sour plum soup can be sold a day. On top of that, there were cheap and tasty snacks like sweet bean pudding and sesame crisps made by Mrs. Su. Business was booming every day.

Although the business was good, the handsome young man in white clothes on a white horse from last time didn't show up again. You Jin felt that it was a slight pity in her heart. After all, it was the first time You Jin saw such a handsome boy!

Back to Xiao Lin Feng. He had it terrible now. Since he was almost beaten up by some bums when he went out last time, the news was sent back to the capital. An urgent letter from his ancestor arrived- strictly ordering him to not go out without permission. Nowadays, he had to bring six or seven guards with him when he goes out. This made him want ot pull his hair.

"Young Master, don't make things difficult for us servants. Ancestor said that whoever dares to let you out by yourself can wash their necks and return to the capital to die!" In the villa, Yan Zheng started a tug-of-war with his master, which had lasted for several days.

Xiao Lin Feng came to Luohe Prefecture because his eldest brother wanted to come back to their hometown to handle some affairs. He had spent a lot of effort. He begged his parents and his elder brother to speak for him. Only then, Ancestor reluctantly nodded and allowed him to come. He thought that once he arrived in Luohe Prefecture, he would be able to fly freely. Unforeseen, it didn't go according to plan. The first time he went out, he suffered.

Irritated, Xiao Lin Feng knocked Song Yan on the head with the folding fan in his hand: "I'm your master! Ancestor is far away in the capital. His eyes and hands can't reach here. What are you afraid of?"

Song Yan touched the place that was hit by Young Master. He helplessly sighed. His young master! If Ancestor's eyes and hands aren't long, why did the letter from the capital arrive in less than two days after your accident? But he didn't dare to tell the truth. Persuasion was the only option: "Young Master, right now Eldest Young Master hadn't restricted you from going out. Just bring the guards with you and you can go out!"

Xiao Lin Feng grumpily stared at the seven or eight guards standing like logs outside the hall. He was a man. Not a woman! Why did he need to bring so many guards when he went out? This man obviously forgot that he was surrounded by three hooligans a few days ago and got rescued by a little girl one year younger than himself.

Although Xiao Lin Feng lost interest in going out for fun, he didn't forget the sour plum soup he was thinking about. So he sent Song Yan to buy a bucket of sour plum soup. Yes, a bucket.

Song Yan stood beside the sour plum soup stall that his young master ordered and looked at the people behind him who were still queuing up to buy sour plum soup. Braving himself, he said "Little miss, how much money does this bucket of sour plum soup cost?"

"A barrel?" You Jin looked at him with some doubts, "Brother, you mean a barrel, right?"

It wasn't that You Jin had never sold takeaway goods before, but this was the first time for a barrel.

Song Yan felt a little shy under the gaze of the crowd. Stil, hel nodded: "How much money? Is one coin enough?"

Taking in regular customers within the numerous queuing people and then eyeing half a barrel of sour plum soup left on her stall, You Jin answered, "Brother, I have less than one barrel left today. Besides, if you buy it out, the people behind will have nothing. Why don't you give me the address and I'll send a bucket over tomorrow morning?"

"How can you just come and buy a barrel of it! We have been queuing for such a long time!" Some of the people behind had heard the servant in the front making a request to take everything. They weren't willing.

"That's right! It's not like we can't afford the money! You can't do such things!" It was blazing hot. The sun was so big and they had lined up here under the sun just to drink a bowl of Su Family's sour plum soup. Now that someone suddenly popped up and took everything, no one would be happy.