
Eldest Sister, Why Haven’t You Married Yet?

Once transmigrated, she entered a fire pit. Yue You Jin, as the eldest daughter of the second branch, was adorned with a bunch of younger sisters. Her strong soul, however, didn’t have a strong physique. So she could only swallow her anger until she was twelve years old. A scum Dad, who can’t give birth to a son, cheated while married and brought home the third wheel with him. A grandmother, who places more importance to son over daughters, doesn’t treat her granddaughter as a human being. And also cousin sisters, who want to climb high branches, looked down rural people and a ‘superbrain’ cousin brother, who emptied the family wealth to bribe examiners … Fortunately, she finally found a chance to escape from Yue Family, this bunch of oddballs. Yue You Jin had to shoulder the heavy burden of supporting the family of ten, She can only to empty her brain for money-making ideas. Finally raised her sisters. Initially, she thought she could retire in honor. What? You guys are starting to rush marriage? The little sisters: “Eldest Sister, you and your brother-in-law have been in a nameless relationship for so many years, just short a ceremony. There’s no time like the present, so let’s do it today?” The brother-in-law who never got the chance to get formal/legal status was moved to tears. “Sisters, add oil (go for it)! Brother-in-law wants to buy you a big house!” The female lead’s family surname was Yue in the early stage and changed to Su in the middle period. Not my work !

Judy_Cambell · Geschichte
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162 Chs

Chapter 48. Yunweixuan

A good night's sleep passed. Early the next morning, You Jin brought You Yin and You Zhu into the city. After all, they dug too many bamboo shoots yesterday. They couldn't carry so many things without bringing You Zhu. After entering the city gate of Luohe Prefecture, the three sisters inquired around as they made way to west side. After a while, they found Yunweixuan that the fair chubby man mentioned yesterday.

When they arrived at the entrance of Yunweixuan, both You Yin and You Zhu were a little surprised. The gates were all carved and hollowed out wooden doors. It looked like a very imposing restaurant. You Jin was also a little shocked. Yesterday, she thought that the man looked very rich and may be a big customer. Never thought the Yunweixuan he mentioned turned out to be a three-storey building with a very stylish decoration. Even the restaurant's staff standing at the door welcoming the guests was wearing fine cotton clothes!

However, You Jin quickly came back to her senses. She smiled warmly and spoke, "Brother, we are here to deliver goods."

"Go to the back door for the delivery. The back kitchen is there!" The young man couldn't help but feel disgusted when he saw the few people dressed in shabby clothes. He waved his hand and told the three of them to leave quickly: "Don't block the nobles' entrance."

You Jin wasn't angry. After all, it wasn't the first time she had encountered this kind of thing. She smiled and asked the direction of the back door. Only then, she took her younger sisters to the back door.

When they got to the back door and said that it was bamboo rat delivery. Soon a middle-aged man, who looked like a cook as he got an apron on, came out: "Is it these dollies who said there are bamboo rats?"

The little staff who was guarding the back door nodded: "Yesterday, Second Master instructed that there will be two little girls coming to send bamboo rats these two days. It must be them."

The Second Master the little staff mentioned was the fair chubby man You Jin and the others had met yesterday. He happened to be the person in charge of this restaurant. Also known as Second Master Huang.

"Since it was Second Master's instruction, accept the things and settle the money." The cook nodded. Seeing that the baskets that You Jin and the others were carrying were full of bamboo shoots, he added, "Buy two baskets of bamboo shoots as well. Now it's March, a good time to eat bamboo shoots."

The cook examined and picked them out. In the end, he took all the bamboo rats that You Jin brought over and the two baskets of bamboo shoots. Even the water celery and locust flowers were bought. The price was according to what they negotiated. On the way to the account room, he met Second Master Huang. As soon as Second Master Huang heard that yesterday's little girl sent bamboo rats over and had brought four today, he nodded with satisfaction: "Go and tell the little girl, if there's any game or fresh goods in the future, just deliver it over as long as it's fresh. We will buy it at the market price."

Yunweixuan paid attention to the word 'fresh' in cooking. Naturally, the fresher the better.

Second Master Huang had been in charged of Yunweixuan for more than ten years. Naturally, he was also an old foodie. It went without saying he had his own experience about what was the most delicious food in what season. He didn't care who buy it from. It just need to be good stuff.

At the back door, You Jin received one silver liang from the young staff. After listening to the message passed down, You Jin took the two girls away from the back alley of Yunweixuan with great gratitude. Then they carried the last half of the basket of bamboo shoots to the west market to sell. In all of Luohe Prefecture, only Wuliqiao have bamboo hills. But the villagers in Wuliqiao rarely dug bamboo shoots to sell. So there weren't many people selling bamboo shoots on the street. On top of that, You Jin's bamboo were good quality. The price was only a little more expensive than the seasonal vegetables. The city people were tired of eating those cabbage and potatoes. So most of them are willing to spend an extra two or three wen to buy bamboo shoots and taste the deliciousness of spring.

After selling the remaining bamboo shoots, You Jin and her two younger sisters went to the meat stall to buy two jins of ribs and pig trotters. The butcher who sold the meat already knew this little girl. Seeing that she was here, he jollily greeted: "Little girl, it's quite lively today! You sold everything and about to go back!"

Smilingly, You Jin took out the two bamboo shoots she had set aside from the basket and gave them to the butcher: "Uncle Liu, you have been taking care of us these past few days. These two bamboo shoots are specially brought over for you. Eat it stewed with pork! It's delicious."

The butcher surnamed Liu laughed when he heard this: "Why are you being so polite, girl?"

But he didn't refuse. Though he had already finished cutting, he cut off two more ribs: "Uncle don't have much to give. The ribs don't have much meat but they are edible."

Out of common courtesy, he gifted two ribs to You Jin.

You Jin didn't act reserved with him, jollily accepted it, and paid for the meat. The three sisters walked back to Wuliqiao. Since she came to Luohe Prefecture, You Jin would buy meat back every time she sold stuff in the city. She had never been one to mistreat her stomach. On top of that, there few toddlers in the family who were all malnourished soybean sprouts. She must nourish them more.

Had to say, You Jin's action was useful. Although the few girls had yet to start growing flesh, their little faces that have always been yellow and sallow were gradually turning rosy. Much better than when they were in Liutun Town.

The three sisters slowly trudged all the way home. When they reached outside Su's house, they saw a few village women coming down from the mountain with a basket full of bamboo shoots on their backs. They noticed You Jin sisters staring straight at them. Their eyes flickered and they walked faster.

You Zhu was blunt. Looking at the backs of the few women who had already walked to the east of the river, she angrily scolded: "Third Elder Sister, they went up the mountain to dig bamboo shoots!"

You Jin's thoughtful gaze fell into the distance. She didn't respond either. Somewhat indignant, You Zhu felt anxious: "Third Elder Sister! This is how we make money!"

Only then did You Jin take back her eyes and slightly shook her head: "The bamboo forest in the back is not our family's. If others want to dig it, what can I do? It's not like we can guard at the foot of the mountain and not let others go up?"

"This won't do, that won't work. So we just watch them dig up all the bamboo shoots while we won't have any money to make money!?" You Zhu was so pissed. Her family finally found a way to make money. After a few days, someone came to copy! What should their family do!

At the side, You Yin was also a little worried but she didn't say anything. She could only look at the elder sister with uneasy mind. She hoped Eldest Sister could come up with something. You Jin shook her head: "Forget it. Let's go home first. We'll think about it slowly."

You Ling, You Luo, and You Su, who was having a good time in the yard, saw the sisters coming back. Initially, they were going to merrily welcome them. It could be seen that Third Elder Sister was irked. Even Eldest Sister and Second Elder Sister's expression was a little strange. For a moment, they didn't know what to do. They stood on the same spot and looked at each other.

You Jin put down the basket before carrying a large bag of rib and pig trotters in lotus leaves into the kitchen. Then she pulled You Zhu to a small bench in the yard and began to persuade: "You Zhu, the bamboo forest on the mountain is not our family's. Since we can dig, others can dig too, right? Our family is short of money. Others aren't much better than our family, right?"

You Zhu had a quick temper and her mind easily get stuck into corners. So she can only slowly persuade slowly.

"But Eldest Sister, this is the only chance for our family to make money!" You Zhu looked at You Jin with red eyes: "If everyone comes to dig bamboo shoots and sell them, what should our family do?" That's right! Their family had no labor and no land. Selling bamboo shoots was the only source of income for their family. What to do if they don't even have this? You Yin, who didn't speak, was also worried.

You Jin sighed and responded, "When we first came to Wuliqiao, didn't we have no way to make money? People always come up with ways, right? Without this method, there will always be another. Besides, the spring bamboo shoots will only be sold for another month at most. It is now March. The fresh vegetables can be cut and sold one after another. Do you think the spring bamboo shoots can be sold forever?"

Hearing what You Jin's word, the sisters turned around and eagerly looked at You Jin: "Eldest Sister, what should we do? Is there any other way to make money?"

Seeing that the two's minds were no longer stuck in a dead-end, You Jin was slightly relieved. She stood up and spoke, "There will always be a way. The clothes haven't been washed today. Let's go wash the clothes and quickly come back. I estimate Mother will have lunch ready." Mrs. Su, who was in the kitchen, heard the conversation from the beginning to the end. She wasn't a decisive person, so she left it to her eldest daughter guide the two children.

The few sisters went to wash their clothes together. You Jin carried a hoe to the field to check the growth of the garlic seedlings. She found most of the garlic seedlings had already sprouted. While she was there, she pulled out a lot of new weeds and diverted water to irrigate the vegetables that had been quietly sprouting. It won't be long before they will be able to eat their own vegetables.

After You Jin came out of the field, she went over to the river to help her few sisters wash the clothes. The sisters had just entered the house when Mrs. Su finished preparing the meal. Today she made stewed ribs with spring bamboo shoots. The deliciousness of spring bamboo shoots was laced with the aroma of meat. One bite and it felt like all the unpleasantness had dissipated with the wind. Seeing the children merrily eating away without the previous awkwardness on their faces, the smile on Mrs. Su's face deepened: "As long as our family is in order, it's all good even if we are a little bit more tired, right?"

Thinking how she acted with Eldest Sister, You Zhu couldn't help blushing a little. She lowered her head without saying a word. You Jin put a piece of rib meat in her bowl: "Today was tiring, eat more."

Seeing that Eldest Sister wasn't mad with her, You Zhu nodded happily and chomped on the meat. The awkwardness was gone.

In fact, You Jin hadn't completely put all the hope of making money on the bamboo shoots from the beginning; just wanted to make short-term money. As the saying goes, relying on the mountains, the mountain get eaten, and relying on the water, the water get consumed. Their family was now surrounded by mountains and rivers. How could they possibly starve to death? But before You Jin came up with any new way to make money, a sudden flurry of spring rain appeared and lasted for several days.

The spring tide brought heavy rain late. A long-lasting spring rain made people upset. You Jin, who had been bored at home for a few days, decided to go out for a walk. An opportunity to catch a fish back and add to the meal was a good idea, no?

You Jin had actually caught a fish. What's more, it was the famous mandarin fish known for being praised by poets; 'In peach blossom-mirrored stream, mandarin fish have fully grown'!