
Eldest Sister, Why Haven’t You Married Yet?

Once transmigrated, she entered a fire pit. Yue You Jin, as the eldest daughter of the second branch, was adorned with a bunch of younger sisters. Her strong soul, however, didn’t have a strong physique. So she could only swallow her anger until she was twelve years old. A scum Dad, who can’t give birth to a son, cheated while married and brought home the third wheel with him. A grandmother, who places more importance to son over daughters, doesn’t treat her granddaughter as a human being. And also cousin sisters, who want to climb high branches, looked down rural people and a ‘superbrain’ cousin brother, who emptied the family wealth to bribe examiners … Fortunately, she finally found a chance to escape from Yue Family, this bunch of oddballs. Yue You Jin had to shoulder the heavy burden of supporting the family of ten, She can only to empty her brain for money-making ideas. Finally raised her sisters. Initially, she thought she could retire in honor. What? You guys are starting to rush marriage? The little sisters: “Eldest Sister, you and your brother-in-law have been in a nameless relationship for so many years, just short a ceremony. There’s no time like the present, so let’s do it today?” The brother-in-law who never got the chance to get formal/legal status was moved to tears. “Sisters, add oil (go for it)! Brother-in-law wants to buy you a big house!” The female lead’s family surname was Yue in the early stage and changed to Su in the middle period. Not my work !

Judy_Cambell · Geschichte
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162 Chs

Chapter 45. Sell fish

Early the next morning, when the three women head to the field, they deliberately detour to the door of Su Family's house. Each carried half a basket of potatoes, cabbage, and the likes. They stood at the door of Su Family's house and looked at each other. They somewhat didn't dare to knock on the door.

The three of them were still hesitating when the courtyard door was opened from the inside. It turned out to be You Yin and You Zhu coming out to go wash clothes by the river. Seeing three aunties standing at the door, the two hurriedly put down the wooden barrel which was carried by a pole and defensively eyed the three: "Who are you?"

"You are You Jin's younger sister, right? You Jin gave us fish yesterday. Our farming family don't have much, so we send you some fruit and vegetable. At least, it's something to eat. Are your adults home?" Among, the leading woman smilingly asked.

As soon as they heard that they were there to send stuff to their family, the two of them nicely greeted the other. Only then You Zhu turned around and sought You Jin to come out. As soon as You Jin heard that the three women from yesterday had brought things to their house, she wiped her hands and hurried out: "Auntie Ge, what are you doing? I didn't give you fish for your family's things!"

The leading woman called Auntie Ge jollily replied, "I know you don't aim for these things. Although we are poor people, we aren't people who like to take advantage. Consider it as us giving some thoughts toward your housewarming."

The other two nodded and seconded her. Seeing that she couldn't refuse, she reluctantly took the things sent by the three of them. Then she invited the three of them into the room for a drink.

The three of them stood at the door and glanced at the desolate yard that had been cleaned up. They were still a little scared and all shook their heads: "We still have to go to the field. Next time."

Afterward, they hurriedly turning away with their empty basket.

You Yin sisters looked at the potatoes, cabbage, and pumpkins that had fill their back basket and happily remarked, "Elder sister, this enough for our family to eat for a good few days, right?" Su Family's food were all bought right now. These sent by the aunties were enough for them to eat for a few days. A lot of money was save!

You Zhu's thought was how the three fishes exchanged a basket of pumpkin and grains. Doesn't this mean it be exchanged for something else? So she suggested to You Jin: "Eldest Sister, why don't we use fish to exchange some food with the villagers?"

If You Zhu hadn't mentioned it, it would never come across You Jin's mind. Now she heard it, she had the idea of selling fish: "It's the three aunties' kind intention if they are willing to give us vegetables. However, if we directly knock on the door to exchange it, we will look a little petty. What will people think if we give three aunts without wanting anything in return and when we want something for them?"

After a pause, she continued, "But You Zhu, what you said makes sense. Although it's not easy for us to sell in the village, we can sell it in Luohe Prefecture!"

Originally, she was a little unhappy about Eldest Sister's rejection. But when she heard that it could be sold in the city, You Zhu's eyes immediately lit up a bit: "It can be sold more expensively if sold in the city!"

This way, earn more money and buy more food!

Looking at You Zhu's money-loving expression, You Jin laughed: "Look at your only-have-eyes-for-money look. Okay, hurry along with your second elder sister to do the laundry. I'll go fishing after I tidy up the house. Let's see if we can catch enough to sell in the city tomorrow."

Now Mrs. Su was in postal-natal confinement, the family was managed by You Jin alone. There were a lot of things to worry about. But making money was the top priority.


There were no fishermen who specialize in fishing in Wuliqiao Village. The fish in the river were also fat. You Jin sat under the old locust tree on the river base for a day. Her harvest was a lot more than yesterday; 19 kinds of fish in total. Among them, five were big fish weighing nearly three jins. The small ones were half a jin.

With a heavy wooden bucket, she returned home. The younger sisters saw the bucketful of fishes and were all overjoyed:

"There are so many fish!"

"Can we eat fish again tonight!"

"Can it be exchanged for a good bit of money?"

Rowdily, everyone overlapped each other.

You Jin smiled and said, "Tonight we are still eating the fishes we caught yesterday. These can't be eaten as these will be exchanged for money in the city! After the money is exchanged, Eldest Sister will buy meat for you. "

As soon as they heard that they could eat meat again, the little ones were over the moon. They clapped their hands and cheered.

Mrs. Su, who was holding the baby at the side, smiled and shook her head. She lightly chastised: "You ah! Everyone else save the money first. While you. Before you get the money, you think about how to spend it."

Mrs. Su can't be blamed. Currently, there were so many children in the family to support now. If there was no money around, it was really won't do.

However, You Jin couldn't agree with Mrs. Su's opinion: "Mother, the money earned is used to spend. Though us older ones are fine, the younger sisters are all growing and you have to breastfeed little Eighth and Kang-er. How can not eating full do?"

Su Family's children have been malnourished for a long time. They all looked like vegetable-colored. You Jin took this into account and thought of ways to find food for the several younger sisters. Any amount of nourishment was still something.

Mrs. Su knew the several children have suffered a lot, but when she was in Yue's house, she was unable to protect herself. How can she protect this many of them? Now that they have finally left Yue Family, they lived a comfortable life for a few days now. This was due to You Jin alone. Thinking of this, Mrs. Su felt that she should not intervene so much: "You Jin, among Mother's children, you are the most sensible and capable. From now on, Mother will leave you be As long as you think it is feasible, you can do it."

Since she can't help her daughter, she got to try her best not to hold her back!

Seeing that Mrs. Su's sincerity, You Jin was also delighted and said, "Everyone in our family is doing wonderful. As long as we unite as one, we will have a good life!"

You Yin sisters deeply agree with Eldest Sister's word. Each and every nodded like a chick pecking at rice. Everyone believed that their life would get better and better. After all, wasn't it much better now than before?


In the early morning of the next day, You Jin and You Yin carried the wooden barrel full of fish along the Wuliqiao River to the edge of the official road with carrying pole. After waiting quarter of an hour, they caught an ox cart that do ride share. It cost three wens. The two sisters boarded the ox cart with a barrel of fish and went to Luohe Prefecture.

In addition to Su Family's sisters, there were also many women from nearby villages who went to Luohe Prefecture for the market on the ox cart. In fact, Luohe Prefecture didn't have a fixed market day. Because it was a relatively large town, there were people coming and going every day in the market area. On top of that, there were many people in the city. That's why there were many people from nearby who went to sell vegetables in the city nearby. .

The ox cart reached to the south gate of the city and the sisters got off the ox cart. They paid an entry fee of two wens before they jointly carried the heavy wooden barrel into the city. Afterward, they made way to the West Market, where vegetables and meat were sold.

When You Jin and You Yin arrived, it was pretty late. Most of the stalls in the West Market were occupied. The sisters searched for a while before they found an empty space near a woman who was selling vegetables. The two people put down the wooden barrel from their aching shoulders. As soon as the two of them put down the wooden barrels, a young wife with a vegetable basket came over and asked, "Little girl, how do you sell this fish?"

Seeing a guest, You Jin enthusiastically smiled: "Young Madam, our fish is 70 wen for the big fish and 20 wen for the small one We got both big and small. What size would you like?"

"Seventy wen? So expensive?" The young wife looked at the full bucket of fish with a little disdain: "People sell pork for only twenty-eight wen a jin. Your fish is almost more expensive than pork."

You Jin reached out and fished out a red-tailed carp weighing about four jins from the water in the wooden barrel. The carp was struggling in You Jin's hands. Its scales were sparkling in the sunlight: "Look, Young Madam, this fish is at least four jins. Seventy wen isn't really expensive! This lively fish is fresh from the water. How delicious it'll be once you go back to stew or fry it!"

Seeing that the big carp was indeed alive, the young wife's heart was moved when she recalled her husband, who was studying at home, talking about drinking fish soup a few days ago: "I don't want such a big one. Find me two crucian carp then!"

It was said that the crucian carp stew was the most nourishing for the body. Her husband had been hard at study. It was a good idea to drink some fish soup to nourish the body.

You Jin swiftly took the rattan that was woven by the family last night from You Yin and quickly fished out two half-jin crucian carp from the water: "Young Madam, what do you think about these two? How about twenty-five wen altogether?"

Seeing her nodding, You Jin threaded the rattan through the cheeks. Two wagging crucian carp entered the yougn wife's hand. After accepting the twenty-five wens, You Jin respectfully sent off the young wife.

You Yin, who was afraid to speak out, didn't expect to sell two fish so quickly and earned twenty-five wen. She was very excited: "Eldest Sister, this fish can really sell for moeny!"

You Jin grinningly breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the price she set wasn't too expensive. The spending power of Luohe Prefecture must be much stronger than that of Liutun Town's. These fishes will definitely be sold out today. Jollily, she spoke, "Once the fish are sold out, let's buy a few chicks to raise. When they grow up, they can lay eggs for you to eat."

Anyway, there was large enough space at home now. Since they can't afford piglets, Raising a dozen chickens was a good option.

Most of the people who come to buy vegetables in the morning were people who lived in the city. It was currently March, the freshest season for eating fish. Therefore, the fish brought out by the sisters only took an hour before they were all sold out. Seeing Eldest Sister sold the last big carp for sixty-five wens, You Yin gained a new understanding of how rich the people of Luohe Prefecture were: "Eldest Sister, these sold too well, right? If we come to sell fish every day, wouldn't we be able to earn a lot of money?"

You Jin cautiously stuffed all the money she got into the closest place to her chest and hid it. After all, the two of them were still young. Although there were officers and soldiers patrolling the city, it would be troublesome if they were targeted by ganef. Hearing what You Yin said, You Jin smiled: "The fish in the Wuliqiao River doesn't appear when you want it to. Besides, since we can fish and sell it, why can't others?"

They were able to earn some money from these fish was because they were lucky enough to catch so many fish. But once the word spreads, would the people in Wuliqiao Village be fools. Won't they know how to fish for money?

Hearing what Eldest Sister's words, the originally high-spirited You Yin felt a little disappointed: "The won't we have no way to make money again?"

She felt a little annoyed and found herself a little unsatisfactory. Eldest Sister have to worry about everything at home and she herself can't help at all.

You Jin poured out all the remaining water in the wooden barrel, patted You Yin on the shoulder and assured, "Don't worry. Let me worry about making money. You have to help Mother and me take care of the little ones at home! Let's go. We'll buy chicks first. Then buy some meat and go back."

After hearing what she said, You Yin felt that she have a role. She happily nodded: "En!"