
Eldest Sister, Why Haven’t You Married Yet?

Once transmigrated, she entered a fire pit. Yue You Jin, as the eldest daughter of the second branch, was adorned with a bunch of younger sisters. Her strong soul, however, didn’t have a strong physique. So she could only swallow her anger until she was twelve years old. A scum Dad, who can’t give birth to a son, cheated while married and brought home the third wheel with him. A grandmother, who places more importance to son over daughters, doesn’t treat her granddaughter as a human being. And also cousin sisters, who want to climb high branches, looked down rural people and a ‘superbrain’ cousin brother, who emptied the family wealth to bribe examiners … Fortunately, she finally found a chance to escape from Yue Family, this bunch of oddballs. Yue You Jin had to shoulder the heavy burden of supporting the family of ten, She can only to empty her brain for money-making ideas. Finally raised her sisters. Initially, she thought she could retire in honor. What? You guys are starting to rush marriage? The little sisters: “Eldest Sister, you and your brother-in-law have been in a nameless relationship for so many years, just short a ceremony. There’s no time like the present, so let’s do it today?” The brother-in-law who never got the chance to get formal/legal status was moved to tears. “Sisters, add oil (go for it)! Brother-in-law wants to buy you a big house!” The female lead’s family surname was Yue in the early stage and changed to Su in the middle period. Not my work !

Judy_Cambell · Geschichte
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162 Chs

Chapter 41. Separated

The east revealed the white curve. The oil lamp in the main room of Yue Family had been on all night. Yue Family didn't come up with any plan.

Yue Da had smoked countless dry cigarettes. The accumulated white smoke in the room made everyone's all-nighter eyes hurt a little. He spoke in a hoarse voice: "Fine. In the end, keeping them is keeping a calamity. They can leave if they want to. Just one point, they can't stay in Liutun Town anymore. They must go far away."

This was to push this untimely bomb further away, least that it'll injure themselves at some unknown time. Yue Da Fu just wanted You Jin and others to stay away from Liutun Town. How was he to know that the other party wanted to stay away too? The cock called three times. Everyone in the second room woke from their good night's sleep. Although they didn't have much to pack, You Jin told the little ones to pack their baggage in the room: "You don't have to pack the rest. Just your own change of clothes. Once we got the separation note in hand, we will immediately leave Liutun Town."

She puffed out her chest and headed out of Yue's house to invite Li Zheng and Patriarch over.

When Yue Shan Chuan saw her come early in the morning, he knew that the girls in the second room were determined to leave. He sighed deeply: "Fine, children and grandchildren have their own blessings. Since you have made your decision, you can only seek your own happiness."

Li Zheng also knew that something happened to Yue Family last night but he didn't know that it reached the point of separation. When he came to Yue's house and heard You Jin's explanation, his whole person got a fright: "You Jin, don't mess around. How can you encourage your mother to separate?"

Standing in the main room with the baby in her arm, Mrs. Su smiling shook her head firmly: "Uncle Li Zheng, it's nothing to do with the children. I decided to leave Yue Family. Hope Patriarch and Li Zheng can be our witness."

Everyone in Yue Family discussed all night with no results. What's more, You Jin knew too much. They could only nod in agreement. Li Zheng swept his gaze at everyone in Yue Family. Then he looked at Patriarch who had been shaking his head and silently sighing. At the urging of You Jin, two copy of the separation note was written.

Except for Yue Da Fu who traveled south and north in his early years and recognize a few characters, everyone was illiterate. When Li Zheng finished writing the separation note, Yue Da Fu took it into hand and carefully examined it a few times. He asked Li Zheng to add three more points: "First, after leaving Yue Family, can't stay in Liutun Town. From now on, we will have nothing to do with each other. Second, not to slander the reputation of my Yue Family outside and can't use my Yue Family's surname. Third, Yue You Jin, you must be fulfill what you promised me."

You Jin and others were distinguished from Yue Family.

Some found it strange that Yue Da Fu directly mentioned You Jin by name. Li Zheng glanced at You Jin. Seeing her nod, he picked up the pen and added a few more lines: "Check it. If there's no problem, Chang Lu and Mrs. Su can put a handprint!"

Mrs. Su was illiterate. When she saw You Jin's slight nod, she put her handprint on the separation note.

Li Zheng respectively gave Yue Chang Lu and Mrs. Su one signed separation note: "That's it."

Looking at second branch's overjoyed children, Yue Shan Chuan felt a chill in his heart. How much was their heart hurt for them to choose to leave Yue Family even when if they get starved to death!

Not caring what other thoughts, You Jin carefully folded the separation note into pocket. She picked up little Ninth who was beside her and carried the already packed luggage on her back: "Mother, let's go!"

"Wait! The things you carry are all from my Yue Family. The clothes you wear are also from my Yue Family. If you want to go out this door, leave everything behind!" Old Mrs. Chen saw the money-wasting things act like they were showing off their power and felt her heart was blocked. At the sight of them carrying a bundle, she immediately raised her voice.

A few children stopped. The fear embedded into their bones for old Mrs. Chen made them inexplicably afraid. They all turned their attention to You Jin. You Jin couldn't be bothered with this paper tiger; just sneered and took the lead in exiting Yue Family's gate. When the rest saw her leave, they hurriedly followed her.

Old Mrs. Chen didn't expect that the money-losing things to not take her so seriously. She immediately pointed to Yue Chang Fu and Yue Chang Lu on the side: "Why are you still standing there like a wooden block? Still not yet, chasing it back for me!" She was close to rolling around and throw a tantrum.

"Enough! Not stopping a single day!" Yue Da Fu's mind was in a mess. And feeling quite annoyed. How can he have the patience with shrew-like old Mrs. Chen? So he hollered.

Seeing that he didn't give her face like this, old Mrs. Chen slumped on the ground and wailed, "I can't live this life any more! The young are white-eyed wolves. The old bully me too! God!" Annoyed by her crying, Yue Da Fu turned around and left the main room; couldn't be bothered with her tantrum. Outside, Patriarch and Li Zheng, who had just left the gate of Yue Family, heard the cries inside. They couldn't help but lamented: "Didn't marry a virtuous wife!"


Back to the group of then that had exited Yue Family, they were walking on the road with their baggage on their backs. Quite eye-catching. The nosy villagers curiously asked, "Sister-in-law Su, where are you going? "

Mrs. Su and the others just smiled and didn't say anything. They went straight out of Cuifeng Village. Not long after they reached the official road, they boarded the ox cart that was attracting customers along the way and went to Liutun Town; Leaving behind the puzzled villagers of Cuifeng Village. After two days, they found out that Mrs. Su and Yue Chang Lu had separated. All the children had left with Mrs. Su!

Back to Mrs. Su and the others who were on the ox cart. Among the children, it was their first time leaving Cuifeng Village with the exception of You Jin, who had snuck to Liutun Town before. Sitting on the ox cart, You Yin was a little confused and helpless: "Third Elder Sister, where are we going?"

Mrs. Su lovingly stroked You Yin's little head: "There will always be a place to go."

You Jin had a game plan. Currently, the ox cart was filled with their family. She briefly shared her thoughts with her mother and the few younger sisters; "Let's go to the county first and send the separation note to the yamen to be stamped. Afterward, separate the household registration from Yue Family. We'll set up our own household and find a village to plant some land. The days will definitely get better."

Although the children didn't know how life would be like, they all nodded with confidence at Third Elder Sister's firm eyes, "En!"

You Zhu was also over the moon: "Third Elder Sister, no one will beat us again in the future, right?"

Looking back at Cuifeng Village, which was far away, You Zhu still couldn't believe it in her heart; she feared that this was an overly-beautiful dream.

Heart ached, You Jin hugged You Zhu: "Right, no one will beat us in the future!"

The several children were beaten by Yue Chang Lu since young. The shadow of domestic violence had always shrouded them. Now they were free of it, the several children couldn't believe it.


After riding an ox cart to Liutun Town, You Jin first went to buy a large bag of multigrain mantou. Then a mule cart with a canopy was rented to go to the county town. After the sun came out, everyone left Cuifeng Mountain. When the sun was setting, they finally arrived at Dingyuan County. It was getting late. You Jin glanced at all the little sleepy faces in the mule cart. Thinking how yamen must be closed now, she asked the driver uncle about the location of cart shop in the county city that wandering merchants live in. Afterward, she requested him to drive the cart to the cart stop before getting off.

After paying fifty wen for the fare, You Jin carried little Tenth and led the string of sisters into the big car shop. This large cart shop was called Shunfeng cart shop. It was currently meal time. Inside was full of merchants. In line with the principle of not causing trouble and not attracting trouble, You Jin asked the shopkeeper for a room with a long kang bed; one that was for a family of ten to sleep on.

After entering the guest room, You Jin slid the door bolt and put the sleeping little Tenth on the kang. Only then, You Jin breathed a sigh of relief. At that end, You Bao took out the mantou that You Jin had bought in Liutun Town today. The family made do with a bit of hot water and each person ate a mantou. Only then, they sat down with satisfaction.

Mrs. Su never asked how much money You Jin had now. However, she had saw her daughter pay fifty wen for the cart fare and another twenty wen to live in a big cart shop. Seventy was gone in an instant. One must know that they were a family of ten now. Spending was indeed a big issue!

Now that there was only their family left and Mrs. Su became free, she asked You Jin: "Jin-er, how much money do you have now? How about Mother go out to find some work tomorrow? It'll more less help out? "

You Jin shook her head: "Mother, you're still in post-natal confinement. Besides, little Tenth and Kang-er are too little. What will to do if you go out to work? I still have some money now. It's enough for us to settle down."

As she said that, she took out the money that she kept close to her: "In addition to the seventy wen that I just spent, I also spent ten wen to buy mantou in Liutun Town today. Third Aunt gave me 100 wem last time. There are twenty wen left of it. In addition, I got a total of seventeen silver liang from hunting last year. I'm dividing this silver into three parts. You, You Yin, and I will each hold one part in case of emergency."

You Jin held eight silver liang herself: "Tomorrow, I will go to the county yamen to get the stamp. I'm afraid that it will cost some money to set up a household. So I will take more. The rest will be separated for safekeeping; Mother will take five liang and You Yin four liang. "

Mrs. Su didn't know that You Jin had saved so much money. When she saw her take out so much money, she was shocked. She rushed to put the five silver liang that You Jin had pushed over into her bosom: "But our family only consist of all female and Kang-er is still young. It seems we will set up a women household? After setting up a household, where should we go?"

Dafeng Dynasty women can set up their own household. But when women set up a household, the taxes and fees will be extra charged half of the male households'.

"So be it. Let's submit you and Yue Chang Lu's separation note and make it official. After setting up a female household, we will leave Dingyuan County. Although the county town is far away from Cuifeng Village, Yue Wentao brothers and Third Uncle's family are still in the county town. It's better to avoid some troubles!" You Jin had already thought it through. After make it official, they will go around the county town for a few days to inquire about the situation. They'll then go to the yamen to ask for directions to transfer the household registration out of Dingyuan County. From then on, Yue Family will be far away.

"That's true. After all, we aren't one family anymore. It wouldn't be good if we met." Mrs. Su thought about it and felt that You Jin's words were reasonable. So he nodded in agreement.

But sometimes things change much faster than people expected. Early the next morning, You Jin originally wanted to go to the yamen to get the household registration fixed. But she encountered Mrs. Han on the street.