
Eldest Sister, Why Haven’t You Married Yet?

Once transmigrated, she entered a fire pit. Yue You Jin, as the eldest daughter of the second branch, was adorned with a bunch of younger sisters. Her strong soul, however, didn’t have a strong physique. So she could only swallow her anger until she was twelve years old. A scum Dad, who can’t give birth to a son, cheated while married and brought home the third wheel with him. A grandmother, who places more importance to son over daughters, doesn’t treat her granddaughter as a human being. And also cousin sisters, who want to climb high branches, looked down rural people and a ‘superbrain’ cousin brother, who emptied the family wealth to bribe examiners … Fortunately, she finally found a chance to escape from Yue Family, this bunch of oddballs. Yue You Jin had to shoulder the heavy burden of supporting the family of ten, She can only to empty her brain for money-making ideas. Finally raised her sisters. Initially, she thought she could retire in honor. What? You guys are starting to rush marriage? The little sisters: “Eldest Sister, you and your brother-in-law have been in a nameless relationship for so many years, just short a ceremony. There’s no time like the present, so let’s do it today?” The brother-in-law who never got the chance to get formal/legal status was moved to tears. “Sisters, add oil (go for it)! Brother-in-law wants to buy you a big house!” The female lead’s family surname was Yue in the early stage and changed to Su in the middle period. Not my work !

Judy_Cambell · Geschichte
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162 Chs

Chapter 17. Disfigured

On this side, Doctor Ma carried the medicine box for outpatient visits and took You Luo to the drying yard. At the other side, Xiao Ke finally found You Jin in the field at the west end of the village. As she waved in the direction of Yue Family's field, she ran: "Elder Sister You Jin! Elder Sister You Jin!"

You Jin, who was hunched over to cut rice, heard someone calling her. She looked up and saw that it was Granny Zhang's granddaughter. Straightening, she waved at her, "Xiao Ke! What's wrong!"

Xiao Ke charged all the way. She was shouting while running. Her energy was already drained. Finally, You Jin was found. After a deep breath, she ran to You Jin who was waving at her. Only when she reached You Jin, she stopped and bent down with her hands on her knees to pant for a while to recover: "You, You Jin, my grandmother said you got to hurry over. You Zhu and... and little Eighth got bullied quilted in the grain drying yard!" Xiao Ke finally passed the message. She was too tired to care about whether it was dirty or not and plopped down in the field that was being harvested. Afterward, she heavily gulped the air.

"What? What happened to You Zhu and the others?" As soon as You Jin heard that something had happened, her nerves were tense: "Xiao Ke, what happened to You Zhu?"

Xiao Ke shook her head: "I don't know either. My grandmother told me to call you. It seems that she was bullied by a few boys."

You Jin immediately felt that something was wrong. If it was just a child playing around, Granny Zhang wouldn't get Xiao Ke to come to find her. You Zhu had a spicy personality. So how could she suffer a disadvantage? You Jin hurriedly put down the sickle in her hand and instructed anxious You Yin: "I'll go back and have a look. You stay here to watch You Ling."

"Third Elder Sister, I'll go with you!" You Yin was soft-hearted. Her tears easily flow. As soon as she heard that little Fifth meet with mishap, she was so anxious that her eyes were wet. How could she be willing to wait here?

However, You Jin didn't have the mind to think. She lowered her voice and stated sternly: "We currently don't know what happened to You Zhu. Obediently listen to me. Don't make trouble!"

Then she darted under the old locust tree and went in the direction of Yue Da Fu and others. She shouted, "Grandfather, something happened to You Zhu in the village. I'll go back and have a look. I'll be back in a while!"

Afterward, she hurried back to the village regardless of whether Yue Da Fu agreed or not.

Yue Da Fu stood up. A gaze filled with mixed of displeasure and deep contemplation fell on You Jin, who flew back to the village. This girl was getting more and more rebellious. If she didn't get educated, there might be troubles in the family in the future... ..


When You Jin arrived, Doctor Ma was already checking You Zhu's condition.

Doctor Ma carefully inspected and asked about the situation at the time. His face was a little stiff: "This parasa consocia's sting can people. Hurry up and carry her to my house."

You Jin hurriedly asked Granny Zhang to help the comatose You Zhu and put her on her back. She also instructed You Bao, who came over with little Ninth on her back, to watch the sun-drying yard. Then she urgently followed Doctor Ma.

Once they arrived at Doctor Ma's house, she went according to Doctor Ma's instructions. First, place You Zhu on the simple bed that was used as a ward in Doctor Ma's house. Doctor Ma stood outside the door and guided You Jin: "Untie her clothes. Check how many other places she have been stung."

You Jin eyed the red and swollen left side of You Zhu's little face. Heartache and viciousness flashed in her eyes. Then she unbuttoned You Zhu's clothes, carefully scanned and answered Doctor Ma who was outside the door: "Except for the face, there are four more places on her back and her legs."

After Doctor Ma heard what You Jin said, his heart sank slightly. He slightly nodded: "I can give your younger sister acupuncture to wake up. But where her stings, it required buying an ointment in town."

Parasa consocia can be fatal if stung too hard. He didn't have much ointment to use. Yue Family's second branch probably can't take out the money. It seem this little girl's life will be difficult to save.

After putting on You Zhu's clothes one by one, You Jin came out and spoke to Doctor Ma: "Doctor Ma, I'll go out for a while. Please take care of You Zhu."

Hearing this, Doctor Ma nodded. Presumably, the little girl was going home to gather money. He couldn't help but blurt: "Your sister's current situation, even if she is rescued, her face was seriously stinged. I'm afraid she will be disfigured..."

After listening to this, You Jin's eyes sank. Then She bowed deeply to Doctor Ma: "Doctor Ma, I'll trouble you to take care of my younger sister. I'll be back soon."

Now the top priority was to save You Zhu. She had no money to buy ointment. Still, there were always other ways to save people.

After leaving Doctor Ma's house, You Jin went straight to the place where children in the village were most afraid of going. This place was also the place with the most parasa consocia. When she lived in the wild in her previous life, she had came across parasa consocia and had been accidentally stung a few times. How can one get ointment in the wild? Naturally, local materials were used to relieve pain.

Carefully standing at a distance to prevent herself from being stung by parasa consocia, she held a long branch and swipe at the tree that was filled with many crawling parasa consocia. Parasa consocia complied with You Jin's movements and fell. At the roots were several parasa consocia. First, she used the branch to carefully pick all parasa consocia away from the roots of the tree. Then You Jin squatted in front of these parasa consocia and carefully pierced their skin with a bamboo branch that she had broken off on the way here. It took a while before she found the turquoise blood vessel tightly close by the black blood vessels. With a little force, she nicked out the turquoise vessel and placed it on a clean leaf.

After repeating this for several times, she placed the parasa consocia's turquoise vessels on the leaf. You Jin felt that it should be enough and hurriedly took the leaf back to Doctor Ma's house. .

Seeing that she came back so soon, Doctor Ma thought that she couldn't get the money to buy the medicine. So he didn't say anything. Just shook his head slightly and sighed. You Jin didn't notice Doctor Ma's movements. She went straight into the room where You Zhu was lying with the leaf in her hand.

Sitting on the edge of the bed with the leaf in one hand, she picked up a few sticky turquoise vessels with the other hand and squeezed them with a little force. Then it was smeared on You Zhu's left face, back, and thighs. Once this was completed, You Jin breathed a sigh of relief and went out to notify Doctor Ma: "Doctor Ma, I have found something to smear on You Zhu. The swelling should disappear in fifteen minutes. I must trouble you to check You Zhu again."

Doctor Ma found it a bit miraculous. What did she find to put on? It would heal in a while? He asked curiously, "What did you smear on?"

"I've been stung by hot peppers before. I don't know whom I heard it from, there is a turquoise vein in the parasa consocia's body. Pick it out and rubbed it on the wound. The swelling disappeared in a quarter of an hour. Later I tried it once. It works." You Jin slightly smiled and found a excuse. It would be good that this kind of knowledge can be spread out. After all, the people in the village were ordinary people. Less one can spend, the less they suffer.

After listening to You Jin's words, Doctor Ma's eyes really brightened: "Oh? There are such strange things?"

After that, he quickly stood up and went to the room where You Zhu was lying. This provoked a complaint out of Doctor Ma's wife: "Really! When it comes to medicines and illnesses, he become completely fixated!"

You Jin smiled and said nothing.


Sure enough, after applying the parasa consocia's vessel, it took only a quarter of an hour for the left face's swelling to almost completely disappear. Still, You Zhu hadn't woken up yet. Doctor Ma took a silver needle and stabbed a needle in You Zhu's philtrum. Only then, You Zhu came to.

She feebly opened her eyes and felt a tingling pain from the left side of her face and many parts of her body. You Zhu involuntarily groaned a few times. Then she noticed You Jin sitting on the side nervously watching her: "Third Elder Sister..."

When You Jin saw that she had finally woken up, she was relieved, and hurriedly responded: "Third Elder Sister is here. How do you feel?"

You Jin had been in this world for nearly 12 years. These sisters were mostly brought up by her. The hard work that You Jin poured into them had long been incalculable. They were her biggest weakness. Now that You Zhu was all right, You Jin let her on-the-edge heart settle down.

You Zhu shook her head slightly: "I'm fine. Where's little Eighth? How's little Eighth? Have she been stung?"

Which rural child hadn't been stung by a parasa consocia? You Zhu naturally knew this familiar pain meant it was parasa consocia and feared that little Eight got stung.

You Jin patted her thin little hand lightly: "Don't worry, little Eighth is fine. You Bao is watching her!" Because little Eighth never cried or made trouble, You Jin and others didn't notice little Eighth got stung. Just thought she was scared.

However, You Zhu shook her head anxiously: "Third Elder Sister, go take a look. Little Eighth may have been stung too!"

Her eyes were full of angst as she urged You Jin to check little Eighth.

You Jin nodded and spoke, "I see. I'll go in a while. Tell me what's happened first? How did you get stung by so many parasa consocia when you were watching the grain in the drying yard?"

You Jin would never believe that You Zhu was being naughty and got stung. There must be other reasons.

Hearing Third Elder Sister's question, You Zhu's eyes became full of ruthlessness: "It's Yue Wen Wei! He brought a few people over to throw parasa consocia on us!"

She gritted her teeth and viciously declared: "Seeing me and little Eighth so, they stood there surrounding us and laughed! I will definitely not let him go!"

You Wen Wei! Hearing that it was his doing, You Jin's eyes were instantly filled with gloom. She patted You Zhu to comfort her: "Be good, You Zhu. Leave Yue Wen Wei to Third Elder Sister. You should properly nurse your wounds."

"Third Elder Sister! I can do it myself!" You Zhu wanted to personally take revenge.

You Zhu shook her head: "You Zhu, you can't win him with your fist. If you go back and tattle, you might even gen beaten by Grandmother. How can you take revenge?"

Each and every words of You Jin stabbed the heart. The tears that You Zhu had originally held back flowed down against her will: "Then do we let them bully like this? Just because we are girls and money-wasting things, we can bully and be beaten and scolded at will!"

You Jin reached out to wipe away the tears on You Zhu's face. Her gaze steadily looked at her and said softly: "You Zhu, being a female is not our fault. Nor we are supposed be bullied by others. You have to remember, no matter what others said, we can't think of ourselves as money-wasting things. So what if we are female? We can be independent and strong. However, you are still young. Hitting a stone with an egg is the stupidest way. We got to become a being that's harder than a stone. Even if others are stones, we won't be crushed. Understand?"

Maybe due to Third Elder Sister's gaze being too firm and her tone was too resolute strong, You Zhu subconsciously nodded: "Third Elder Sister, I understand. I will definitely be stronger earlier, so that I can protect you all!"