
Eldest Sister, Why Haven’t You Married Yet?

Once transmigrated, she entered a fire pit. Yue You Jin, as the eldest daughter of the second branch, was adorned with a bunch of younger sisters. Her strong soul, however, didn’t have a strong physique. So she could only swallow her anger until she was twelve years old. A scum Dad, who can’t give birth to a son, cheated while married and brought home the third wheel with him. A grandmother, who places more importance to son over daughters, doesn’t treat her granddaughter as a human being. And also cousin sisters, who want to climb high branches, looked down rural people and a ‘superbrain’ cousin brother, who emptied the family wealth to bribe examiners … Fortunately, she finally found a chance to escape from Yue Family, this bunch of oddballs. Yue You Jin had to shoulder the heavy burden of supporting the family of ten, She can only to empty her brain for money-making ideas. Finally raised her sisters. Initially, she thought she could retire in honor. What? You guys are starting to rush marriage? The little sisters: “Eldest Sister, you and your brother-in-law have been in a nameless relationship for so many years, just short a ceremony. There’s no time like the present, so let’s do it today?” The brother-in-law who never got the chance to get formal/legal status was moved to tears. “Sisters, add oil (go for it)! Brother-in-law wants to buy you a big house!” The female lead’s family surname was Yue in the early stage and changed to Su in the middle period. Not my work !

Judy_Cambell · Geschichte
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162 Chs

Chapter 148 Fourth Wei

From that day on, You Jin had dreamed of a jade-like gentleman with softness between his eyes and hadn't entered her dream for a long time for four-five nights in a row. Several times in the middle of the night, when she dreamed back, she only felt her empty heart have a faint strange feeling of familiarity that can't be grasped or explained clearly.

"Qiu Fen, have you ever had the feeling that two people who are clearly the opposite, but when you see this person, you always think of the other person?" You Jin accepted the half a cup of pagoda tree flower honey water brought by Qiu Fen and took a sip. Then she leaned on the soft pillow, watching the blooming crabapple flowers stretching their leaves toward the sunlight, like a stunning woman in red dancing. You Jin leisurely breathed a sigh of relief. The years were quiet. She really wants to nap.

Qiu Fen was sitting on a low stool by the couch, doing embroidery work. When she heard Eldest Miss's question, she stopped her hand and carefully pondered for a while before shaking her head lightly: "The maidservant doesn't understand."

You Jin looked at Qiu Fen tilting her head and looking somewhat cute. She couldn't help chuckling: "You don't understand anything, then it's really hard on Zhao Wu."

Zhao Wu was originally a member of Xiao Family's guards. At some unknown time, he started to interact with Qiu Fen. Not long ago, he came to You Jin for her hand in marriage and their engagement was set not long ago.

"Miss!" Qiu Fen became shy from Eldest Miss's words. Her round face was stained a little blush. It made You Jin amused and put down her thoughts for the time being.

Come to think of it, it was strange. Since that day, You Jin had never met Third Yu by chance again. You Jin sent someone to send the Ten Thousand Lotus Painting in her family's collection to Yu's house on pagoda tree alley. Third Yu returned an unknown value painting of appreciating lotuses in summer made by a famous artist in the former dynasty. Then the two had no further contact.

When You Jin heard the news that Third Yu had left Luohe Prefecture and went south, it was already half a month later.


Since You Zhu and You Bao came of age, more matchmakers came to Su's house. It was unknown where it started, there were talks of 'Su Family's Eight Beauty'. On top of that, Su Family's businesses were all over Luohe Prefecture and they also founded the currently in the limelight Erya Female Academy. It made Su Family's girls enter the eyes of many scholarly families.

"Now it's really a family with a daughter, hundreds begging!" Mrs. Su sent away the second matchmaker who came knocking door today, feeling happy and worried at the same time. The happy thing was that the families who came to propose marriage were better than the other. She was happy that every family coming to seek a hand in marriage was getting better than another. Worried, because there were two at the right age in the family that were extremely difficult.

Just as she was thinking about it, the extremely difficult eldest came in slowly from the outside with a faint smile in her eyes: "Mother."

"You came at the right time. Just now was a matchmaker sent by the famous Wei family in Luohe Prefecture. She said Wei Family's fourth young master is proposing marriage." Seeing Eldest Daughter arrived, Mrs. Su hurriedly ordered someone to remove the used cup and serve a cup of thorn rose tea: "Fourth Gentleman Wei is only seventeen now and he is already a Xiucai. When he passed the Xiucai exam last year, he was in the top ten in Luohe Prefecture! This golden ranking title is a certainty!"

Not only that, Wei Family was also a well-known scholarly family in Luohe Prefecture. Counting three generations before Fourth Gentleman Wei, the family had produced a second-rank civil servant! Although Master Wei wasn't as good as his predecessors, he was an old minister who retired from the imperial court. It was really rare for such a family to come to Su Family to propose marriage!

The more Mrs. Su thought about this, the more excited she became. If this marriage can come true, then You Bao can definitely earn a mandated title in the future! However, she didn't dare to agree at once. Suppressing the joy that was already overflowing between her brows, she eagerly looked at Eldest Daughter.

"Which younger sister did Wei Family set their eye on?" You Jin had heard about Wei Family since she ran the Erya Female Academy. Wei Family's Second Madam was currently working as a part-time lecturer at the Erya Academy. On the first and fifteenth day of every month, she gave poetry class. Come to think of it, Wei Family coming to propose marriage must be linked to Second Madam Wei. If this Fourth Wei was a good person, this marriage can be approved.

Mrs. Su's whole body was brimming with joy, but she lowered her voice and replied, "It's You Bao!"

"You Bao is favored by Second Madam Wei in the academy. I remember that Fourth Wei is second branch's youngest son, right? It makes sense then."

The eyes and eyebrows that were 80% similar to Mrs. Su curved happily. It was obvious that You Jin was very satisfied with this marriage: "But one matter is one matter. We still need to find someone to check Fourth Wei's personality in normal times. Also, You Bao's side. She needs to be happy with it"

Suspiciously glancing at Mrs. Su, she asked, "Mother you hadn't agreed to this marriage yet, right?"

Being doubted by Eldest Daughter, Mrs. Su was a little ashamed. Irked, she patted You Jin's hand: "What kind of person do you think Mother is? How could Mother not know you guys' temper? How can I possibly dare to agree by myself? I just said that I have to discuss it with my family and will give her a confirmation in a few days." She was referring to the matchmaker invited by Wei Family.

When she reached this point, Mrs. Su didn't know whether to be relieved or frustrated. With other people's marriages, which one wasn't decided by parents and through the matchmaker's words? While her family's children were more independent than one another. If she really agrees behind their backs, wouldn't the children dislike her and hold a grudge against her in the future?

"It's fine that you didn't agree. I'll talk about it with You Bao. As long as You Bao is willing and Fourth Wei is good, Mother agree the next time the matchmaker comes." You Jin expressed approval toward Mrs. Su's way of handling it. She immediately called Leader Guard Xiao over and entrusted him with the responsibility of inquiring about Wei Family and Fourth Wei's personality.

While Su Family's side started to inquire about You Bao's marriage, Wei Family's side was chaotic due to this marriage.

"Mother, I really don't want to marry a wife now. Next year is the autumn exam. Son just wants to study hard." Fourth Wei thought that Mother's attention would be diverted from his marriage after going to Erya Female Academy to teach. Unexpectedly, she would find the so-called 'best candidate' for him in Erya Female Academy. Fourth Wei, who saw the matchmaker coming to the door, felt that his sight was blackened from anger. He wanted to argue with Second Madam Wei.

Although the Second Madam Wei was the daughter of a literati family, she wasn't a weak and talented female who can only cry spring and weep autumn. Putting down the teacup in her hand, she coldly glanced at Fourth Wei: "What's wrong with marrying a wife? Isn't it good to marry a wife and have a beauty to study with you? You know how to study all day long. Studying so much, it ends up wasted. Look at your eldest brother, second elder brother, third elder brother, fifth younger brother, and sixth younger brother? Which one of them isn't studying? Did they cause a fuss and refuse to get married?"

Wei Family's old Master had four sons and nine grandsons. Eldest Grandson, Third Grandson and Sixth Grandson were from the first branch. Second branch had Second Grandson and Fourth Grandson. Third branch had Fifth Grandson and Seventh Grandson. Fourth branch had Eighth Grandson and Ninth Grandson. The first three grandsons were all married and had given birth to the fourth generation of Wei Family. Fifth Wei, who was about the same age as Fourth Wei, had also married. Sixth Wei was engaged. It can be said to be a prosperous family.

However, every family had scriptures that were difficult to recite. Fourth Wei was that difficult scripture in Wei Family. Since he was young, he was like an old-fashioned pedant and stubborn. Second Madam Wei was worried about him. Even Wei Family's old Madam would mention a few words from time to time, hinting to Second Madam Wei to hurry up and not let Grandson become a leftover man.

In short, Fourth Wei was the only big problem in Wei Family.

"Mother, don't you make trouble for no reason?" Fourth Wei, who looked half similar to Second Madam Wei, only felt a dull pain in his temple. He really admired his father for being so loving for many years with unreasonable and persistent Mother. If it were him, it would be difficult for him to live a day.

When Second Madam Wei heard this, she pretended to grasp her chest and looked at Fourth Wei who was standing in the hall with tears in her eyes: "You say I'm making trouble for no reason! Son has grown up, Mother is old. I'm getting disdained!"

Seeing Mother's excellent singing and scripting act, Fourth Wei couldn't help but feel his headache grow more: "Mother, don't be like this..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by a roar behind him.

"You disobedient son! You're making your Mother angry again?" Second Master Wei heard his wife sob from being angered by Son as soon as he arrived at the door. He entered in big strides and sat by Second Madam Wei's side. Afterward, he gave Fourth Wei a hard stare: "I have raised you so big for nothing. All day long, you only know how to make you Mother mad!"

Although Second Master Wei didn't know what was going on, he only knew that Son had angered his most gentle wife into crying until breathless: "You rebellious son, is all that studying for nothing? Unfilial or unrespectful, aren't you ashamed?!"

Fourth Wei looked at her Mother who was nearly sobbing into his father's arms. Then he thought about himself, who was being scolded, and felt that life was so difficult. He raised his head and speechlessly questioned the sky, why can other people have a pair of normal parents, and not him?

Fourth Wei, who was punished to kneel in the ancestral hall again. Kneeling in front of the ancestral tablet without a trace of emotion in his eyes, he sighed in his heart.

"Really, you. What are you provoking Mother for?" Under Mother's order, soft-spoken Second Wei came over and knelt beside him with a food box. He kowtowed respectfully to the ancestors before standing then standing by Fourth Wei: "I have inquired about it. This time, Mother set her eyes on the daughter of Su Family in Wuliqiao. It's said that her personality and appearance are quite good. Why don't you just have a look?"

Turning his head to look at match-making Second Elder Brother, Fourth Wei's expression remained unchanged: "Last time Mother said she set her eye on Chen Family's Miss and you said the same thing; Last last time, Mother said she set her eye on Zhao Family's Miss, you also said the same thing; the time before that..."

Listening to Younger Brother recounting the nonsense he said one by one, the smile on Second Wei's face froze. Afterward, he smiled even brighter: "This time it's true. How could Elder Brother lie to you?"

"That's what you said last time."


"Second Elder Brother, go back first. I'll kneel on my own for a while." Fourth Wei withdrew his gaze, looked at the ancestral tablet with empty gaze, and sighed faintly. Life was really lonely as snow.

Seeing his younger brother like this, Second Wei coughed dryly and patted his shoulder: "These dishes are all made by the servants under Mother's order. They are all your favorites. Eat them while they are hot. I will leave first. "

Seeing that the food box opened in front of him, the corners of Fourth Wei's mouth curved up almost invisibly. As long as he insisted, Mother would definitely compromise.

But Fourth Wei underestimated the determination of Second Madam Wei this time. As long as he was at home, he would be pestered by Mother's endlessly crying and fuss. Then he would be punished by Father to kneel down in the ancestral hall. Fourth Wei, who had bruised knees, felt his heart ashened as he thought to himself: "The people who can be favored by Mother must be abnormal people!"

He thought about Second Elder Sister-in-law at home, who can tear up when stepping on an ant. Then he thought about Misses that Mother liked before, they were either more rigid bookworms than himself or dare to go out behind the back of the family and privately set their life's affairs. Fourth Wei once again felt that his life was very difficult.

Sixth Wei knew that he had a hard time these days and didn't want to stay at home. It happened to be the academy's day off. So he asked him to go out for a walk together: "I heard that the lotus in Thousand Lotus Lake is blooming right now. A few of us classmates are going to appreciate the lotus. If Fourth Elder Brother has nothing to do, why not go together?"

When Fourth Wei thought about what Mother had done recently, he naturally accepted Sixth Wei's invitation in a hurry. After all, it was much better to go out for a walk and relax than to go to the ancestral hall after listening to Mother's fake cry at home.