
Eldest Sister, Why Haven’t You Married Yet?

Once transmigrated, she entered a fire pit. Yue You Jin, as the eldest daughter of the second branch, was adorned with a bunch of younger sisters. Her strong soul, however, didn’t have a strong physique. So she could only swallow her anger until she was twelve years old. A scum Dad, who can’t give birth to a son, cheated while married and brought home the third wheel with him. A grandmother, who places more importance to son over daughters, doesn’t treat her granddaughter as a human being. And also cousin sisters, who want to climb high branches, looked down rural people and a ‘superbrain’ cousin brother, who emptied the family wealth to bribe examiners … Fortunately, she finally found a chance to escape from Yue Family, this bunch of oddballs. Yue You Jin had to shoulder the heavy burden of supporting the family of ten, She can only to empty her brain for money-making ideas. Finally raised her sisters. Initially, she thought she could retire in honor. What? You guys are starting to rush marriage? The little sisters: “Eldest Sister, you and your brother-in-law have been in a nameless relationship for so many years, just short a ceremony. There’s no time like the present, so let’s do it today?” The brother-in-law who never got the chance to get formal/legal status was moved to tears. “Sisters, add oil (go for it)! Brother-in-law wants to buy you a big house!” The female lead’s family surname was Yue in the early stage and changed to Su in the middle period. Not my work !

Judy_Cambell · Geschichte
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162 Chs

Chapter 111

Xiao Lin Yu didn't write any more letters. You Jin handed the full control of the two's partnership business in tea to Song Hua and Han Li. You Jin only read the account books sent back from Chaxiang once a month. The two's relationship and correspondence for more than a year was cut off so abruptly. He didn't come, she wouldn't go. The two of them seemed to have a tacit understanding and buried their unrevealed affection.

"Pure Brightness's spring tea's picking should start. The master tea maker that Eldest Gentleman Xiao found will arrive in Chaxiang at the end of last month. This is the account book for January." The account book was handed over to You Jin. After two years of tender care and exercise, the 16-year-old boy was already half a head taller than You Jin, who was the same height as him in the past. her whole person had gotten a lot tanner because of the long-term travel. At least, he looked like a steady and restrained young man.

You Jin took the ledger and noticed You Yin's personal maid, Li Dong outside the parlor looking in and couldn't help showing a smile: "Fine. I'll take a look at the ledger. Come back a while later. Go and see You Yin."

You Yin had been depressed ever since she encountered Yue Chang Lu last time. Han Li may be able to enlighten her a little with his return.

"Thank you, Eldest Miss." Han Li pursed his lips, cupped his hands in thanks, and hurried out.

Seeing Han Li coming out, Li Dong rushed to greet him, bowed to her knees, and spoke, "Young Master Han, you are finally back."

After Han Li and You Yin's engagement was finalized, the identities of the two Han Li brothers in Su Family became more and more obvious. In order to avoid suspicion, Su Family simply claimed that Han Li brothers were relatives and nephews of Mrs. Su's maternal family. Han Li brothers were the first to enter Su Family. From the start, they hadn't sold their bodies as slaves. Additionally, there was You Yin's kind treatment. They were different from the servants of Su Family. Now that the two's marriage had been set, the two Han brothers naturally have different identities.

"How is Second Miss?" Han Li asked in a deep voice after following Li Dong who was leading the way. In February, it was supposed to be Song Hua who send the account book back. But when he heard about You Yin's mishap, he swapped with Song Hua, hurried back from Chaxiang, and finished all the work that should be done. Only then, he hurried to see the girl who had already filled his heart.

Li Dong passed sideways and took the lead. She lowered her voice and replied, "In the earlier days, she wasn't doing very well. But after drinking the medicine for more than ten days, she's almost better."

Second Miss's illness was sudden and fierce. It made Madam and the girls all terrified. But under Eldest Miss's instruction, she dared not tell anyone what happened that day. Fortunately, Eldest Miss was still there and nothing happened to Second Miss.

Drinking medicine for more than ten days? As soon as Han Li heard this, his heart skipped a beat. What was the disease? She was fine when he left after the Lantern Festival. Why did she fall ill just a few days after he left? The initially serious boy's borws were pinched tightly, making him even more frightening. The two of them didn't say anything anymore. Their steps quickened a lot more. Shortly later, they reached the door of You Yin's boudoir.

When You Yin heard that he was back, she was overjoyed, but also knew that he still had other matters to do. On top of that, she wasn't in good health yet and couldn't go out to face the wind. She could only wait patiently in the room and let Li Dong invite him over.

The girl who was fidgeting in the room heard movement outside. After a while, she saw the familiar figure walking in with his back against the light. She stood up from the couch at once: "You're back!"

As soon as Han Li entered the door, his eyes were glued to her body. She lost weight and looked much worse than when he left. His heart cherished his young girl even more.

Although the two were already engaged, they still suppressed their passion for the sake of propriety. and the ceremony was over. You Yin tugged on his sleeve and the two stood very close, looking at each other. Looking at the young girl with a forced smile, his eyes were full of love and pity. Breaking the etiquette between the two for the first time, he couldn't help stretching out his hands to embrace the girl in front of him. He said in a deep voice, "I'm back." I'm back. No matter big of a matter, I will carry it for you.

You Yin was taken aback by his sudden action. Instead of struggling, she leaned softly into his arms and listened to his steady but somewhat fast heartbeat. It was like the drumming outside during the New Year. Inexplicably, her heart, which was uneasy for a long time, gradually returned to its original position.

Outside, Li Dong saw Gentleman Han and Second Miss hugging each other, tactfully retreated to a place where she couldn't see them, and turned around. With due diligence, she went on a lookout for Second Miss.

You Jin knew that You Yin's illness was a mental problem. Snd she could sort Yue Chang Lu out, but she couldn't solve You Yin's heart knot. So she mentioned that You Yin was unwell in her letter to Chaxiang and see if Han Li could cure You Yin's heart knot. As for Yue Chang Lu's side, she will naturally have to deal with it.

It wasn't difficult to find Yue Chang Lu's whereabouts. Nor was it difficult to find out what he had done these days. In order to solve Yue Chang Lu's matter once and for all, You Jin had been digging a hole for him silently since the day she knew he came to Luohe Prefecture.

Sitting in the parlor and looking at the peach trees with green shoots outside, You Jin gave a soliloquy to the air: "The nets are all cast. The fish has been hopping for so long. It's time to pull the nets."

Spring days' scenery and color were the most moving. As for what was unsightly, just do what one should do.


Three days later

Leader Guard Xiao cupped his hands respectfully and told You Jin: "Eldest Miss, everything is settled."

Although Leader Guard Xiao didn't know what enmity Eldest Miss had with the thief, in his opinion, the grudge must be huge for the relatively kind-hearted Eldest Miss to trap a person and send him to the war-torn northern Xinjiang to do unpaid government forced labor.

"It's hard work for Leader Guard." Sitting in the wing room on the second floor of Sujiaxiang, You Jin watched the bustling market outside. She calmly spoke: "In such a big Luohe Prefecture, one more person or one less person, who would know?"

Leader Guard Xiao had his head half lowered. His expression couldn't be seen clearly. It was as if he didn't hear what she said.

As You Jin said, now that the north was in war, the originallyprosperous and relatively stable Luohe Prefecture had become one of the first choice destinations for refugees in the north. There were tens of thousands of people who get separated on the way. Who would care if an inconspicuous thief disappeared?

On the third day of Yue Chang Lu's disappearance, Wan Niang belatedly realized that he wasn't spending night out, but had truly disappeared. She took her child and searched in Luohe Prefecture for two days. She couldn't find him at all. On the advice of the neighboring family, she carried the child to the Yamen and cried: "Official, my man is truly missing. I beg you to decide for this common woman!"

That Luohe Prefecture's Yamen orderly had been extremely busy every day now that there were more and more refugees pouring in due to the war on the front line. With more refugees, there will be more troublemakers. After a rare opportuntiy, he got breather while the official was absent and on a patrol outside. Unforeseen, he was stopped by this raggedly dressed woman. Disgruntled, he angrily swatted away her hand that was tugging on his trousers: "Go away. Go away. Is the Yamen somewhere can mess around?"

Wan Niang who was thrown on the ground, "Official! Official! This woman's man had been gone for three days. I beg you to decide for this woman!"

Wan Niang was just an ordinary woman. It took her all to go to the Yamen for help. She never thought that she would be driven out before even reaching the gate of the Yamen?

Yue Wen Bao also fell to the ground. Looking at the ferocious Yamen orderly and getting frightened by his mother's cries, he also opened his voice to howl. The mother and son hugged each other and howled loudly. Although the attention of the passbyer were grabbed, no one dared to step forward and say something. After all, the common people don't fight with the officials!

"Hurry up and leave. If you don't leave, you will be arrested and locked up in prison!" The black-faced Yamen orderly irkly drove her away: "Nowadays, there is a lot of chaos outside. The war in the north may come at any time. Maybe your man had already run away! And you still came to the Yamen to seek bad luck!"

The Yamen orderly wasn't unreasonable. After all, it was faster for a grown man to escape than to bring a woman and children with him, wasn't it?

It was unknown whether Wan Niang believed it or not. She left the gate of the Yamen in a daze and brought her son back to the small temporarily rented courtyard. The mother and son cried for a long time. Once it was dark, they still couldn't welcome Yue Chang Lu's return.

Everything that happened here was passed into You Jin's ears that night.

"Yue Chang Lu deserved what he got. Now she is already crying. There's more time for her to cry in the future!" The brush was lowerer down and steadily moved. In a flash, a big "forbearance" appeared on the paper: "I have endured for so many years. It is time to avenge some grudges."

Why was You Duan and Kang-er born less ten days that year and almost got drowned by the wolf-hearted Yue Family? Wasn't it Wan Niang giving idea behind the scene? She will settle the debt with each and every members of Yue family one by one. It went without saying Wan Niang won't be able to escape.

After Northern Ethnic broke through Dingyuan, Luohe Prefecture's timely reinforcements temporarily contained the enemy's overwhelming momentum. After entering February, the atmosphere in Luohe Prefecture became more and more tense. Even many refugees who fled from their previous location continued to flee south for their lives.

Before the year end, Chaxiang's side had started to make preparations. This time Han Li came back with another purpose, which was to take all the old, weak, women, and children of Su Family to Chaxiang for temporary refuge.

In the main courtyard of Su Family, You Jin and Mrs. Su sat at the top. It was rare for everyone in Su Family to gather together. Auntie Song stood at the bottom. She glanced at Leader Guard Xiao who looked normal, and then quietly raised her eyes to look at serious masters. Although they didn't know what had happened, they still held their breath and stood there in order, waiting for the master's order.

Everyone had different expressions as they all quietly listened to Eldest Miss's assignment: "We'll go to Chaxiang and only bring some valuable soft goods. Chaxiang had everything else prepared. Must trouble Leader Guard Xiao to choose three guards to stay in Luohe Prefecture. The rest follow Madam and the misses to Chaxiang. On Auntie Song's side, put priority on the old, the weak, women and children. Those who normally served in the kitchen and are personal servants pack your bags. In the afternoon, tell me the names of all the people who will follow to Chaxiang."

After a pause, You Jin remembered something again and added another sentence: "There is also old Teacher Chen. He will also go to Chaxiang."

"Yes." Leader Guard Xiao and Auntie Song accpeted the orders from their master and hurried to work on it.

"Are we going to seek refugee?" Seeing Eldest Daughter's battle mode, Mrs. Su felt a little uneasy in her heart. So she broke the silence and asked first.

"Mother, don't worry. Everything is ready in Chaxiang. Just treat it as a relaxing and stay for a while. Once Luohe Prefecture settle down, I will come to Chaxiang to pick you up in person." Although You Jin deliberately controlled her facial expressions, Mrs. Su could still see that Eldest Daughter was actually uneasy.

Mrs. Su's eyes slightly reddened as her voice trembled a little: "Aren't you going with us?"

Although Mrs. Su had never experienced war, it didn't mean she didn't know that once Luohe Prefecture was breached, small families like them may meet the ending of ruin at any time!

You Jin patted Mrs. Su's trembling hand. Smilingly, she comforted her: "Don't worry, Mother, I have properly mastered my riding skills now. If it really reach Luohe Prefecture, there will be guards at our house. No matter how bad it is, I can still leave on horseback, right? Our family still have shops in Houjiawan and Luohe Prefecture. If no one is in charge, I'm afraid there would be chaos."

During war, people's hearts were most likely to be chaotic. Now the only one in the family who can take charge in Luohe Prefecture was herself. You Jin couldn't think of another candidate.