
Make like a tree and leaf...

Gyokuro "What do you mean Xia-Long Miao is dead!?!" she shrieks, having just ordered all of the Sub-division leaders back to the base in order to find out what'd happened.

Issa "It is true my wife, the rest of the Miao clan is in an uproar due to some unknown man destroying their main house and capturing Xia-Long... The device monitoring his vitality has revealed that he is long dead." he explains, grimacing at Gyokuro's voice.

Raika "What does that pipsqueak being dead have to do with us?" he asks, the rest of the table nodding.

Gyokuro "What does it have to do with you? It means someone is hunting our members!" she shouts.

Issa shakes his head, "Not necessarily, the Miao family has been feuding with many other Chinese organisations for years... It isn't unlikely that one of them are the culprit."

A tall tanned man with leaves for hair shakes his head, "No... I feel as though we are being targetted..." he says, as though a feeling is worth noting.

Gyokuro "I agree Mayklikeatrii, that's why I've called for backup." she says with a smile, waving her hand at the door as two figures step inside. "Please introduce yourselves for our friends."

A tall tanned girl with average-length blonde hair, red eyes, and a revealing dress walks in first, and trips on her dress... She scrambles to get up with a blush on her face and eventually introduces herself. "I am Kahlua Shuzen, please treat me well." she says with a bow, revealing two cross-shaped earrings.

The next is a shorter girl with long pitch-black hair like Issa, and slitted red eyes. She gives a glare at everyone present and crosses her arms, "Akua Shuzen." she says bluntly.

Raika stands with a frown, "What're two little girls going to help us wi-Hurghk!" he's stopped when Akua appears next to him, her hand shaped in a "Karate chop" which slices through the heavy metal table and ends at his throat.


A bead of sweat drips down his face as he begs the girl for his life with his eyes...


Gyokuro "Enough daughter, he's got the message."

Akua withdraws her hand and walks back next to Kahlua, "What is it you need us to do Mother, Father?" she asks respectfully.

Issa "We require you to... Is it me or is it getting hot in he-"

Mayklikeatrii "OH MOTHER NATURE'S ASS-CRACK!" He shouts, running to a nearby window and throwing open the curtain. It's incredibly bright outside but everyone present can see what's happening... Another sun had appeared over the island...

Gyokuro dashes over, "What is that!?!" she shouts yet again.

Everyone stays silent... That is, until it forms into a blade and starts heading towards them.

"AHHHH!" one person screams and punches their way out of the room through the wall, getting to the side of the island and jumping off... Despite not having any means of flight...

Everyone else leaves through the newly created hole and manage to get out of the path of the fiery blade of death that parts the island in two... Mayklikeatrii who'd been the furthest away wasn't left without injury however, his race naturally being weak against fire and allowing his hair to burst into flames.

Mayklikeatrii "Ahh! Help, help, ohh sweet nature help!" he screams, Kanade walking over with a scowl and dousing him with water, setting out the flames.

Kanade "Fool! I told you before, if you are a nature spirit then wear fire retardent clothing!" he says, giving Mayklikeatrii a kick which has him slowly getting up.

Raika "Being on fire isn't the dire of our problems ya' idiots! Look!" he points over the edge of the island at the rapidly approaching ground below.

Gyokuro "Miyabi! Surely you can do something!?" she shouts, after seeing no one else having any good ideas.

Miyabi, a black-haired man with red eyes and wearing a suit shrugs, "I do... Leave the weaklings." he states, black wings bursting from his back as he leaps off the side of the island.

Issa looks nervous but nods regardless, "I... I agree." he says, growing weak looking wings on his back and glancing at Gyokuro.

She bites her lip and grabs his collar, releases her seals and using the vampire ability known as "Wealth of Power" which allows vampires to change their bodies at will, to grow wings.

Gyokuro leaps off and flies off with Kahlua releasing her own seals, picking up Akua and following their mother.

Mayklikeatrii "Wait! You can't leave me! We're allies!" he shouts, grabbing Raika's shoulder.

Raika explodes with electricity, releasing his true form and punting Mayklikeatrii away, "I'd say sorry, but I try not to lie." he states, his body now covered with yellow fur and his head resembling some kind of horned lion... With a flash of lightning he disappears.

Kanade smirks at his injured ally and sprouts white feathered wings, "Alas, I refuse to dirty my hands with... Well, dirt. Farewell tree-man." he says, flying away.

Gairen Yuki follows suit, leaving Mayklikeatrii to his fate despite having the capabilities to easily save him.

Mayklikeatrii falls to his knees, looking up at the sky where three shadows look down at them with nonchalance. "Is this my fate?" he wonders, shaking his head and surrounding himself with thick roots, hoping it'd shield enough of the impact to save his life.


The island hits the earth, killing most of the subordinates of Fairy Tale, the only survivors being those lucky enough to be able to fly, tank the impact, or get assistance from some of the more powerful Yokai.

The surviving Sub-division leaders are completely covered in dust as the slowly glide to the ground, hoping that the creature contained within the island hadn't been disturbed... Or worse, awakened...

So ya, I'm kinda brushing past some of the characters who are, in my opinion, not very interesting... You'll probably notice some OC's but I think their integration is natural enough.

If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts