
Class-1st Year, Section- G

"He loved you, it was not a mistake or anything...he always hoped for your happiness, so for his sake try to find your happiness."

And left back to her seat...Rui with the photo sobbed silently kneeling beside Rixy's coffin.

While being on their way Julia and Smith with anxious eyes were looking at Rui all the time...since she hadn't spoken a single word...Rui's father now started to doubt his decision... when Julia drew a small sketchbook from her bag and gave it to Rui.

"Mrs Matthews gave us this she said Rixy had a hobby to draw things he liked and to give this to you...when we feel like it... since we don't know what happened it wasn't right for us to decide such things here we are giving this to you."

"Because we trust you." Her father completed the last sentence and went back to his silent mode.

As Rui took the book her hand trembled a little and was scared to even open it when her father saw her struggle he pulled the car to the side and grasped her hand very gently,

"It's fine you don't have to open it right now, take your time I'm sure Rixy? Was it? He would feel the same...nobody including Rixy would want to see you like this, I know you feel like you are being selfish but it's okay for you to be like that because we all like you and love you the way you are so, you can-"


Interrupting their time a truck without any control crashed into them Julia holding Rui tightly rolled in the car and thrashed her head by the window as Smith while trying to protect both of them got stuck between the steering wheel and the front seat very abruptly and caused himself a lot of injuries the locals around came to their rescue but it was already too late for Rui's parents.

But because of her parents, Rui was somewhat conscious,

"Mother, father, Where are they??" She mumbled in a really low voice.

"Please don't sleep, we will get you to the operating room." With that unknown voice requesting Rui collapsed when brought to hospital.

"What should we name her??"

"Ha ha, see she's giggling so much, she's so cute and precious...how about Rui?" very gently some warm voice whispered,

"Rui? What does that mean?"

"Well, I don't know myself but there was this lady in a neighborhood who was free-spirited and happy all the time...but yet she was the kindest woman I have known in my childhood."

"Wait, isn't that your mother's name?"

"Hehe...yeah I want my daughter to be like her."

"He he he" the child giggled when the guy finished his sentence.

"She liked it, so precious." In a happy voice, the woman adored the baby.

"Thank you Julia and thank you, baby."

'What the, am I in the afterlife? I guess I died for real.'

Is that what you thought when you named me *Sniffle* Mom, Dad."

Upon hearing her sniffles Rui's parents appeared further away in front of her.

In that vast empty plain, chasing after her parents Rui's bawling could be heard very clearly even from afar.

"I AM SORRY, I am sorry Mom, I am sorry Dad, *sobs* and I am sorry Rixy, I won't let you'll down again please come back, please come back." And repeating those words she fell into an endless huge hole.

"Come back, come back, NO!"

She shouted aloud as opened her eyes abruptly, and found herself on a hospital bed beside a lady doctor who was startled by her shouting,

"What no? You either have this injection or admit yourself in a hospital."

With that said she injected the needle and left to the seat beside her and started mumbling to herself,

"These kids nowadays don't care about their health and just come here to sleep. HEY! What's your name and which class are you in?"

Rui, who was still not herself just answered the question she knew,

"Name? Rui...Rui Bosta? Class...class? What cla- wait what hospital? Isn't it a hospital?

"You wish...you are in the medical room, what? You hit your head or something..."

Rui slowly coming to sense found herself in a tiny room with two cabinets that differ in size and three beds with low-quality pillows. As her eyes wandered around the room she found a calendar above the small cabinet and it was 2019 written over there,

"I guess you got the wrong calendar, isn't it 2023 right now?"

"Did you hit your head?... but I thought you just had a heat stroke...oh no I guess we had to call your parents, then may you get back your little sense." In a sarcastic tone, she taunts her.

"Don't waste my time, tell me your class?"

Rui silently with her head down panicked,

"What the hell? What class? I don't have a single idea what's going on. Wasn't I in the hospital earlier? Didn't I have an accident...what- right! Maybe I am dreaming, right, maybe I am in a coma...haha right how could I possibly-"


With a very light smack on the head, she felt a little pain which proved her wrong. "Seriously this girl...sigh show me your ID." Finally giving up the lady doc asks for her school ID, being all confused Rui still goes through her dress,

"Wait am I wearing a school uniform?"

"Or what else do you expect to wear in a school??" Snatching the ID she replied.

"Kids these days...tsk tsk tsk." Mumbling that she writes something in a register and throws Rui with her ID outside.

"Go straight to your class...no funny businesses!" Slamming the door she commands.

Rui picked up her ID and went blank when she went through it. The ID was from when she was in the first year of high school.



  ROLL NO.: 17