
Einar Travers a Crow at the Crossroads (Rough)

Ein finds himself thrown into a crossroads between fantasy and reality no longer certain if he is even human anymore and sets out to find himself and right a wrong with a strange mute companion. From modern day to medeival fantasy ghosts, monsters, ghouls, and demons who knows where Einar Travers will end up or if he will still be the good guy at the end of it all.

Shatterglass_L · Fantasie
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6 Chs

002 Stranger's Eyes

The creature who cleaned and bandaged his arm appeared vaguely human aside from the shimmer of features as if they delayed just behind its movements... almost like rippling water moving behind a boat then rushing to catch up. It did not need a label for gender as it appeared much older than one who might care about such things and somehow he found himself thinking about an old story with a swamp hag whom disguised as a human passed as a healer for near a century before the villagers realized something was odd.

It was silent while tending his arm but then the creature he decided must be some sort of hag handed him a mug of what smelled like hot spiced wine and stated, "well dearie, I've done you a favor so now it's your turn... tell me how this came about and why my little Mair has brought home an injured bird."

He looked at Mair then at the Hag careful not to make eye contact then looked down at the mug and took a sip. The potion was warming... definitely some sort of mulled wine and he felt a little of the pain in his shoulder ease. Then he took a few slow breaths and a moment to gather his thoughts before he began.

"The morning started out normal, I had breakfast and went to the office just like I normally do... but I... I kept having this odd feeling... almost an itching under my skin and a feeling I was being watched. But everytime I'd turn around there was no one there...at one point I went to the restroom and as I washed my hands I glanced up and could have sworn my eyes had changed colors for a second but then they were normal in an instant..."

"Oh how fascinating... how old are you dear?" The Hag suddenly interrupted.

"I'm 37...why?" He replied confused why this had anything to do with anything at all.

"Well I've never heard of anyone being able to hide it so long... they must've been quite powerful to suppress the magic so long! Goodness me this is quite fascinating!" Squealed the Hag happily, "and what color did they change to dear?"

"Um... I beleive they were gold..."

"Not yellow? Are you certain?" The Hag replied suddenly quite serious.

"I'm sure they were gold... with flecks of hazel... is that bad...?" He was suddenly worried.

"No dear... im sure everything will be just fine", replied the Hag, "but...just in case... best to keep that to yourself from here on out."