
My brain said yes


We were on a school break so I didn't saw him for a long time.But,one day Rachel and I decided to go out.I was walking down the street and I saw him walking the dog.At that moment I felt so shy and scared.I didn't know what to do.So I just looked down to the floor.But at one moment I slightly turned my look at him and he said "Hi!"

I was like:"Oh my God,did he just sajd hi to me?What am I supoosed to say?"At the end I just walked next to him without saying a world.Yes,I welt absolutley stupid and emberrsed,but at the other hand I was so happy.That night I realised,I am in love.I mean...that is what I thought.


I decicded to follow him on Inatagram.I sent him a follow request.I was waiting for about four hours.I was so impatient.I even post a cute picture with my feiend Anna so he could see my face and know who I am.He did accept my request,but he didn't follow me back and he didn't even see my story.Actually,I was not that sad.I mean,at least he aceppted me.

-Next few days I went on a trip with my parents.I was thinkig about him,but the real "opsession" started when we got back to school in March.