
Ehab's Bride.

The world's most feared mafia, Ehab Durani, is a 30-year-old man of few words with all bad habits. He changes girlfriends like clothes. His smooth-going life takes a U-turn when he bumps into a timid soul named Wafa Shirley. He falls for her at the very first sight, whereas his father is totally against his will to make Wafa his in every sense. But being stubborn and dangerous, Ehab decides to keep his father out of his life. But the most interesting part is when Ehab comes to know that Wafa is his enemy's daughter. His enemy, with whom he has no good relations, they can't even breathe in the same room for a minute. Ehab plans to learn about Wafa through Lucy, her office manager. He makes sure that she keeps an eye on Wafa by becoming her good friend. Also, Ehab instructed Lucy to find out whether Wafa's disease is real or if she is faking it. As a mafia member, he doesn't trust anyone, so he just wants to be on the safe side. When he finds out that Wafa is innocent and not faking it, he falls for more for her. As Ehab learns about Wafa's past. He is not shocked to know that her own father was using her to kill his enemies but also taking advantage of her rare disease called Dementia. She creates her own scenarios in her mind. She barely remembers anything real of her own. Taking advantage of her disease, Ehab plans a very dangerous plan to kill her father, Keith Evans. The story takes twist when Wafa makes a soft corner in his heart. Ehab starts falling for her more and more. They found themselves tangled in such problems that keep them entangled with each other every now and then. Ehab's dominating side, his intensity, makes her feel sparks. His closeness makes her heart thud. His touches are a cure for all her scars. She learns that she cannot survive without him. He makes the first move and proposes to her one night. But here, Keith Evans plans to send his man to Ehab's place to find out what Ehab is plan

Jannat_zeenat · Urban
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50 Chs

In his arms

Hours passed, and Ehab's anxiety grew with each passing minute. Finally, a doctor approached him with news. Wafa was stable, but her condition was critical. She had lost a lot of blood and would need immediate surgery.

Ehab's heart sank at the news, but he knew he had to stay strong for Wafa. He made arrangements for her surgery and ensured that the best doctors were attending to her. He couldn't bear the thought of losing her, not after everything they had been through.

As he sat in the waiting room, Ehab couldn't help but reflect on the changes that Wafa had brought into his life. She had shown him a different side of himself, a side that he never knew existed. He realized that he was capable of feeling love and fear, just like any other person.

Ehab vowed to protect Wafa at all costs, to make sure that she would never have to fear again. He knew that his life would never be the same without her, and he was willing to do whatever it took to keep her safe.