
Eh? I'm dead!

Indigo Richeland woke up one morning and discovered his soul and body had separated. War mongers, demons, seals, spirits, psychics. Is there a way to prevent the world from collapsing?

Calendertime · Fantasie
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22 Chs

Day 2 - part 1

Today is day two of being a ghost/ spirit/ poltergeist/ demon/ angel? Okay, I have no idea what I am, just that I am dead. Wait, I must be a soul! Okay, glad I got that definition nailed down.

Being dead and restless is extremely tiring. Although I do not follow religion, I was expecting more from afterlife - like being beamed to heaven or a meeting with the devil's advocate, or a social gathering with fellow souls. Instead, I was filled with more questions with each passing day- alone. There are more things that I could not do than I could do, which was extremely annoying especially when I am so used to how my body moved. Things just aren't the same anymore. Even complaining seemed futile, it felt like i am wasting time. Irony how I used to yolo my days away, and now life after death. The only body I can talk to now is dead, lifeless like a corpse on the ground. Fun fact, if your body is decaying and no flies or insects appear to feast on its rotten flesh, most likely the body is poisoned or there is a ghost in the same room.

..Wait a minute, was I poisoned? That would explain my death. But who would poison me?

Time to look for clues. For some reason, the shutters were down, the doors would not bulge. One thing for sure, sunlight has no effect on me, nor do artificial light.

There were no photos in the room either, strange. I am sure I am a photo guy, I even have a dslr lying on the table. Hmm, nothing much here except for a paper bag filled with half consumed fries, burger wrapper and an empty tumblr. Hmm, the fast food joint's name is called Golden Arch huh, perhaps that is why my body took so long to decompose- the preservatives in the fast food must be the culprit.

Okay, maybe I can try asking my neighbours...

Should i try phasing through the walls? That will be so cool! But what if I'm trapped in between? After all, I am not sure how long I will hang around. Gee, I am a shit detective, even as a monologue I bore myself to death. Too bad I can't die twice... ok I have to get that negativity out of me. Not healthy.

Hmm, what's that bulging from my shorts? It looks hard...