
Chapter XLI

Chapter XLI

Lux's POV

April 4

After encountering the white tiger, we decided to stay here for a while since the weather outside is harsh and going against that strong wind might blow us away then possibly kill us. We invited over the other three behind and guided the three here, and it seems like the three are enjoying the time looking at this spacious space, except for Shan since after I made the magic tent, she went in and never came back, probably sleeping again.

Blue and Shan are the most sleepy-headed among our group if they know there's nothing to do. Blue couldn't sleep now since he wanted to skin the tiger in anger, sometimes he's easily pissed by the kid insult, so we refrain from teasing him or making a joke about that stuff.

I shook my head in embarrassment. There's still a kid inside his mind.