
Eden of Rothania

Rothania was a peaceful realm filled with talking animals, Fauns, Giants, elves, and Ivors who were dwarfs. It wasn't until a thousand years later that Rothania's queen began to fall, and the first king began to rule. This change in leadership began a new era of strife and war, as the king sought to expand his power and influence. This led to a period of great suffering among the various races of Rothania, as they battled each other for control of the kingdom. "Brother, is magic real?" "Of course not, idiot" There were voices in her dreams calling for her help. They needed her, but where were they? Who are they? She had no idea who or where these voices were coming from. She thought it must be her imagination, but the voices kept calling her, begging her to help them. She was filled with confusion and uneasiness. The twinkling butterfly changed everything. What if they hadn't followed it? Could the future have been different? The butterfly seemed to be a sign, a sign that the voices were real. However, they weren't sure where it would lead them. Did the twins actually belong to that place? Will they be able to change the fate of Rothania? [JOIN THE TWINS IN THEIR ADVENTURE~ EDEN OF ROTHANIA]

002_Yuki_Onna · Fantasie
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83 Chs


The night embraced him, the bustling marketplace his theatrical canvas. Aricen's presence seemed to meld seamlessly into the shadows, his posture shifting subtly to embody a persona he had adopted for this particular endeavour.

As he moved among the bustling stalls and lively chatter, he was no longer Aricen, the elf known for his skill in the arcane arts. He was now Jinx, a new member under the Mistress of Shadows' employ.

Jinx stood in a secluded alley, hidden from prying eyes by the veil of darkness. The transformation had been meticulous, every detail calibrated to perfection.

Gone were the elegant elf with his distinctive silver hair and pointed ears. In his place stood a figure of calculated mystery, a persona that would allow him to slip through the city's underbelly unnoticed.

His hair, once a shimmering silver, now fell in tousled raven-black locks that framed his face with an air of nonchalance. The elf's angular features were softened, his eyes hidden behind a pair of charcoal-tinted goggles that added an element of intrigue. A dark scarf was wound loosely around his neck, its fabric whispering secrets of alleyways and concealed rendezvous.

Jinx's attire was a carefully curated ensemble of shadows – a fitted coat of deep obsidian, adorned with hidden pockets and compartments for his tools of trade. The coat flowed elegantly around him, its tails brushing against the cobbled ground. Fingerless gloves clad his hands, the leather worn and supple, a testament to the dexterity they had seen.

A smirk played at the corners of Jinx's lips as he surveyed his own reflection in a shard of glass propped against a crate. The transformation was more than just a change of appearance; it was a shift in demeanour, a shedding of one identity for another.

Adjusting his scarf and goggles with a satisfied nod, Jinx stepped out of the alley and back into the bustling streets. The city pulsed with life, its heartbeat a rhythm of secrets waiting to be uncovered.

As he walked, Jinx's senses were alert to every movement, every shift in the atmosphere. He knew that any wrong step could expose his true intent, and so he treaded carefully. His inquiries had to be subtle, his interactions unremarkable, if he were to glean even a hint of information about the Mistress of Shadows.

His destination was a discreet establishment known as the "Whispering Rose." It was a haven for those seeking anonymity, a place where secrets were exchanged like precious commodities. The patrons shrouded in cloaks of suspicion, cast wary glances at newcomers. Jinx's heart raced as he stepped inside, his senses immediately assaulted by the mingling scents of spiced wines and whispered conversations.

At the bar, Jinx ordered a drink, his eyes scanning the room for any potential sources of information. A group of figures huddled in a corner caught his attention – a collection of enigmatic individuals whose eyes held the glint of concealed knowledge. It was here that Jinx believed he might find the threads of truth he sought.

He approached the table. His demeanour was nonchalant, his expression one of intrigue. "Mind if I join you?" he asked, his voice laced with the charisma of a newcomer eager to ingratiate himself.

The occupants exchanged glances, their scrutiny a palpable presence. A woman, her features masked in shadows, finally nodded toward an empty seat. "Sit, if you must," she replied, her tone a mixture of curiosity and caution.

Seated among them, Jinx engaged in the art of subtle conversation. He listened more than he spoke, letting the rhythm of their words guide him. They spoke of the city's underbelly, its power struggles and hidden alliances. Jinx shared tidbits of fabricated information, carefully weaving a web of half-truths to earn their trust.

The woman regarded him, her gaze piercing. "You're new here, aren't you? I haven't seen you in the Mistress's realm before."

Jinx's heart skipped a beat, his pulse quickening. Here was his chance, a window of opportunity to delve deeper. He feigned a casual smile. "Indeed, a recent arrival. The Mistress herself extended her invitation, recognizing something unique in my... skills."

The women pfft. "The Mistress has an eye for potential. Her reach is vast, her influence unwavering."

In a dimly lit corner, Jinx leaned against the polished wood of a small table, his eyes fixed intently on the woman before him. Her lips curled knowingly, eyes glinting with intrigue and caution. Her raven-black hair cascaded over her shoulders like a silken waterfall, framing a face that held the allure of both beauty and danger. She exuded an air of confidence as if the shadows themselves whispered their secrets to her.

Jinx's voice was a conspiratorial whisper that matched the ambience of the establishment. "And what, if I may ask, is the nature of her... endeavours? I've heard whispers, but I crave a deeper understanding."

The woman's gaze flickered, her expression guarded, as if she were a keeper of forbidden knowledge. She took a moment to sip her drink, her eyes never leaving his face. "You're not the first to seek answers about the Mistress, nor will you be the last," she finally replied, her voice carrying the weight of caution.

Despite Jinx's quiet expression, a sly smile spread across his face. "Ah, but not everyone is as persistent as me," he said, his tone laced with playful confidence. "Besides, I have a way of unravelling the most stubborn of secrets."

The woman chuckled softly, the sound like a melody amidst the subdued murmurs of the Whispering Rose. "Confidence suits you, newcomer. But you must understand, the Mistress is a shadow herself – elusive, enigmatic. Her dealings are shrouded in layers of secrecy, her alliances forged with care."

Jinx's eyes gleamed with curiosity. "And yet, here you are, speaking of her. There must be a reason."

Her lips curled into a half-smile, her gaze never leaving his. "Observant, aren't you? Very well, I'll indulge your curiosity, to a point. The Mistress has an eye for potential. Her reach is vast, her influence unwavering."

Leaning in, Jinx's voice dropped lower, a note of intensity lacing his words. "And what potential does she see in someone like me?"

The woman's gaze held his, her eyes seemingly reading the depths of his soul. "A hunger for knowledge, a thirst for power. A certain recklessness that could serve her interests well." She leaned back, her gaze thoughtful. "Or perhaps she sees a pawn to be moved strategically, a piece on the board of a much larger game."

Jinx's heart quickened at the implications of her words. The Mistress of Shadows had set her sights on him, recognizing something within him that he was only just beginning to understand. "So, what must I do to prove myself? To show her that I'm worth her attention?"

She held a mysterious smile. "Prove yourself? That remains to be seen. But if you're truly daring, I might have a task for you – a task that could give you a glimpse into the Mistress's world."

Jinx leaned in, his voice a tantalizing whisper. "I'm listening."

She leaned even closer, her voice barely above a breath. "There's a shipment arriving tomorrow night – a cargo veiled in mystique. It's said to hold the key to a power that could shift the balance of this city."

Jinx's heart raced, the revelation sending a surge of adrenaline through his veins. "And where might this shipment be?" he inquired, his voice eager yet restrained.

The woman's gaze held his, her expression enigmatic. "The docks. The midnight tide."

Jinx's mind was in havoc, already concocting plans to infiltrate the secretive operation. "And how do I get involved?"

Her eyes glinted with a gleam. "You're resourceful, I can tell. Use that resourcefulness to make yourself known in the right circles. The mistress values initiative and audacity. Show her you possess both."

Jinx leaned back, his fingers tapping thoughtfully on the table's surface. "Very well, but before I proceed, there's one question that nags me. Names have power, they say. What shall I call you?"

The woman gave him a playful smile, her eyes dancing with amusement. "You can call me... Seraphine."

Jinx nodded, committing the name to memory. "Seraphine. Seraphine." He nodded again. "A pleasure to make your acquaintance."

As he rose to leave, Seraphine's voice followed him, as her soft lips moved. "Remember, newcomer, the path you tread is not for the faint of heart. The Mistress's web is intricate, her influence far-reaching. Proceed with caution, for her shadows hold both enlightenment and peril."

He smiled, "Jinx! You can call me that if you want?" Jinx shrugged as his steps carried him away from the table, weaving through the throng of patrons.

As he made his way, he couldn't help but notice the curious glances that followed him – the hushed whispers exchanged between those seated nearby. It was as if his conversation with Seraphine had caught the attention of the establishment's other denizens, each of them attuned to the currents of intrigue that wound through the city's underworld.

A figure slipped into stride beside Jinx, a man of nondescript appearance with sharp eyes that seemed to miss nothing. "Intriguing conversation you had there," the man remarked. His voice was a smooth purr that held a hint of amusement.

Jinx arched an eyebrow, his interest piqued. "Oh? And how much of it did you overhear, my friend?"