
Eden:God's Garden

On Earth in the year 2076, human technology had advanced greatly and humans were flourishing... That was until one day A rift had appeared in the sky which lead to countless beasts pouring down onto earth. Even with all the tech at thier disposal, holding back the beasts was all they could do and to make matters worse people began to fall asleep for no reason at all, and as soon as they fell asleep they would suddenly vanish. That day more than half of the human population had vanished and no one understood the situation. Ten years later the human population was no longer on the brink of extinction thanks to thier adaptability, for they had found ways to fend off and even kill most of the beasts. Then the same thing that happened ten years ago happened again more that half of the current human population went into slumber and vanished and among the people who had vanished there was a boy named Nicholas cage. He never knew his parents, his only thought was to survive no matter what and to live peacefully, even though he was very poor, and that was why he was shocked when he suddenly started experiencing the symptoms of someone who was about to enter into slumber, or as it was called... eternal slumber. "Why me? I just wanted to survive and live a peaceful life in this hellish world. Is that too much to ask?"Nicholas groaned " At least I'll no longer have to worry about anything or anyone ever again " With this thoughts Nicholas fell asleep waiting for his death, if only it were that easy.

Harris_Foxx · Fantasie
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29 Chs

Chapter nineteen: Deadly roses.

Chapter nineteen: Deadly roses.


I used my sword to hack at the wall of vines that was separating Kevin and I.

Using <void slash> I cut my way through the vines until I reached kevin. We now had our backs to each other as we cut at the vines that were coming at us.

"How do we get out of here?" I asked while dodging a vine which the little wolf -who was now on my head- swung it's claws and shredded it.

"We are close to the forest"

"How do you know?"

I asked while looking at the direction the forest was supposed to be in but my vision was blocked by a wall of green vines.

"I can feel the air flow in that area so I can tell the distance"

I listened to Kevin as I used<void slash> to cut through a large group of vines.

" By the way stop over using your skills your essence will deplete quickly" Kevin said as he swung his sword, cutting down six large vines.

"Oh okay" I nodded and stopped the skill.

We continued to fight our way to the wall. We were a few meters away from the wall of vines when Kevin said;

"On my mark I want you to increase the essence you use in that skill of yours and attack the wall of vines"

" How do I increase the essence "

" Just make your essence pool spin faster"

" Hmm okay"

I nodded and ducked to avoid a thorn vine and then using my dagger I cut it in half.

I kept slashing and dicing the vines but it just seemed like they were endless. However, we were getting close to the wall of vines.

At the 7 meter mark Kevin said,

"Prepare the spell".

I nodded as I began to increase the spinning rate of my Essence pool.

At the 5 meters mark Kevin said,

" Once I say go I want you to focus on attacking the wall, I will deal with the rest of the vines and give you time to destroy the wall"

" Understood "

I responded and then looked at the little wolf,

" Go and stay with Kevin"

The little wolf did as it was told and jumped from my head unto Kevin's.

I forced my way to the vine wall while Kevin used his wind to push back the attacking vines.

I was now 3 meters away from the wall when I heard Kevin's signal


Without hesitation I called on the super charged<void slash> and the


The blades vibrated as a thick layer of silver energy coated them. And then I used the blades to hack at the thick vine wall.

I made sure to attack the same spot over and over again.

' This isn't enough'

I muttered to myself, the wall wasn't showing signs of falling apart, it just kept replacing the broken vines. And the ones that were replacing them were much stronger, which meant that if I couldn't take down the wall quickly then it would become even harder.

I wanted to increase essence output but this message discouraged me;

[Spirit essence: 40/100]

'seems like that spell <inra's blessing> consumed a lot of essence.'

I continued hacking at the wall when I heard Kevin ask from behind me,

"What's going on?"

"The wall isn't budging and my spirit essence is below 20"

I replied without turning my head while also dodging and cutting a vine that had managed to get past Kevin.

" 20 points? Damn your skill really consumes a lot of essence, "

Kevin said then continued,

" Can you hold out for a bit let me take care of a few more vines and then we'll switch places"

" Aren't you low on essence? " I asked skeptically because he had been firing gusts of wind since the beginning of the fight.

" I am but I think it will be enough to cut through the wall"

" Plus your here so I don't need to worry if my essence is depleted"

Kevin spoke with so much trust that I was stumped for a bit.

Why did this person trust me? I just met him a few days ago and he had already risked his life for me once and he was about to do the same thing.

As for me I didn't trust anybody, people were unreliable that was why I had told him that my essence was less than 20 points so I could be prepared if he tries to attack me.

And here he was putting so much trust in me.

' So you don't trust people?' Helios asked with a sneer in his voice

'Yes I don't, especially you. I don't trust you one bit' I replied while rolling my eyes.

-I dodged another vine that had come from behind me and sliced it.

' use that <heart of flames>.'

' why? '

' Plants are supseptible to fire '

' Good Idea but you forgot one thing, that armament only gives protection against fire'

' Don't you think I know that? The only way to protect your self against fire is to be coated in fire so you and the surrounding heat will merge'


' your welcome'

Helios said and remained quiet.

I didn't reply but I did as he had said. Releasing <void slash> I summoned the +heart of flames+ and just as he had said a thin coat of fire wrapped around me and my weapons.

'oh he was right'

Although I knew that Helios was right there was no way I was going to tell him that.


In Nicholas' spirit world

Helios was sitting in a chair, watching and listening to what he was doing.

"You little piece of shit"

Helios said through clenched teeth.


When I moved all the plants seemed to avoid me because of the flames, using that to my advantage I began to attack the wall and thankfully it was giving in to the attack and collapsing.

I shouted to Kevin saying,

" Kevin I've found a way out come closer we can make it out"

" Okay "

Kevin said as he moved over to where I was.

Now he was behind me I told him cutting and slashing incoming vines,

"Get ready the wall will soon collapse"


In no time I had managed to cut out or to be more precise burn out a hole in the wall.

" Now! "

I shouted and ran for the opening because the vines were already moving to close it.

I shot out of the hole and rolled into the forest and behind me Kevin rolled out of the hole and into the forest.

*Haaa haaa haaa haaaa*

Sprawled on the forest floor Kevin and I were both breathing heavily. The fight was seriously exhausting.

"Haa finally were out " I sighed with relief.

" Yes but we're not completely safe, so let's find a cave to stay in for the night"

" Okay I just hope we don't have to fight like that again"

I replied as I stood up.

I moved over and put out my hand to help Kevin stand up, he took it and stood up, towering over me.

' damn I'm really short'

I looked up at Kevin's clothes and face that had not even a speck of blood on them while my face and my clothes were covered in dried patches of blood.

Kevin looked around for a bit, the dim moonlight illuminated the surroundings.

I was observing the trees and looking around when:

"Kevin, look out!" I shouted while jumping into the air, and


the spot where I was standing suddenly exploded.

Something had hit the ground, and the thing was a long and thick tree branch.

"Are you fucking kidding me! Now the forest is attacking?" I screamed as I landed at a different place.