
Eden:God's Garden

On Earth in the year 2076, human technology had advanced greatly and humans were flourishing... That was until one day A rift had appeared in the sky which lead to countless beasts pouring down onto earth. Even with all the tech at thier disposal, holding back the beasts was all they could do and to make matters worse people began to fall asleep for no reason at all, and as soon as they fell asleep they would suddenly vanish. That day more than half of the human population had vanished and no one understood the situation. Ten years later the human population was no longer on the brink of extinction thanks to thier adaptability, for they had found ways to fend off and even kill most of the beasts. Then the same thing that happened ten years ago happened again more that half of the current human population went into slumber and vanished and among the people who had vanished there was a boy named Nicholas cage. He never knew his parents, his only thought was to survive no matter what and to live peacefully, even though he was very poor, and that was why he was shocked when he suddenly started experiencing the symptoms of someone who was about to enter into slumber, or as it was called... eternal slumber. "Why me? I just wanted to survive and live a peaceful life in this hellish world. Is that too much to ask?"Nicholas groaned " At least I'll no longer have to worry about anything or anyone ever again " With this thoughts Nicholas fell asleep waiting for his death, if only it were that easy.

Harris_Foxx · Fantasie
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29 Chs

Chapter 25: Mystic.

Chapter 25: Mystic.

***** Back on Earth *****

In the outlands.

The view remained the same; the dilapidated buildings were the same, and the occasional screeches and crashing noises caused by the rats could be heard.

The only place that changed was the headquarters of the Merd Gang that Don was in charge of.

The warehouse looked as if it had been hit by a missile.

Amidst the wreckage lay a mangled corpse, still with bits of black hair attached to its head as well as pieces of clothing.

The corpse was surrounded by worms, rats, and other creatures, each struggling to have a piece of the decomposing flesh.

The creatures were fighting and feasting on the corpse when suddenly, every single one of them fell to the ground as shriveled and dried corpses.

Little green spots of light flew out of the shriveled corpses and converged at a particular spot just above the corpse.

And then, all of a sudden, everything froze. The birds flying in the sky froze, the bugs zooming about froze too, even the wind froze. The whole place was enveloped in an eerie and unnatural silence.

The silence continued when the space a few meters away from the mangled corpse suddenly twisted, warped, and broke. From the cracks in the space, thick plumes of dark gas flowed out, and from it emerged a pair of ethereal blue eyes.

The eyes moved, gazing upon the spots of light and the mangled corpse, and then a low, deep, and majestic voice emanated from the swirling darkness, whispering words that sounded like a chant,

"From the depths of the underworld, I return you, blessed by the power of death and beholden by the eyes of the abyss. I call you to come forward, through the soul burning with vengeance. Woe to him who shall endure your wrath. Come forth, O ye blessed of death."

The deep and ethereal voice sounded, causing all of the birds in the sky and the bugs in the air to explode in a bloody mist, which hung steadily in the air.

The little spots of light swirled, formed a tornado, and poured into the body of the corpse. Slowly, the body began to look alive, and in a matter of seconds, it had been fully restored as the specks of light disappeared.

The ethereal eyes looked at the fully restored body, and "whooom" from the being composed of black gas, a tendril extended, which moved and entered into the mouth of the restored body.

The body began to shake violently while the black tendril entered its mouth. When the tendril had completely entered, the shaking slowly subsided, and then a groan was heard from the body as it slowly stood up. The figure had long black hair, deep sunken black eyes that exuded indifference and chilling iciness, and a handsome face.

The eyes looked at the young man in front of it and spoke in a low voice, but even so, it still caused the ears of the young man to drip black blood.

"Let us leave; the mistress awaits."

"Yes, master." The young man spoke in a deep, cold voice and walked into the swirling darkness.

The darkness swirled and vanished, and as soon as it did, countless drops of blood fell like rain from the sky.

If Nicholas were to witness what had just happened, he would be shaking in horror, as the revived person was his brother, Don.

****** Back in the garden ******

It was already nighttime; the two moons hung in the beautiful, star-filled sky.

Kevin was sitting in front of a campfire while attending to the golden-brown meat just above the flames.

By his side was the little wolf, now fast asleep; the white on its fur had returned, and its fur was gradually regaining its luster.

Just behind him was the naked Nicholas, still fast asleep. He was no longer pale, and the cracks had vanished from his body.

Kevin was staring at the flames as he remembered how he had finished off the Arachnogors and moved to the waterfall. He had devised a plan to get Nicholas out of there safely.

When he got to the entrance of the waterfall, he was given a fright and a shock at the same time.

The huge crocodile, a Tier 5 beast! And it had been killed by Nicholas, who was unconscious and bleeding profusely from strange cracks that had appeared on his body. When he saw the state Nicholas was in, he immediately threw away the matter concerning the crocodile and focused his attention on trying to save Nicholas. But now that Nicholas was safe, he couldn't help but think back to what had happened; he had so many questions.

He was suddenly jolted from his thoughts by the smell of burnt meat.

"Shit!" Kevin cursed as he used his hand to take the sizzling meat off the flames and into a place he had prepared beforehand.

The tantalizing aroma of the meat, accompanied by the sweet smell of the spices and the gentle, rose-scented breeze, permeated the cave.

The little wolf, weak and sleeping, miraculously woke up and energetically rushed over to where the meat was.

Kevin watched this and chuckled while cutting a piece for the little wolf and himself.

He had yet to start eating when he heard a growling sound followed by a groan from the direction Nicholas was in.

Nicholas lifted himself up from the ground and sat down with his back resting on the wall.

He looked around as though he was trying to determine where he was, until his eyes met the sizzling golden meat.

In that moment, Kevin spoke,

"Here, have some."

He spoke while extending his hand that held a piece of meat, resting on a huge red leaf.

Nicholas looked at the meat and then at Kevin, and without saying a word, he took the heat and began devouring it.

They ate silently, while enjoying the cool night breeze.


The little wolf had finished eating and burped while lying on its back, its tummy bloated.

Nicholas finished his dinner and without a word summoned his armor, which covered his whole body save for his head.

Kevin and Nicholas sat in silence until Nicholas said,

"I haven't thanked you for saving my life all those times, so, thank you for all that you have done for me. I promise that I will repay you."

Nicholas said in a serene but determined voice.

Kevin watched the crackling fire, a slight smile on his face,

"There's no need for that. I wouldn't know how to live with myself if I let something horrible happen to you."


Nicholas exhaled and then said in a calm voice,

"I know you have a lot of questions, and so do I."

"..." Kevin was silent.

"Why don't we just ask each other those questions?"

"Alright, but... I go first."