
Eclipsed Luna (BL Omegaverse)

A heads up..I will not post warnings on chapters. I understand many people have triggers, but for me there are too many to try and warn readers about. I have no plans of blood and gore, but know there will be death and sexually mature content. This is also a Boy x Boy book with omegavers meaning men can get pregnant. If you have any issues of any one of these types of content please refraine from reading. Thank you all for your support! Being born as the second son of the Alpha normally would mean the life of being a leader for the warriors. Kash did not get such luck. He was not born an Alpha. He was born as an omega. His father had protected him for years. Keeping him away from everyone, even his own pack. Now that the annual ball is arriving along with his 18th birthday his father expects him to greet new wolves to find a mate. Kash does not want this life and fights it. But a certain Royal arrived a day early and has other plans for the omega. Will Kash learn to like who he is and become stronger for it, or will he reject everything. A story of growth and love. I will caution that this story will have strong language and sexual content. It is boy x boy and omegaverse. This story starts slow and will build. It is not just about his relationships but his way of living, the changes that come into his life and how he handles it all. I hope you enjoy the ride with my first webnovel! I do try to post chapters often but I am very busy with work. My goal will be a minimum of two chapters a week. **** I walked to the door only to be completely assaulted by the scent. Standing in the room was my mate. A fierce young male. He was adorable. His small stature would fit perfectly against mine. I could not stop staring at the man before me. His black hair framed his face with the piercing silver eyes. His pale alabaster skin looked so smooth and tempting even from the slight distance we held. He was perfect. “Are you done staring? If so, you can leave.” He had now crossed his arms and glared at me with mistrust. I could now understand that he was under 18, or he would have scented me as his mate as well. “Well?” All I could get out of my lips, thanks to my wolf trying to take over was one word. “Mate.” The eyes of my mate opened wide before he started to shake his head. “Oh, hells no! I am no ones mate. Never will be.” He started to back away as much as he could from me. I grinned stepping forward while my Beta took my back. He knew it would be dangerous to get between us right now. My wolf found our mate and wanted to claim him. “I am Alpha Atlas of the Royal Eclipse Pack. And yes, you are most definitely my mate. What is your name?” He shook his head. He then looked towards the direction of his father stood before looking back at me. “I do not have to talk to you. You are not my Alpha.” The glare he gave me was more pinch his cheeks adorable over aggressive. ****

Zurgyness · Fantasie
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49 Chs

Chapter 36

Kash View

If I knew beforehand what I had coming when I woke that morning I would have opted to stay in the room. My morning was perfect; yeah, okay Zion grinned and chuckled until Atlas smacked his head, but no one else said a thing or looked at me differently. Atlas was a perfect gentleman and the food was perfect. So how did it end up like this? Me, in the dark, covered in a friend's blood.

I woke feeling comfortable and more relaxed than I had in some time. It wasn't until I tried to roll over, I realized I was still encased in Atlas's arm from the night before. My face went red thinking about it. Letting my wolf wake up a little did help do what I had always wanted. It was something I thought about for a while. The best part was now that we did as much as we did, it made me happier. Like his scent was on me and I could relax with him around other wolves.

Then it hit me. I was jealous of other wolves! Man, I was in deeper than I thought for one that never wanted a mate. Moving my head just slightly I looked at his sleeping face. This mate of mine will test me, I am sure. He is loud, energetic and a huge tease; but he is also smart, patient and kind. Looking back at the short time we had been together, he put all his focus on getting to know me. It is time I gave back to him. First though I had to pee, and his arms were not letting me go.

After trying for what seemed hours, I heard him chuckle. "Trying to escape?"

"Ah! You jerk let me go!" I bolted for the bathroom as soon as he lifted his arm. "We have to get ready for breakfast you know."

"No time to shower, just get dressed." Atlas called out to me. "I'll pick out some clothing for you."

Walking out of the bathroom I smiled. "Thanks. I still am not sure of visiting etiquette."

Watching me from where he sat on the bed he grinned back. "Truth be told I was not sure how you would react this morning."

He just had to bring it up. Face going red once more, I looked away. "Ass, you could just not say anything about it. And, I'm okay." Stomping to the bed I grabbed the clothing he picked out.

He grabbed my arm and pulled me into his chest again. "Trust me. You were more than okay last night." His voice was at a purr. "You smell like me in such a good way."

"What do you mean I smell like you?" I immediately pulled away. "Isn't your scent on me so much anyways?"

Atlas chuckled. "Yes. But the scent from last night is more."

I really did not like the direction he was going. "Are you trying to tell me, that every wolf will know what we did last night?" His answering nod had me go pale. "I'm not going to breakfast. There's no way I can look at them right now."

"Kash. It's fine. If you used your nose a little more you could smell it on others. We know it's not polite to mention scents unless for a good reason. Like a cheating mate, or rouge smell or sickness. The only time that gets kinda broken is between friends." Atlas had now stood up and hugged me.

"I still don't like it." Then it hit me. "Wait! So..that means...no...no...no...no...." It explained Zion's face that time in the woods. "I am so dead."

"What?" Atlas was confused now.

"Zion. He will know? And Karr and Colton?" My face was now redder than a tomato. "How can I face them? We aren't even actually mated yet!"

Atlas chuckled as he held me close. "Don't worry. You won't be looked down on. You smell like me but they will know we never mated. There is a different smell for that."

I groaned. "You think that makes me feel any better?" My forehead now rested just below his shoulders. "Don't get me wrong, I don't regret it." I whispered.

Atlas sighed. "I'm glad, and understand how you feel. Let's go down for breakfast. If at any time you feel uncomfortable you can come back here until Zion and I are done the meeting." He leaned down and kissed the top of my head. "Zion will be a pain, but I promise to have him rein it in. Okay?"

Taking a deep breath to steal my self some resolve, this was my life now, even after we mated, I nodded. "Let me go change then." Atlas released his arms and the day for us began.

After breakfast Zion and Atlas followed the Alpha and Luna to the meeting room with a few other wolves. Karr, Colton and myself were left alone to wander. We were told we could go as far as the lake to the north and meadow to the east. We were not to go south or west. Simple and easy rules. Though I never missed the look of worry in Atlas's eyes when I asked how far the lake was.

"Karr? I though they said it was but a ten-minute hike in these woods. I feel like we have been walking much longer." Like a kid I was over excited to see the lake. Little did I know that the path was a little longer than the time we had been told with someone like me who was not really in wolf shape.

"Kash, we are heading back." Karr looked very alert from how relaxed he looked only seconds ago. "Colton, watch his left."

Sniffing the air, I personally couldn't smell anything different but my guards said there was something. "Uh, sure lets head back. I have work I can do in my room."

Before I could turn fully around Karr had pulled me to the ground and I could now not just smell them, but hear them. Whispering in my ear Karr took lead. "You need to change to wolf form. Don't worry about your clothing and just do it." He then shoved me off to the side.

My body rolled right into a tree and knocked the wind from my lungs. "Karr! Colton!" Through foggy vision I could see Colton and Karr fighting off a pack of wolves. Karr had yet to shift and was still holding off two at once.

"Luna! Shift and RUN NOW!" Colton yelled without looking my way.

My body would not and could not obey. I was trapped in the spot my body had landed, as if I was watching from behind a screen. Karr at some point shifted and was now standing in front of me, fighting off any that came in my direction. Blood flowed from wounds all over his body. My head knew I needed to run and get help, but nothing would work. Fear held me like a statue. I was pulled from my thoughts when Karr cried out in pain and blood splashed over my torso. "KARR!!" He was laying down not moving while a grey wolf held his neck in their throat grinning right at me.

"LUNA RUN!" Colton yelled once more still trying to fight off the wolves, while moving his way over in my direction only a few arm lengths away.

My eyes were frozen to Karr's who were still open, staring into nothing. Tears started to flow and I wanted to scream. My body wanted to move closer and make sure it wasn't real, but someone grabbed my ankle, pulling me away. "Sorry Luna. He stays, you're coming."

Keeping my wolf hidden deep inside, I am still unsure if it was the best choice. We never even had a chance to shift. There was never a chance to escape. A silver collar was thrown around my neck while I kicked and scratched the attacker. The burn as it hit my skin had me scream in fury and pain. "LET ME GO NOW!"

Time seems to like freezing during all the bad parts in life, never the good. You know how you wish time would slow down when you are with people you love, or enjoying good food. It never does. Good things must always come to an end. The dark, and the horrible, seem to stay and haunt us.

I was thrown over someone's shoulder while I was trying to pull the collar off my bare skin, only to burn my hands in the process. The man carrying me was laughing as Karr's dead body was kicked a few times before others joined the fight to attack Colton, who looked covered in blood already. I know my voice screamed both their names, and none could respond. My body never even reacted to the drug being put into it's system, too focused on the fight in front of me. Then it went dark. My mind left to play the fight over and over in my nightmares.

The room was dark, dark enough that the blindfold was useless. My hands were tied and the burning collar was changed out for something else that was attached to my hands behind my back. The dried blood had now caked my clothing to a hard cardboard texture, my legs numb from kneeling so long on a cement floor. Trying to reduce the pain I leaned forward to rest my forehead against the cement.

"He looks ready to submit." A voice not far from me spoke up. "A little disappointed he gave up so quick."

His words that I had given up had me sit back up. "Who do you think is submitting? I suggest you let me go."

A chuckle was all he did before I could hear him walk out. The door he closed sounded heavy and made of metal. Panic tried to escape when I realized my wolf was still a little too quiet. Taking several deep breaths and trying to think of what I know was all I could do to curb it.

One. I know that I was taken from my guards during a fight that we lost. Two. I failed them by not following orders. Three. I had no idea where I was but it might be a warehouse with metal doors and cement floors. I fucked up and had no connection to let people know where I was.

It did not take long for me to feel my knees give out. My body fell to it's side, smashing into the concrete. "Fuck." My wrist that was still not fully healed made a pop sound when I landed, and intensified in pain. Laying on my side feeling the cool floor woke me a little more and reminded me of a key point. My wolf hid last time from drugs as well. I just needed to wait.

The sound of boots heading my way froze all my movements. The door made a few sounds before creaking open, telling me it was securely locked from the outside. "Stand him up." The same voice from before spoke up. "Be careful. He needs to be as perfect condition as we can manage for the alpha."

At this I laughed. "You have already damaged me asshole. Both physically and mentally." Feeling two separate people picking me up, one on each side, had me laugh more. "Let me go. I dare you."

This time the man before me was laughing. "You still think you have the upper hand? We took you from lands you visited. Not your own. We took you in the woods while your mate was in a meeting. Do you think he has ANY idea you're missing yet?" I could hear him step closer and placed a hand on my chin. "Little omega. You are forever lost to them now."

With a growl, I moved as fast as I could and bit that hand hard. Tasting blood, I licked my lips and replied to him. "Don't fucking touch me. He will find me. And when he does. You are a dead man."

"You still think that your precious mate will look for you? A pathetic omega that wouldn't even bond with him? Smells like you both had fun last night, but really. That's all omegas are made for. Breeding." The bastard was grinning. I didn't have to have use of my eyes to know it. "You have a long trip to your new home. I suggest you learn to submit and behave like a good omega. Unlike my two pawns before, I at least know how to keep you in control."

My body jolted from pain as an intense electrical current sparked from the collar around my neck down to my hands. My teeth clenched to prevent a scream I knew these men wanted. When he finally let it go, my whole body dropped. If it was not for the two holding me up, my face would have kissed concrete.

"That's better." The man then pet my head. "Lets load in him car two. I want his clothing in car one. That way they can follow the dummy car with his scent while we go the other direction. Make sure you put scent blockers on car two after you load him. I will follow behind." This time I felt the needle enter. "Goodnight Luna."

Atlas - I have nothing to say right now..

Kash - Let's ignore the Author, they can't write if we are not here.

Author - I will make this chapter up to you guys, it was planned from the begining yeah.

Atlas - ****

Kash - ****

Zurgynesscreators' thoughts