

Location:- North America, Arlington county, Virginia, U.S pentagon.

"Can someone please explain to me why I have to leave my bed at 6 AM in the morning", a tall man fully dressed in a black suit spoke angrily as he entered a room full of busy people, some running around and some glued to their chairs typing rapidly and speaking into a microphone.

"its a calamity attack sir", a lady with blonde hair also dressed up in suit came hurriedly beside him.The man's expression changed from anger to shock,

"we haven't had a calamity attack for 4 months now, are you sure", he said staring the woman dead in the eyes,

"positive sir",she replied. The man walked up an aisle to a control center,

"where is the attack, can someone get me vision on the site",he spoke loudly,

"its happening in Africa, Ghana, a drone is currently on its way, ETA,8 minutes sir", a man sitting behind a computer spoke up holding the microphone on his headset,

"In Africa?, what is the yami sect doing?"The man questioned,

"The communication department from the yami sect is down, we believe the calamity first attacked the communication department in Nigeria and then travelled down in a rampage towards Ghana" a female also sitting behind a computer answered,

"contact HQ, code 4, asap, we are dealing with an intelligent calamity", the man ordered,"is this why there wasn't an attack for the past 4 months,what are the maledictions planning this time",the man whispered to himself,

"contact with HQ established,sending over the feed to you", another man behind a computer spoke,

"we need backup in Africa, Ghana, asap, code 4 ",he spoke hurriedly into the microphone on his control center desk,

"where is my visual",he shouted,

"almost there sir", the man in charge of the drone answered,

"mr walkersty, sending the powered ones of  the Poseidon sect over to the territory of the yami sect might be seen as an act of war",the blonde woman from earlier said,

"we are talking about an intelligent calamity, if it is not stopped in its track, more lives will be lost even in Poseidon sect territory",mr walkersty argued back. The woman sighed in defeat,

"hope you know what you are doing", she said,

"we have visual sir, sending it to the big screen"the man in charge of the drone said,

"good", mr walkersty said as he turned his attention to the biggest screen in the room as it lit up. Displayed on the screen was mass destruction, dead bodies laying on the floor as the drone flew above at around 24 feet from the floor. There was silence in the room as everyone attention turned to the big screen, written at the top of the screen was 'location - Africa, Ghana'.

"the powered ones from the Poseidon sect have been dispatched", the man that contacted HQ spoke as he also turned his attention to the big screen,

"this amount of destruction and death, don't tell me", mr walkersty spoke holding his breadth,the blonde woman kept her hand on his shoulder to calm him down,

"get me a visual on---",he was cut short by a loud roar coming from a distance from the drone,

"show me the bastard",mr walkersty ordered with an angry tone,"location of the powered ones", he asked as the man in charge of the drone flew to where the roar came from,

"they are currently flying over the north Atlantic ocean, ETA 20 minutes"the man who contacted HQ replied,

"lets hope the make it on time before the calamity kills anyone else",mr walkersty said turning his head back to the big screen.

Appearing on the big screen, as the drone came closer was the calamity, a buffed masculine figure, covered from head to toe with black fog oozing out of it, its eyes were as red as blood, with two horns sticking out of its head. Besides where it stood were lifeless bodies up to ten of them on the floor all wearing the same purple cloak with black shirt and trousers like a uniform, at the back of one of the purple cloak was designed "YAMI SECT",

"is that the yami sect on the floor, how is that even possible",mr walkersty rhetorically asked as shock was written all over his face,

"two horns?, an intelligent calamity with two horns",mrs Sanchez,the blonde woman spoke, fear finally present in her voice,

"contact HQ, tell them it's a code 2", mr walkersty immediately ordered,

"an intelligent two horned calamity, its strength is second only to a code 1 calamity which even Malechai took one week to defeat",he whispered to himself,

"will poseidon sect powered ones be strong enough to defeat it",Mrs Sanchez asked,

"they've never battled a code 2 calamity before, so we cant say for sure, through out history code 2 and code 1 calamity only appeared once, Malechai defeated code 1, and a combined effort of all the sect including Agat sect of the time when the sects were newly formed was used to defeat the code 2", Mr walkersty said and turned his head to the man incharge of communication,

"to win this, we will need help from the Agat sect",

"begin preparation to contact Agat sect, tell them it's a code 2 and we need them on stand by",he ordered,

"ETA 10 minutes, sir", the guy in charge of tracking the  Poseidon sect powered ones said,

"sir, we have a problem" a lady with orange hair said as she approached Mr walkersty with a laptop in her hand,

"what now", he spoke with anger,

"this",she said as she clicked a few keys on her laptop and another screen in the room lit up. On the screen was a live news with a male newscaster,

"just in, we bring to you live footage of an ongoing calamity attack, please be advised that what you are about to see can be termed as violent and visually disturbing", the newscaster said and the feed change to the same feed as that of the drone's feed,

"what is  the meaning of this, are we being hacked", Mr walkersty angrily shouted,"is the pentagon being hacked right now, do something about this",

"the whole world is watching. If we cut the feed, you would have to answer to the public, questions you might not like",Mrs Sanchez advised.

It was true, the whole world was currently watching the live feed from the drone, in all the seven continents of the world, people watching on the television in their house or watching on the phone or on the screen attached to buildings in public. This is the second time humanity will see an intelligent two horned calamity. Everyone watched with fear in their heart as they saw the yami sect laying on the floor, defeated by the code 2 calamity, if the other two sects are not able to defeat this calamity, what would that mean for humanity. Modern weapons doesn't affect a calamity as shown in past attempts to fight one without the help of powered ones, and now, ten of the powered ones lay in defeat. Everyone wondering if the other two sect will be able to defeat this calamity as they watched the calamity roar with rage, blowing a gush of wind in all directions.

"heyyy, stop shouting",a subtle lightly deep voice came from behind the drone.