
Why Sun Pond should not hate

"Father of Dark Rage is dead!"

After 2 years of many people fearing Zhizhan would break out, when the news came of his death many did not know how to react. Conversations were always about him. Ways he would break out and come to strike his enemies. Or, how he would be sentenced to death. Now that his death actually happened… well it was too shocking.

"How did he die?"

"Is he really dead?"

"Good riddance if he is."

"I heard it was the prince who killed him."

"I heard he led himself to the light, filled with grief of his wrongs."

"His sister died last year. It is good to see the last of Colored Mountain. That sect was nothing but trouble."

From Oxzi dungeons, to the capital Cozbi Kingdom, to the river bordering Rais Kingdom, everyone was discussing the surprising death of the Father of Dark Rage. After a week of the announcement the entire empire had heard the news. Even citizens of the Randin Kingdom were discussing it; and they had a reputation of not caring about any news but their own.

Walking back to Blood Cloud sect the group of cultivators were in deep discussion. They had finished their week-long mission and were excited to return back to their beds; and to brag.

"It is good that he is deemed dead. There was so much discord between kingdoms because of him. Many believed that he was not really imprisoned and was secretly helping the capital kingdom. Him being dead allows kingdoms to work together without distrust." Nai was a new cultivator who had just become old enough to go on missions without a senior.

Scoffing Tenri chimed in, "I heard it was a spy who leaked the news. Apparently Cozbi capital did not want anyone to know he died." draping his hand over Nai's shoulder, "Too bad you did not get a chance to meet him. I heard he was skilled in curved blades." Ignoring the way Nai pushed his arm off, "You could have had a duel against him."

Nai rolled his eyes, "He was once a cultivator of Colored Mountain, their fighting style was centered around curved blades. Of course he was skilled."

Neno chuckled and chimed into the conversation to tease his brother, "Wow, my younger brother is all grown up now knowing sect history." He said in a teasing tone. He sighed dramatically, "I recall a time where you could not even spell your name."

The siblings began to wrestle with the other cultivators cheering them on. One cultivator ignored the chaos and continued down the path to Blood Cloud Sect. Their hair was pulled back into a tight bun held by a wooden pin. Their clothes were plain blue, a white belt at their waist.

Payu, one of the senior cultivators in charge, ceased his laughter and motioned for the boys to stop. "We are almost home." He whispered, and gave a knowing glance to Ilyana, that everyone immediately understood.

Ilyana never had to speak because her eyes were loud enough. She came to their sect around 2 years ago with Sect Leader San-nin. She wore dark blue paint around her eyes and in the beginning everyone would ask about it; but after continued silence they gave up. They were told she would stay with them for a while. No one knew where their leader could have found her, but her sword skills were amazing. Every mission they went on to destroy unbalanced energy monsters, she was always the quickest, smartest, and most efficient. They tried to guess where she came from based off her fighting style, but they were shocked to realize her fighting style was that of Blood Cloud Sect! Originally members were nervous that Sect Leader San-nin would name her as his disciple. This would mean she would be next to rule Blood Cloud; luckily that never happened, and the tension died down.

Either way Ilyana followed every instruction, never disobeying; and with her eyes made everyone listen as well. She did not have authority to tell anyone what to do, but many cultivators found themselves following her. There was a bet within the sect. The person who could make her smile, or show any emotion that is would be treated like a king. Juniors and seniors alike would carry that person around on their shoulder for a month and do all they asked. That bet has existed for a year and no one has been able to reap the benefits.

When everyone arrived at Blood Cloud they debriefed on the beings they fought. Due to many people destroying the trees some birds became filled with anger. The more the trees were destroyed the angrier they got, until the balance was destroyed and they became vengeful attacking nearby villagers, and those attempting to enter the forest. Some were able to be restored to peaceful birds again, but those that were not, were monstrous beings that needed to be put down. Finishing their report they all bowed and went off to do their own activities.

Ilyana stayed waiting for Leader San-nin's next orders.

Moving so he stood in front of her he waited for the doors to close before addressing her. "La Yae please tell me how you are feeling?"

Her eyes met his, "Please do not call me by that name."

Resting a hand on her shoulder, "I assume you have heard the news. The death has come as a shock I am sure." he sighed softly, "What we know does not always match how we feel."

"I have no ties with Zhizhan anymore."

Smiling sadly at her stone like eyes, "I know these are the words your father has told you. So much has happened, hearing of Zhizhan's death you must feel something." Removing his hand from her shoulder, "As your uncle it is my job to watch over you." He added.

Her eyes softened, "As Sect Leader it is your job to ensure I live out my punishment. I must prove my loyalties," dropping her gaze, "there is nothing else for me to have emotions about."

Clicking his tongue, "Anger at his betrayal. Sadness over his death. Confusion upon hearing he has died. Intrigue, remorse, hatred." he motioned for her to sit, "These are all emotions any person could have."

Shaking her head, "Members of Sun Pond do not hate." Her expression was forced, her voice also pained. "What do you ask me to do?"

He poured a cup of tea as he spoke, "Your father has granted permission for your first return. This weekend we will set out to Sun Pond." Nodding, "Perhaps your brother will be able to help."

Catching the sad tone in his voice, "Is there something I need help with?"

Waving his hand tiredly, "Go back and rest. This mission took longer than expected, you must be tired."

Despite the confusion she felt, she bowed and excused herself. Returning to her quarters she sat in her usual spot by the window. It was summer and outside she could look at the tree of yellow flowers that blew in the wind. If she closed her eyes she could recall the way she felt holding her sword in her hand and manipulating the petals. She could remember the feeling of the wind as it blew around her; could see the leaves as her brother fought at her side. Her fingers tapped on the wood. Jaylyn would no longer fight at her side. Who would perfect leaf control now? Will she ever be allowed to use Petal Control again?

Moving from the window she sat on the meditation pillow. Moving her hands down slowly she pulled out her Ray Orb. It was barely the size of an almond, too small to give off any light. It would need to grow the size of a date before she could dare to use Petal Control. Closing her eyes she took deep breaths and meditated. The only way for the orb to grow was to cultivate it through practice and meditation.

After falling from the cliff into the river Zhizhan's body washed up on the shore at the edge of Lakelin Town. Opening his eyes he squinted from seeing the sunrays. He had not seen the sunlight since he was first sent to Oxzi Dungeons. Rising from the ground he glanced at the short blade in his hand. It was a bloody escape, but luckily most of the blood washed off from the river.

The guards grew lazy in their energy draining methods. Not following the schedule, which allowed him to grow stronger. Once he was able to break free from the chains it was a bloody fight. Maybe the news would take time to spread due to the lack of guards left breathing.

"You are awake."

Turning towards the noise blade at the ready Zhizhan saw an older man, most likely in his early 30's. He wore pink clothes, a bright color that did not match the haunting look on his face. After falling into the river by the mountains, Zhizhan was freezing. His inner-fire worked instinctively warming him, but for this man in front of him; he should have frostbite. Something about him alerted his senses to danger, he just could not figure out what it was. Standing, "Do you know me?"

A sinister smile appeared on his face, "Know you? I helped you escape."

Zhizhan felt extremely cautious and his eyes swept over his surroundings, locating more weapons he could use. Which was sadly a few sticks, and if he dared to get closer the sticks in the fire he sat by. As far as his memory went, there was no one who aided his escape.

Chuckling, "I did not risk my life helping the Father of Dark Rage escape just so I could kill him now did I?" he motioned to the seat on a log next to him. "Come sit, we have much to discuss."

Zhizhan stayed rooted to his spot by the river, "Who are you?" His power was weak but there was still some energy left in him and he slowly pulled it to his fingertips.

Bowing with dramatic flair, "2nd in command after the Spiritual King, Ramzes at your service. He has a lot he wishes me to teach you."

"Spiritual King? Why would he want anything to do with me?" His curiosity peaked and while he made no motion to come closer, he also made no motion to leave.

Ramzes waved his fingers and moved the flames from the fire to dance around them. "You will soon learn that the Spiritual King and Father of Dark Rage are not all that different."

"You can manipulate the fire?" Only those with inner-fire could control that, and as far as Zhizhan knew, only men from Colored Mountain had it. But to move flames at the whim was impossible, he could only place his fire into other objects like his beads. He could not move flames, and even that took years of training. "Do you have inner-fire?"

Returning the flames he rose, "Inner-fire?" He chuckled, "Such an interesting term for it. The name itself limits all you can do with it. It is not inner-fire that you have, it is simply fire. The breath of the flames lie in you, and after lots of training you will be able to control the flames within you, and outside of you." Holding up his finger, "But first we will combine your flames with Dark Blood."

Finally coming closer, "I no longer wield Dark Blood." Despite everyone's theories of him as someone withholding the Dark Blood within his body he had none. The hope of taking Dark Blood from a living vessel would not be solved with him.

Moving swiftly, he appeared right before Zhizhan, "Of course you do." Then he pulled a flame from Zhizhan's chest.

His body felt hot with energy, as if he was suddenly 100% healed. No more than 100%. He had never felt so powerful before, so warm.

Then the man released it back into Zhizhan's body. "Did you feel that?" He grinned, "Of course you did. That is the fire you have within you. Colored Mountain was a sect with the Blood of Elements."

Taking a breath and relaxing his stance, "Blood of elements? Like Seasonal Faries?"

Scoffing, "Nothing like those annoying beings. Seasonal fairies are immortal and like to act as if that gives them the right to judge the world. All the while hiding in their hidden sects." Shaking his head, "No. You do not have the blood of the fairies." He rubbed a spec of dirt off Zhizhan's soaked sleeve. "Blood of elements means that a fairy gave a human power," holding up his finger, "a strength. Originally to take advantage of mankind. You are still human, and your body will bleed like the rest. But your 'inner fire' as you like to call it, is a fraction of the power the immortal fairies had once given."

As he took in the information, "So if fairies gave this power… why do you sound as if you dislike them?"

Ramzes glared, "One fairy decided to assist mankind, that does not mean we should love all of them. Besides, the other fairies hated that and hunted down those humans and killed as many as they could find." He pinched the bridge of his nose, "Maybe the people behind the murder of your sect members are secretly Seasonal Fairies still attempting to finish the job they started years ago."

Zhizhan's face turned cold, "Fairies are the ones who destroyed my sect?"

Ramzes turned to place some meat on the fire. "It is just an idea. Your father and brother went on a mission to destroy the Spiritual King. He is the most powerful out of the Blood of Elements. Not because he has the most power, but because he combines the slight skills he has together. Combining earth and fire," he sighed a blissful smile on his face, "there truly is no one like him in the world."

Zhizhan shook his head, "I never had a brother. Also the Spiritual King has 2 elements he can control?"

The man's eyes lit up at Zhizhan's words, a cunning smile reached his face. "Oh with a memory as great as yours we will create a masterpiece."

Days later Sect Leader San-nin and Ilyana arrived in Sun Pond. Xaemin's eyes followed his sister's every move. She was different from the sister who left 2 years ago. Her face was expressionless, her movements robotic, her eyes cold and terrifying from the bright ones he remembered. He was shocked to hear her going by the name Ilyana. The nickname from their childhood that meant sun no longer matched the cold woman standing before him. She bowed her hello and was quick to leave.

With a quick scan around the room he saw that most of the Sun Pond cultivators did not recognize her. However after meeting Raela's crestfallen gaze he knew she did.

Following the custom of greeting a Sect Leader, Xaemin had to stay. Then there was the meal in which he could only sit watching her from across the hall. The entire time he hoped that she would meet his gaze, but she never did. He watched to see if she would look towards their father, but after bowing respects her eyes never went back.

When the meal was over Xaemin rushed over as fast as respect and manners would allow. "Might I speak to you in private?" He asked stopping her from the escape he was sure she wished to do.

He watched her eyes go to San-nin's, probably in hopes that he would say no. He could not help but smile when San-nin nodded, adding softly "Talking to your brother will do you some good."

Walking to the Pond at the back gate he motioned for her to sit on the bench beside him.

Sitting across from him, she waited for him to speak first.

Pouting a bit, "La Yae are you not happy to see me?"

She glanced up after hearing the sadness in his voice, "I should not be called La Yae anymore. I have not earned the right." She said softer than the way she said it to San-nin, the longing was easily heard.

"You dare to tell your older brother not to call you by your name?" picking up a small stone he tossed it into the pond. "I wrote to you every month for 2 years. You never said anything."

Her head shot up, "I responded to you each time." She argued back.

Hiding his smirk, "Saying all is well is not a response. All is not well." He crossed his arms daring his sister to say he was wrong.

Eyes hardening slightly, 'What would you have me say? I will be sure to write about it in the future."

Chuckling at her sarcasm, "Dear brother, I miss you more than the sands on the beach, and the petals during the Summer season. I hope you come back and visit me, I will make a huge meal just for you."

Rolling her eyes, "You wish for me to give you half truths?"

Xaemin stood, voice no longer playful, "I wish for you to talk to me. The good things that happen, the bad things that happen. The things that make you angry, the things that make you sad. The food you ate, the clothes you chose to wear…"

"That information is useless." She rose slowly.

"It is not useless if it is about you. I am not allowed to come visit you whenever I want. I cannot comfort you in all of your pain, but," chuckling sadly, "Whether you like it or not I am still your brother."

Her words were heavy when she finally spoke, "I do not wish for you to walk the path of pain with me." crossing her hands behind her back so he could not see the way she clenched them, "Nor do I deserve the comfort your presence grants me."

"Stupid girl." he muttered softly. "I am still your brother." With a sigh her pulled her into a hug. "Please just talk to me like I am still your brother."

Wrapping her arms around him she squeezed her brother tightly before pushing him away. "I am being punished Xaemin, I should not feel anything but that."

Xaemin watched as his little sister took a deep breath and then that cold emotionless mask was back on her face.

"Is there anything else you wish to say?"

I miss you. You live but it feels as if a part of you has died. I hate going to Jaylyn's grave alone. I hate the way you hide your face with paint. There were many things he still had to say. He placed a resolute expression on his face, "No, I suppose not. Good night," he paused, "Ilyana."

She could only pray that the paint on her face could help hide the pain she felt when her brother addressed her. Bowing slightly she moved to leave.

As she walked back down the path she hears some of her juniors and takes a left to avoid them. All the while she struggled to ignore the pang in her chest. She avoided seeing her brother as much as she could. Not because she hated him, but because it was so painful to see him. He also reminded her of the brother she could not see. Tightening her left hand she stopped in the middle of the empty path. He breaths quickened, and her eyes stung, the paint washed away as her tears fell. Collapsing to the ground she covered her mouth to muffle her sobs. Breathe, just breathe; she reminded herself. But how was she to do that?

Xaemin turned to watch the moon as it reflected off the pond, pretending not to hear her footsteps as she walked away. He stayed for some time before heading back to his father. His sister was alive. She was healthy, he had not lost her. While those thoughts were meant to be uplifting he cursed himself for wondering if it would have been better for him to lose both siblings that day. Then his last memories would not be the cold shell that walked away from him; but that was too selfish a thought.

Soon he would have to be leader of Sun Pond, and he desperately wished for his sister to return before then. Their father was dying, and he wished he could find the chance to tell her. At most they had a year before their father would take his last breath. Staring up at the stars, "Jaylyn, the pain of missing you is so heavy."

With a sigh he made his way back to his father to discuss tomorrow's activities. Stepping into the room he is met with the eyes of Sect Leader San-nin and his father.

Nodding to his son, "You came at a good time. San-nin is learning of my condition.

Xaemin's eyes traveled to San-nin's. Being in the presence of sect leaders his face was unreadable, mimicking his father's. He was not as unreadable as his sister, instead of cold emotionless eyes, his eyes were filled with calmness. "Sect Leader Xumarc was poisoned by the bead that was embedded in Jay-nan's body."

"Was it filled with that much dark energy?" San-nin asked his eyes inspecting his friend. Trying to see signs of his impending sickness.

Xumarc nodded, "The bead absorbed Jay-nan's energy and became stronger. To take it out was dangerous, I needed to contain it so it would not spread to other living things. I also had to have negative energy and positive energy at the same balance as my son. However it was not a perfect match and the force it gave off was too strong, and it has permanently poisoned my body." Calming his breaths Xumarc pulled out his Ray Orb, it was the size of a watermelon, but there was a slight black line on it. It seemed to be spreading slowly. "When this is completely black I will die." Turning to his son, "Then the new leader of Sun Pond will be Xaemin."

San-nin brought his fingers together, "and Kal-la Lun? Will the Jewel of Sun Pond return under the orders of her father?"

Head tilted, Xumarc exhaled slowly, "Kal-la Lun is greatly missed. However she cannot exist as long as her heart holds hatred."

Confused, Xaemin speaks up, "Sun Pond members do not hate." Breaking from the formal talk, "My sister would not break Sun Pond's rules again. Not after 2 years of trying to regain her honor."

San-nin smiles sadly, "She does not know that is the emotion she holds. She is unaware of the feeling in her heart. However she does carry it, it weighs her down." He explained gently.

Turning to his father, "You will not accept her back until she rids herself from hatred?"

"The Jewel of Sun Pond, Kal-la Lun; this name is an image of our sect. She cannot wear that name with hatred in her heart."

Preparing to leave, "Then I will talk to her."

San-nin placed a hand on Xaemin's shoulder, "And tell her what? Will she believe you if you tell her she is feeling hatred?"

Moving from his uncle's comforting hand, "My sister is no fool. It is possible she already knows. If she knows I will help her."

"We are not only discussing your sister's return." Xumarc motioned for them all to sit, "It is time I tell you of my origins." He studied his son and San-nin, "Both of you."

San-nin smiled, "I believe I know where is going brother. Are you sure now is the time to tell it?"

Xumarc nodded, "Yes I will not live long, so all the knowledge I hold I must pass down. I must tell you about fairies."

"The fairies once lived in a realm different from ours. Staying out of the drama mankind would create. Until one fairy was punished and forced to leave the fairy realm." Xumarc took a deep breath, "Love can be a deadly thing. For her lover refused to be parted from her and left the Realm of Fairies to come here, to live with her."

Xaemin looked up in understanding, "This is the story of the Autumn Fairies."

"Yes." Xumarc looked towards the back wall for a moment, "The story of the Autumn Fairies is a popular one. Yet, not many are aware of what happened after. The love that he thought was powerful enough to leave his home for was weak at the core. She fell in love with a human and had his children. The male was broken and reeking in betrayal, he could not return to his home, and he had no one to lean on but her. Out of anger he killed her children," catching his son's eye, "every last one of them. Then he took their hearts out of their bodies and burned them. The female's pain and sorrow was so great and her power reacted by mixing with the smoke of their hearts and created something deadly."

San-nin tapped his chin, "The first evil beings."

Evil beings were beings created with unstable energy. The world had to be balanced, but there were times negativity grew stronger, out of hatred, anger, and pain. When this happened the unstable living being became evil. However no one was sure how it started. Now it was clear, the first case was from a half human, and half fairy.

"Wait." Xamin said confused, "If there was no body because he burned it, how did the mix of smoke and fairy magic create an evil being?"

Xumarc clasped his hands together, "The power of Autumn Fairies are ones of life and death. Autumn is the season of change, plants slowly die to prepare for winter, but there are still shreds of life in them to last the entire season. Her magic was able to create life out of death. Her children had died, but her love for them, her agony for their loss was very much alive. When the magic mixed the smoke it took shape; becoming vengeful beings only wanting destruction. Only wanting to be free of the pain they were born to feel."

"The fairies in the other realm realized what was happening and came to help fight. The dark beings that were created mixed with all negative emotions, they disrupted the balance in countless living things. Humans, animals, plants, and even insects. The fairy's were unable to fight them all and keep the seasons on their correct schedules. The Autumn Fairies were desperate to restore their reputation, for it was their own kind that caused this destruction. So one gave some of his magic to humans. This way the humans were able to help fight the evil beings. These were called Element Humans."

San-nin spoke this time, "Element Humans? Surely having the power of fairies would have been dangerous."

"Yes it was. The humans spent more time trying to keep balance within their own bodies, that they could not fight the evil being properly. These beings were still human, and became greedy with power. They began to fight each other. Forging kingdoms, and empires; using their power to enslave humans who had no power."

"It was a Spring Fairy who had the idea to try to give power to humans again. Not by giving fairy magic to them, but by unlocking the power to feel their own energy. It would be up to the humans themselves to cultivate it. They would not have any powers that fairies have." Glancing at San-nin, "But they would be able to sense the energy around them, whether it was balanced or not, and they would be strong enough to fight it." Picking up his blade, "This is how cultivators came to be."

"The cultivators needed time however. They had to grow their skills, learn how to fight and use it. Until then the fairies waged war on Element Humans. The cultivators would have to be the ones to rid the world of evil beings later. The Element Humans were too powerful for the new cultivators to fight."

"The war was deadly, and many fairies were killed in the process. They were fighting too long without keeping schedules of the seasons. Due to this they became weak and sick. Still they fought, killing as many Element Humans they could find."

"What about children?" Xaemin asked, "Surely Element Humans could have children and those children would be just as dangerous."

"Yes they did have children, and it was difficult for the fairies to track them down. Many fairies had to rotate their fighting. During winter the Winter Fairies had to leave and so forth. Decades later the cultivators were ready and they sought out for their mission to restore, or destroy the evil unbalanced beings they could find."

"The war ended somewhat, all of the original Element Humans were killed as well as most of their children."

"Knowing that not all of the children were destroyed, groups of fairies stayed in this realm, to watch over the humans if humans with the Blood of Elements came back."

"Are all those with the Blood of Elements evil?" San-nin asked.

"Not all of them, but the power can be dangerous if it is too strong. Colored Mountain Sect is an example."

Xaemin's eyes grew wide, "Colored Mountain Sect had Blood of the Elements."

"Not all of them have it, after so many generations you can think of this as having a gene that must be unlocked. Colored Mountain had the blood, but only their men were allowed cultivate their power. They say the magic is stronger in women."

Xaemin recalled Lady Riliah, she knew nothing of fighting, and could not sense energy at all. If she had cultivated her energy would she have been…

"That is where their inner-fire comes from. It is not inner-fire at all. It is a skill from the Autumn Fairy that continues to live in their blood. When they cultivate enough they are able to use this skill."

"Zhizhan of Colored Mountain was highly trained and skilled." San-nin tapped his chin.

Xumarc nodded, "Yes and the hatred and anger for what happened to his family and sect drew out that fire. We are lucky he had no one to teach him how to use it properly. The lack of children with Blood of Elements, helps keep him unaware of what he can truly do. His beads were dangerous, but we are lucky he relied on them. If he knew he could do all of that without beads he would have been almost unstoppable."

San-nin studied his sworn brother for a moment before saying the words that had been on his mind for years, "And I ask Marlin, how you know all of this information? Are my thoughts correct?"

Xumarc smiled softly, "I could never withhold anything from a mind like yours Samson."

Xaemin looked back and forth. He did not want to let on that he was not sure what they were talking about, but if they did not explain soon he was going to speak up.

"I am a Summer Fairy." Xumarc said finally. "And my children hold the blood of fairies within them."

"What?" Xaemin stands up from his chair. "Blood of the Fairies? You are a Summer Fairy? They were have Blood of the Elements?"

Xumarc shook his head, "No. Blood of Elements are descendants of the humans that were given power from the fairies. You are a child of a fairy. You are half fairy, and half human, as is your sister."

"Fairy." Xamin whispered. Fairies were said to be powerful beings. During their season they could do the unimaginable; his father being a fairy meant that his power went far greater than he ever thought. "Then why… no how…." Xaemin stumbled away from his father, "Why couldn't you save him." Xaemin's hands shook, "Surely you have more power than we believe. When we were all fighting on Malyn Path, was there more you could have done? Could you have saved him from dying?"

San-nin rose from his seat and pulled Xaemin into a hug. "Your words are powerful. Do not push your family away." He said, his voice a gentle warning.

"He could have saved him." His words were filled with anger, then his eyes met San-nins and he whispered, "He could have saved him, right?"

"If he could have, he would. As his son you know this." San-nin rubbed his nephew's back. "You know this."

Xumarc rose but hesitated to walk closer. "The bead that Jaylyn was hit with, attacked him in search for negative energy. Due to you having fairy blood if found the bead would have mixed with it and created an Evil Being instead of a Dark Blooded being." Xumarc smiled softly, tears in his eyes, "Jaylyn held no heightened negative emotions, he was perfectly balanced. That is why the bead attacked him and then killed him. Because only in death did his body finally give off negative energy."

As Xaemin heard his father's words he moved out of San-nin's embrace, "I know the conclusion you want me to come to. You could not save him because you could not get to him in time to heal his Ray Orb, or to take the energy."

"No." Xumarc walked towards his son, "I could not save him, because seeing him dying filled me with negative emotion. If I had touched Jaylyn I would have amplified the power of the bead and destroyed everything. Your brother died because I was too weak to stay in control." Xumarc bent on one knee, "For that I will never be sorry enough. All my teachings to control your emotions, and even I could not do it."

"So Jaylyn died because," he jaw clenched, "because he was good? How is that fair?"

Xumarc rose from the floor, "You will find what is fair and what is true, rarely coexist."

San-nin let father and son have their moment before returning back to the reason for the conversation. "You tell us the origins of fairies, your identity, and the story of Elemental Humans because you believe they are active again?"

"Yes, I have examined the bead that Zhizhan fought with, and I believe someone aided him. Someone that has the Blood of the Elements. They needed him, and used him. We need to find him and stop them before they create another Father of Dark Rage."