
Eclipse of the Overlord

Fear not the darkness, for within it lies the brilliance of my reign. The world shall kneel before the unseen hand that controls its very destiny.

Digiman · Fantasie
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5 Chs

Chapter 1

Ever since my earliest memories, I have been enchanted by the captivating concept of "Supreme reign from shadow." I can't quite recall what sparked this fascination—whether it was my mother's influence, fairy tales, or childhood stories. But ultimately, the source doesn't truly matter. As long as it represented an overpowering force that held sway over the world, I cherished it deeply.

My aspirations didn't align with being a hero, a knight, or a mere emperor. Becoming a member of a powerful family through marriage or ruling in a distant land seemed far removed from my desires. Instead, I yearned to embody those enigmatic entities that worked covertly, exerting their true strength from the shadows or beyond. It was their very essence that stirred my admiration, igniting an intense longing within me to join their enigmatic ranks. I yearned to be the supreme overlord from the shadow who commanded dominion over the entire world.

While others idolized emperors, knights, and heroes, my passion for supreme reign from shadow was unwavering. It ran deep within me, burning fervently in the depths of my heart, propelling me forward ceaselessly.

I dedicated myself wholeheartedly to acquiring strength through various means: honing my skills in swordsmanship, seeking knowledge, mastering mixed martial arts, and more. I immersed myself in the pursuit of everything that could make me strong, all the while concealing my true abilities. I did so in anticipation of the day when I would finally unveil my hidden potential.

Within the confines of the castle, I presented myself as mediocrity personified—a seemingly harmless, clumsy figure, an abandoned princess of no apparent consequence. I appeared as nobody special. Yet, behind the facade of my everyday life, I endured rigorous training, hidden from the prying eyes. Such was the essence of my youth, the essence of my formative years.

As time passed and I grew older, a disquieting unease settled upon me.

It was time to confront the harsh reality: all my efforts seemed devoid of meaning.

For instance, I realized that knowledge alone could not elevate me to the status of an overlord. Strength was paramount. But how could one borrow such power? The idea of an overlord relying on borrowed might seemed laughable! If my subordinates were to discover my reliance on borrowed might, it would be dismissed as sheer luck.

As a princess, wielding a sword appeared to be a more viable path. Yet, no matter how many sword techniques I mastered, I would still be far from possessing the overwhelming power depicted in stories of Supreme reign from shadow.

At best, I could attain the strength to overcome a few minor adversaries. But when faced with numerous foes or heavily armed knights and assassins, the situation would quickly turn dire. If I found myself surrounded, it would be over.

How absurd it would be—a supposed overlord defeated by a mere army! Even if I dedicated several more decades to training and became the world's greatest swordmaster, I would still fall prey to skilled knights or assassins. Perhaps, with extensive training, a human could muster the potential to prevail against them, even when outnumbered. However, even if I were to defeat every single knight or assassin, I would still be utterly defenseless against a dragon. Such are the limits of mortal existence.

With unwavering certainty, I can affirm one thing: the overlord that I idolized would not be vanquished by a mere dragon. This realization meant that I, too, needed to become a being who could not be eradicated by a dragon.

What did I need to achieve such invincibility? Did it require me to become a man? Was it merely about physical strength and endurance? No, such qualities alone would not suffice. I yearned for an entirely different form of strength—a mystical power.

Magic, mana, qi, aura—any of these ethereal forces would do. I needed to attain some semblance of supernatural power. This conclusion became evident to me as I faced the stark reality of my own limitations.

If anyone were to embark on a quest to find concrete evidence of real magic, most would question their sanity. And I, too, would consider them to be dwelling in realms of madness. But then again, how can we be so certain?

In this world, the existence of magic remains unproven. Yet, at the same time, no one has irrefutably disproven its presence either.

Relying solely on reason and sanity would not grant me the strength I sought. Such power resided beyond the boundaries of rationality. From that point onward, my training became even more arduous, testing the very limits of my resolve.

Magic, mana, qi, aura—all these elusive forces remained beyond my grasp. I explored various practices: engaging in meditation, seeking solace beneath cascading waterfalls, embracing moments of profound silence, enduring periods of fasting, delving into diverse belief systems, seeking communion with ethereal beings, fervently offering prayers, and even subjecting myself to acts of self-sacrifice.

Yet, a definitive answer eluded me. My only choice was to persist on the path I fervently believed in, even if it meant traversing the darkness alone. With the passage of time, I found myself drawing closer to the final summer before my brother, the crown prince's ascent to the throne and his impending reign as emperor—a time when fate dealt me a harsh flow, casting me out from sanctuary of castle walls, consigned to a a union with a family of meager yet formidable affluence.

And yet, despite it all, the discovery of magic, mana, qi, or aura continued to elude me...