
Eclipse Grimoire

For years the inhabitants of Centura have lived in fear of the vicious Ryka- a blood thirsty race of demons bent on world domination. The gods -seeing their creatures cower in fear- began giving out 'grimoires' as a way to enable them to fight on equal grounds. However, since the Ryka were their children as well, they too received the power of the grimoires. And so... nothing changed. The Ryka continued their rampage, pushing the others races even closer to extinction with the help of their new found power. A new league of grimoires have began to come out, grimoires with different classes and rarities. Sadly, Centura's fate might rest in the hands of the same people they tossed aside, in the hands of those that have grown to hate others around them.

Authoroftheend · Fantasie
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6 Chs


*9 years ago*

"I-I'm sorry, t-they made me do it," a child stuttered. His voice sounded disturbed, as if he were trapped in some kind of trance.

Tears streamed down his cheeks as he stared at the scene in front of him. The mansion had been completely destroyed and not a single brick lay intact.

A whole hoard of purple figures marched through the rubble toward two mages dressed in black regalia. Two blank grimoire's completely drained of their spells lay next to them.

"They said it would help. This... this isn't what I wished for..." the kid's words came out in rushed sobs, and his sniffling only made it harder to understand.

"I know, Gray... it's not your fault," the woman whispered, as the purple figures dragged both her and her husband towards a glowing purple book. The boy was frozen still, even if he wanted to, he couldn't do anything to save them.

The purple figures presented his parents to the book, and just like that, their beings were sucked in, not a trace of them left.

"Oh, but this is your fault," one of the purple figures said, a smile on it's face.


{Seriously, this already?} Gray thought to himself as he left his classroom.

"That's him, isn't it."

"I heard he killed his parents."

"Apparently he was possessed by a Ryka."

"Why did they allow someone so dangerous into the school?"

These were just a few of the whispers that floated about as he walked down the school hallway. It had only been three days since school started but already his past had been uncovered.

"Three days, must be a new record," he sighed to himself as he walked with his head held down. The other children made a path for him, scared to go anywhere near him out of fear they might end up on his hit list.

"This is the so-called killer? He doesn't look like much."

A boy about the same height as Gray blocked his path, behind him were three other boys, all of them a little shorter than the first.

{Bullies, huh?} Gray thought to himself.

After giving them a quick glance, he tried passing by, but the boy in the middle pulled him back, before pinning him to one of the lockers on the side of the hallway.

The other kids went silent, all of them watching nervously from where they were standing.

"Where do you think you're going? I wasn't done with you," the boy said, pushing his face a little too close to Gray's. Though they were the same height, it was obvious that Gray was larger, if this were to turn physical, the winner would already be decided.

"What? You want a kiss?" Gray mocked, blowing a kiss to him after saying it. The other boys began laughing at this, making the first visibly angry.

"A clown huh? I should kill you where you stand, I'd be doing the republic a favor anyway. I don't know whose idea it was to let a Ryka into our borders, heck, we should be happy that you killed your par-" but before the boy could finish his sentence, Gray headbutted him, before ramming him to the ground.

"D-Did you see that?" whispered a few of the onlookers in fear.

The bully's peers tried stepping in to get Gray off him, but Gray made quick work of them, unloading punches before they even knew what was going on.

He had spent his entire life dealing bullies, and as a result had built a body unlike any that could be found in his age group. He had trained in martial arts for a number of years, and was at a level where he could compete professionally.

But of course, if these guys actually wanted to, they could've killed him easily.

"He's so dead," the boy on the floor whispered. A split second later, a floating blue book appeared beside him, and after making a simple hand gesture the book began flipping through its pages.

"Calm down Nick, y-you can't," one of his lackeys pleaded, but it was clear that he wasn't going to back down.

"What's going on here?" shouted a blue-haired girl as she walked through the crowd that had begun to surround the skirmish.

"A fight?" the girl said in surprise as she got to the center.

"S-Servia," the bully stuttered, his face turning bright red as the girl stared down at him.

"It's one of the disciplinary members," whispered a bystander.

"Four second years teaming up on a first year? And battle academy students at that," she said in disappointment.

"H-he... look what he did to us," the bully tried explaining, gesturing towards his comrades who had been beaten down.

"And you thought it was reason enough to summon your grimoire?" she asked, before looking around. "Don't the rest of you have classes to go to?"

With those words, the crowd that had surrounded them began to disappear, until only Servia and the others remained.

"Fighting isn't allowed unless it's in the arena. And the use of grimoires on civilians is prohibited. As such, I will be removing 100 enarcs from your student cards, and giving you all a disciplinary misconduct warning. You're lucky you hadn't incanted a spell, or I would've had you expelled," she said, before removing a blue card and performing a series of hand gestures.

"Now, your names," she ordered, and the group of boys began giving their names in order.

"This isn't over Ryka," the bully whispered as he left.

Gray was just about to thank her before she stopped him mid-sentence.

"You too," she said.

"I wasn't even the one who started it," Gray complained, trying to push his way past her. However, to his surprise she didn't budge, she was unbelievably strong for someone smaller than he was.

"Is that seriously your argument?"

"It was self-defense."

"And yet you are the only one without actual injuries. Even if they provoked you, rules are rules. You were involved in the altercation" she said, before gesturing for Gray to hand over his name.

"Grey Cehedia," he replied. And for a split second, the girl had a look of surprise on her face, before quickly regaining her composure.

"You'd think someone related to such a figure would be more reserved," she whispered to herself.

"Since you first years are yet to have your orientation, you haven't yet been added to the system. So I'll just have to give you a punishment for now. Meet me at the office after school," she said, before leaving.

{Great, a rule horny bitch. Sorry grandpa, looks like I'll be coming home late today.}