
Eclipse Arcana

Eclipse Arcana It is a story that contains five main leads. The story begins, when Kai arrives in Celestria to save the village with his friend Eiera, his sister Rin, and his Fairy friend Luna. Later, he has been assigned a task to retrieve an artifact known as Eclipse Arcana and has to take the King's son, Aiden, with him. But he didn't know the Artifact he was sent to find could destroy his realm in the blink of an eye. Kai also found out that he is not the only one who is seeking Eclipse Arcana. The Dark Realm is also after it. Now, he has to act faster than before and gather all six pieces of Eclipse Arcana before it's too late. Kai, Eiera, Rin, Luna, and Aiden together they will face many challenges, and fight monsters, Dragons, and much more. Can Kai and his group Find Eclipse Arcana before it gets into the wrong hands? A Conversation from Chapter 40 One of the Scorchers spoke to Kai, "SO YOU ARE KAI THE WEILDER OF THE ETERNAL BLADE!"  Kai looked up at the Scorchers, "I don't have time for an introduction." Kai pointed towards the carriage and continued, "I want all three of you to carry that carriage and follow me." "HOW DARE YOU ASKED US FOR HELP!" The Scorchers got furious after listening to Kai's demand, and all three of them bang on the Eternal Blade's barrier. Scorchers, "LET US OUT! AND WE'LL TELL YOU WHO WE ARE!" "The thing is, I wasn't asking. I'm ordering all three of you!" Kai said in a commanding tone. I Hope all the readers enjoyed the story. TAGS #FantasyAdventure #MagicalRealm #EclipseArcana #JourneyofHeroes #MagicQuest #StrongestAmongThem #TrustYourFriends #ProtectTheRealm #DarkRealmThreat #MagicalCreatures #BondTested #EpicAdventure #FantasyNovel #BookishCommunity

MS_Studio_3460 · Fantasie
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122 Chs

Training Hiroshi Before Leaving

As the group arrived at Hiroshi's village, Kai saw Hiroshi sitting outside his house. When Hiroshi spotted Kai, he immediately stood up and ran towards him.

As Hiroshi approached Kai, he grabbed Kai's right hand and looked at him with relief. "I thought the King was going to punish you. I'm glad you're fine."

Before Kai could respond, Luna whispered in his ear. "Kai, Hiroshi thinks of you as his older brother. You have to tell him that we are leaving." Luna spoke with a soothing tone.

Kai looked at Luna and said, "You guys go ahead. I'll join you later." Luna listened to Kai and went into the house with Rin and Luna. Leaving Kai and Hiroshi alone.

Kai knelt on his knees, matching his height with Hiroshi, and he locked his eyes with Hiroshi. "Hiroshi, you wanted me to train you right."

Hiroshi slowly nodded in approval. Kai smiled and said, "Very well." As Kai spoke, he stood up, and his right hand was still in Hiroshi's gentle grip.

Kai leads Hiroshi to the river next to the village. Hiroshi asks Kai, "What are we doing here?"

Kai responded, "You wanted to train, right? So, I'll teach you a spell." As Kai spoke, he released Hiroshi's hand and instructed him, "Wait here."

Hiroshi was excited to be with Kai and couldn't contain his happiness. He said in his mind, "I can't believe Brother Kai is actually training me." While Hiroshi was lost in his thoughts, Kai had grabbed a piece of wood and stabbed it into the ground close to Hiroshi, making it stand on its own.

Kai came back to Hiroshi and knelt once again, and said, "I'm going to teach you a very basic spell."

Kai said, "You see that piece of wood there? He pointed towards the wood he had stabbed behind him." Hiroshi nodded in understanding. Kai continued, "The spell I'm going to teach you is Azure Inferno. This spell can create fire without even a spark."

Kai moved out of Hiroshi's way and sat on the ground next to him. Kai instructed Hiroshi, "Extend your arm towards that wood and chant the spell."

Hiroshi nodded and did exactly as Kai said. Hiroshi extended his arm towards the wood and said. "Azure Inferno!" But nothing happened.

Kai observed and said, "You did it wrong. Try again."

Hiroshi listened to Kai and chanted the spell again, "Azure Inferno!" This time, Hiroshi's voice was sharper and louder.

But still, nothing happened, "AZURE INFERNO!" Hiroshi shouted in desperation.

Kai said, "Shouting won't help."

Kai said, "Sit down, Hiroshi." Hiroshi nodded and sat next to Kai.

Kai said, "If you want your spell to work, your emotions must be strong. Spells are powered by emotions, so if your emotions are weak, no matter how hard you try, you won't be able to cast a spell." Hiroshi listened to every word Kai said and enjoying his moment with Kai.

Kai said, "For your spell to work, you need to think of a memory to trigger your emotions."

Hiroshi closed his eyes, going through his mind searching for a strong memory. Hiroshi then went through the memory where he had promised his father to protect his mother.

Hiroshi stood up, keeping his eyes closed and still thinking about the promise he had made. Hiroshi extended his arm towards the wood. With determination, he said, "Azure Inferno!"

As Hiroshi chanted the spell, he quickly opened his eyes, eager to see the result. But still, nothing had happened. Hiroshi was disappointed and said, "I'm nothing but a failure."

Kai said with his calm voice, "Look again."

Hiroshi looked at the piece of wood again, but there wasn't even a scratch on it. Kai spoke again, "Look closely."

As Hiroshi looked closer, he saw a small amount of the corner of the wood was burned, and there was a little smoke coming out of it.

Hiroshi said in a low voice, "It's so small."

Kai responded, "Do you know that it took Rin three hours to learn the same spell, but it took you a few moments."

Hiroshi said excitedly, "Really!" He looked at Kai with his eyes filled with happiness.

Kai said, "Now, for the reason I bring you here. I'm leaving tomorrow."

As soon as Hiroshi heard Kai's words, his expression quickly fell from happy to sad. "But, you promise to stay."

Kai replied, "I promised to stay the night, not forever. Besides, it is an important work that I had to do."

A small amount of tears formed in Hiroshi's eyes. "You are leaving just like my Dad." As Hiroshi said, he started to walk away from Kai, But Kai grabbed Hiroshi's hand. His grip was firm and gentle.

Kai said, "Your father is also coming tomorrow, and this time he will never have to go."

Hiroshi said, "Release my hand." Hiroshi's voice was still filled with sadness.

Kai released Hiroshi's hand, As Kai released Hiroshi's hand he said, "Look at your wrist."

Hiroshi looked at his wrist. He saw a bracelet made out of black thread. "That bracelet means you are my friend forever, and it will protect you."

Hiroshi, still upset at Kai, started to walk away. Kai said, "Would you like to see what's under my mask."

Let me Know in the comments what you think about Kai and Hiroshi's bond

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