
Echoes of Vardrak: The Triplet's Quest

Dive into the enthralling world of Vardrak, a realm as vast as Jupiter, mirroring Earth's essence, where the serene country of Velanore becomes the epicenter of an unforeseen apocalypse. In "The Eclipse of Destinies: The Triplet's Awakening," follow the riveting journey of three sisters – Elandra, Elandrei, and Elandria Vontarok – who, unbeknownst to them, are destined to become the saviors in a world descending into chaos. Embark on a journey with these sisters, separated by catastrophe, as they navigate through cities in turmoil, each awakening to extraordinary powers that defy the realms of possibility. Elandra, with her Invincible Stealth, becomes a ghostly savior in Mellowvibe's chaos; Elandrei wields the Small Universe Orb, bending reality to create sanctuaries; and Elandria, empowered by Unlimited Growth, transforms into a formidable warrior against the apocalypse's horrors. As they forge their paths, they unlock abilities that reshape their destiny – from Elandra's Unlimited Godly Craftsman to Elandrei's Hybrid: Perfect Complete Bloodlines, and Elandria's mastery of the Complete Circle of Elements. Together, yet apart, they are humanity's beacon of hope, battling darkness with their unyielding spirit and familial bond. "Echoes of Vardrak: The Triplet's Quest" is not just a tale of survival but a saga of unity, strength, and the undying flame of kinship, positioning the Vontarok sisters as the keystones in the battle for Vardrak's future. Witness as their story unfolds, a legend in the making, a beacon for future generations in a world veiled in despair yet yearning for salvation. Copyright (2024) by (Krasvania). All rights reserved.

Krasvania · Fantasie
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10 Chs

Chapter 8- The Mysterious Voice

In the other cities of Velanore, the people of those cities were ecstatic. They did not have it as easy as the people in the cities the girls exist because they have awakened people, but the other cities do not. However, they are also saddened by the fact they would have to fight the apocalyptic creature to gain a chance of becoming awakened.

The voice continued, "Let the game begin! Enjoy!"

Each of the cities gained a few champions, but that's a story for another time, back to the triplets. Elandra upon hearing that voice hurried towards the warehouse, after entering, the unawaken turned to Elandra, a man among them asked, "You will help us awaken right?"

Another man echoed, "That is correct right?" While the rest of the group whispered about the mysterious voice message. A few minutes later, Jameal and his group entered. This left the rest of Elandra's group in an upheaval, the same man who asked if Elandra would assist with the awakening asked shakily, "Who are those men?" Elandra getting annoyed was about to put the man in his place, when Ella reminded her, that this was the route she chose.

Elandra took a deep breath. Noah, the 18th-year-old, that awaken stone golem summoning, answered in an angry voice, "Is that how your parents teach you to ask for something? She already got us out of the city and kept us safe all this while. Matter of fact, she is the reason we are alive so you should have a more respect in your voice and tone when addressing her."

The other awakened, Mario, the 22-year-old time manipulator, Ria, the 15-year-old mind reader, Kiley, the 10-year-old Fae lineage, and the 30-year-old, Giselle, all nodded their head in agreement with what Noah stated. Elandra raised her hands and said, "Enough everyone! This is not a time for infighting."

She turned to Jameal and his group waving them over, "This is Jameal and his crew. They will be joining us from now on."


On Elandria's side, after listening to the voice, she heads inside to see what her team and Alphonso's team had to say. While walking she asked Juzella, "Do you know what is going on?"

Juzella answered, "Your world has been given a slight chance of survival."

Elandria nodded in contemplation at the slight chance of survival. Internally she vowed, I will increase that chance of survival and I know my sisters and parents are out there, so I am not alone.

Entering Alphonso's safe house, she heard her group and his group talking about the mysterious voice. It seems everyone was ecstatic about the idea of gaining powers and becoming an awakened. Elandria thought, "It seems they all forgot the voice saying that we would need to fight against the apocalyptic creature."

She cleared her throat then voiced her worries, "You guys did hear the voice mentioned fighting against the apocalyptic creatures, correct?"

The unawakened bowed their heads in shame because they knew that the ones with powers would need to fend off the creatures so they could gain access to the awakening gazebo. Elandria continued, "I am not saying that you guys won't get to awaken but I think we should plan it out first before we rush into anything. No one amongst us awakened fire magic and fire is best against plants. You guys don't plan to burn down the whole city, right?"

Alphonso said, "You do not need to be so hard on them. My team and I survived with these plants all over, I believe we can do it as long as we are careful and have each other's backs."

Elandria's group lit up at that.


Elandrei was frightened by the voice that popped up out of nowhere. Her bodyguards, however, were excited about the prospect of becoming an awakened like Elandrei. Silvia uttered so everyone could hear, "It has begun now.".

 Elandrei spoke to her, her voice laced with concern, "What do you know?"

Silvia responded, "You will find out in due time."

Elandrei shook her head, her eyes clouding with worry, and responded, "I am tired, today has been a long and demotivating day, I just want to rest."

Silvia gestured to the stairs, her movements graceful and mysterious, and said, "Find any room you would like."

Elandrei walked up the stairs without saying anything else, her footsteps echoing through the silent hallway.


Days and weeks pass, however, Elandra, Elandria, and Elandrei did not anticipate vying for the awakening gazebo, instead, they trained the unawakened around them. They find lots of food for each of their safe houses, and weapons like machetes, metal bats, and others to teach the awaken how to battle.

Finally, a month has passed since the apocalypse descended. Outside of Velanore country, the rest of the world has become normalized with the apocalypse and has formed a structure to live peacefully among the apocalypses. Every day they are given various quests by the mysterious voice that has finally approached Velanore country.

Unfortunately for Velanore country, the other countries are unable to assist because they were forbidden by the mysterious voice not to. In the cities of Velanore where the triplets are not found, many survivors vied for the awakening gazebo, those who were able to enter the gazebo were the lucky ones among the survivors; those who did not die.

The triplets finally decided to make a move; they believed that the non-awaken were ready and the work they had done over the past month by thinning the number of creatures found in their city was enough for them to now tackle the awakening gazebo challenge.


On Elandra's side, she, and her group of awakened: Noah, Mario, Kiley, Ria, and Giselle were at the forefront of the group with the unawaken following behind along with Jameal and his group. They already had a routine, so it was simple for them to take out the creatures they had met but as they got closer and closer to the awakening gazebo, it got more difficult.

Elandra activated stealth and was gone most of the time due to being the vanguard for the group. Noah's stone golem assisted plenty in keeping the majority of the creatures from the unawakened and only allowed a few to pass him, while in the event Noah was too hounded by the goblins, ogres, orcs, and many other creatures.

Mario steps up and slows them down while Ria utilizes her affinity with the plants around her and her pure talent in magic with the Fae lineage to take out the excess creatures so none of the unawakened are hurt.

Jameal and his power elemental symbiosis took out most of the creatures they came across among the group. He ensures that none of the unawaken gets hurt.


Meanwhile, Elandrei, Silvia, and Kimani along with Elandrei's bodyguard slowly ventured back into the city. Upon their first meeting, Elandrei warned them the next day about the intelligent zombies, and as such they had been fighting to cull the zombie horde as much as possible for this moment.

They each had a weapon in hand, ready to fight against the zombies. They silently move towards the awakening gazebo though still vigilant of their surroundings. Silvia felt like they were walking into a trap but did not clue Elandrei in on her musings. While Kimani was fiddling with his creations; walking casually like they were not entering a danger zone.

A couple miles ahead of them, a horde of zombies ranging to a million were awaiting their arrival. The zombie leader remembered Elandrei's aura and knew if it ate her, it could become more powerful than it already was, so she was its target.


Elandria was flabbergasted by the voice, however it was an opportunity for the other unawaken humans among them. Similar to her sisters, they slowly culled some of the monstrous plants around them to have a better chance of fighting against the monstrous plants surrounding the awakening gazebo. Utilizing Lisa's gift, they found the best route to traverse without doing much fighting in the beginning.

Out of all the sisters, Elandria was the first to sight the awakening gazebo - it took her breath away as she gazed upon the intricately designed structure adorned with carvings of mythical symbols, featuring various mythical creatures, fantasy classes, skills, and talents. The dominant centerpiece was a large, black mystical orb on an ornate podium, emitting a subtle, mysterious glow. Surrounding the gazebo, monstrous plants with twisted vines and eerie, glowing flowers had overgrown the cityscape, intertwining with the crumbling buildings, and creeping towards the gazebo. The air was thick with otherworldly energy, and the plants seemed to be watching her every move.