
Echoes of the ages

——-Warning Mature language——- During a school trip, six teenagers stumble upon a mysterious game wheel that transports them to a different dimension. Every midnight, they must fight for a chance at a normal life, though they've never known what "normal" truly means. They grapple with questions of purpose and survival: What are they fighting for? Why were they chosen to endure such horrors? Shifting between realms and battling beasts beyond mortal comprehension, they struggle to make a home in a world that wants them gone. Join this campaign. Embark on this journey. ————————— I hope you enjoy this story. love y’all, peace out

SakenRickman · Fantasie
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64 Chs

chapter 46- Information of beast

"So, you're saying these creatures aren't natives of this realm, but invaders? How do you know the difference?" I asked.

"Simple, really. If they look like monsters or alien titans, then they're definitely outer beasts. Whereas beast companions or pets are born and bred within their respective regions. The nameless ones, like those white zombies, were too weak to merit being named, so that's why. "Max said "But companion animals are usually friendly and helpful, more like familiars. Suddenly, words appeared"

[Two hours until the next floor. You shall be rewarded upon each floor's clearance.]

Three cards, its back facing us, materialized in the air before us.

"What the...?"

"It seems we're being rewarded with something great. Finally our luck is kicking in," Maxwell said. Seemingly familiar with the process, he pointed at one card, flipping it to reveal its contents.

Item Card - Key to the Sands of Rosstlilie

Rank: Epic Description: A mysterious key found in a foreign realm, allows the user to tap and unlock a gate to the destination already attuned to it. Trigger Condition: Find the rift gate.

I was confused, but it seemed good, I guess. Copying Max, I pointed to the middle card. It flipped over:

Ascension Card - Gate of Velocity

Rank: Rare

Description: Allows the user to tap into their soul and glimpse their true inner power. The Velocity Gate will enable an increase in speed to astonishing levels once mastered to the pinnacle.

I was shocked. Maddie had explained before that these Ascension gate cards basically boost your stats, from level 1 to 10, each level increasing that aspect as a permanent boost.

The card dissolved into particles of light that absorbed into my body. I didn't feel any change or increase to my quickness, though.

I still felt the same. Strange. But words then appeared before me:

[One must master the mastery to open the gate. You are only being given a glimpse of the way forward - the rest shall depend on your spirit and will.]

I took back my earlier statement - this wasn't just some game, it was real life.

I could only sigh at that realization.

Now it was Tommy's turn. His card read:

Monster Manual Encyclopedia 

rank: Rare

Description: A book, once imbued with the blood of a slain monster, will show information on said monster or beast - detailed strengths, weaknesses, and more. Every hunter is issued one by the Huntsmith tribe.

We were lucky to come across that item - while in Tommy's possession, it still benefited most of the gang.

I wondered if I could store the book in my pocket dimension, my inventory as I called it. My inventory differed from the others. While they could summon and dismiss collected weapons, I had more access to store items outside the campaign reward system. Rocks, creature body parts we could use later, maybe even food. We came up with this idea a few days ago - I'd be our main supply keeper, their walking resource box. I didn't mind, of course, but I had limited space, only a twenty square meters. But the advantage was instant equipping, no delay. I could easily swap it with another item.

I looked into that space, invading it as I often did. It felt natural, normal to envision a space with many daggers placed there. But my intention traced to one item, a single game-changer. The possibilities were endless once I realized. I was shocked, hyped, excited.

It wasn't legendary equipment or any ranked item, in fact. But its very existence in this realm was abnormal. A small, simple pocket knife. Yes, a pocket knife was in my possession.

An item from the real world brought into this other realm. Imagine food and supplies from our home planet becoming accessible in this barren place. Either the dungeon or tavern would suit using such items.

I kept my thoughts to myself. No need for false hope yet. I didn't want to show the advantage of my pocket dimension until we were out of this place and back home. Damn, I'd even take the tavern over this.

We all sat on the pew rows, resting. Our stamina and adrenaline were overworked from last time. I didn't know how the next floor would differ, but it seemed a mix of teamwork and quick thinking were key - maybe that's how the Realm Master wanted us to act.

No, I took that back. This was all because of that lady who transported us here, with the same tattoo. Was she part of this? She had answers and we were so close.

I grabbed my head in frustration, my expression a mix of anger and resentment. I'd been lacking for a while, my theories and guesses getting no definite answers lately.

A couple hours passed. Tommy was looking at the book he acquired - it seemed to have info on only three monsters so far:

The Nameless (White Zombies) we called Pale Bloods:

Name: Unknown

Rank: Not eligible to be titled (Nameless) Origin: Not much is known Strengths: Full control of body, can walk on two or four limbs, switches fighting styles. Teeth and claws are main weapons. Weakness: Being a former humanoid, head and organs are fatal weak spots. Aim for these areas.

Then the Beholder:

Rank: Titled

Origin: Not much known Strengths: Giant body and eyeball with wide view of surroundings. Beam of terror - laser capable of shooting through objects at high speeds. Can use explosive blood.

Weaknesses: Eyeball is fatal weak point, being a large target. Slow and mostly stays in one spot due to overconfidence. Easily distracted.

Slime Ocean: Rank: Undetermined

Origin: Not much known Strengths: Moves at high speeds. Acidic body, seems to sense prey through vibrations. Weaknesses: Not much known.

The book's content was helpful for now. We needed all the info we could get - our position was that of a blind group not knowing shit.

The old church's interior seemed a safe spot after defeating that creature. The slime monster didn't seem to know our location, which was good. But the bad part was we didn't know a way out. Did we wait to be teleported, or wait until finishing this floor's clearance?