
Echoes of Oblivion

In a world where magic reigns and darkness lurks in every shadow, Arian faces a chilling ultimatum: surrender or be destroyed. But when death comes knocking, it brings with it an unexpected twist of fate.

Timearian · Fantasie
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1 Chs

The curse of time

As the battlefield lay full of dead mages, a chilling voice echoed through the air, causing Arian to clench his fists in anger. The voice declared, "There's no point in fighting anymore. I will destroy you." Arian gathered mana in his core, turning it black as he prepared himself for battle. The voice then taunted him, "Trying to kill yourself? Pathetic."

Suddenly, a mana lance flew towards Arian at incredible speed. Despite creating a magic circle to block the lance at the last minute, he couldn't avoid it. He tried to minimize the damage by moving to the right, but the mana lance hit his lung, narrowly missing his heart.

Arian's eyes turned black as a chilling aura began to consume the surroundings. He murmured quietly, "Oblivion," as an eerie atmosphere filled the air. The voice screamed at Arian, "You wouldn't dare!" But Arian responded, "I already have." 

A powerful force overtook Arian's body, draining his mana and life force. The air around them shimmered and distorted, and it felt like reality was warping in response to the magic's sheer potency. Everything suddenly became engulfed in darkness, and an unknown voice let out a blood-curdling scream, "They will kill you! I promise that on my soul!" That was the last thing Arian heard as his heart stopped beating.

Ba-dump, ba-dump, ba-dump. Arian woke up gasping for air. "I'm alive?" As Arian questioned himself, a familiar voice called out to him, "Arian, stop lazing around and come eat dinner." It was his mother, calling him for dinner. Arian could not believe what he was hearing, "That's impossible, I should be dead." However, his questions were answered as he saw his appearance in the mirror. A young, white-haired, delicate face void of hardships stared back at him.

Arian couldn't believe the face staring back at him, "No, this shouldn't be possible," he said as he quickly looked at the calendar on his desk. The date was March 24th, 1734 A.G. The year after his fifteenth birthday. Arian sat down on his bed trying to make sense of what had happened. "The voice I heard on my previous fifteenth birthday, is that what this could be?"

Arian wasn't sure of anything, but he was confident about one thing: "This time I'll erase the heavens." Arian smiled as he looked out of the window at the darkening sky. His eyes were a darker shade of purple.