
Echoes of love

This is a story of love’s unwavering resonance, where past and present converge, and where a haunting melody becomes the bridge between two souls, separated by circumstance but forever connected by an unbreakable bond. “Echoes of Love” is an exploration of the supernatural, an ode to the ethereal, and a testament to the timeless nature of true love.

Hrusikesh_Rout · Teenager
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7 Chs

Chapter-7 (“The haunted piano”)

The room with the haunted piano remained a place of 

wonder and intrigue for generations to come. It became a 

hidden gem, known to only a few who dared to explore its 

mysteries. People from all walks of life would visit the room, 

hoping to connect with lost loved ones, to experience the 

echoes of love, or simply to witness the inexplicable magic 

that filled the air. 

As the years passed, the story of Himesh and Riti, and the 

room that had brought their love back to life, became a 

local legend. It was a reminder that love, no matter how 

complex or unconventional, could transcend the 

boundaries of time and space. It served as a source of 

inspiration for those who had lost hope in the power of true 


The room with the haunted piano, forever shrouded in 

mystery, remained a testament to the enduring nature of 


It was a place where the past and the present coexisted, 

where the living and the spirits found common ground, and 

where the beauty of love was celebrated, echoing through 

the ages. 

And so, the room with the haunted piano stood as a silent 

witness to the mysteries of the heart, a place where love's 

echoes would continue to be heard, a place where love, in 

all its forms, would forever defy the constraints of time and 


                        THE END