
Echoes of love

This is a story of love’s unwavering resonance, where past and present converge, and where a haunting melody becomes the bridge between two souls, separated by circumstance but forever connected by an unbreakable bond. “Echoes of Love” is an exploration of the supernatural, an ode to the ethereal, and a testament to the timeless nature of true love.

Hrusikesh_Rout · Teenager
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7 Chs

Chapter-2 (“The Haunting Echo”)

Years passed, and Riti and Himesh led separate lives, each 

haunted by the memories of their lost love. Riti had married 

the man chosen for her by her family, and while they had a 

comfortable life, the love they shared was nothing 

compared to the love she had once felt for Himesh. 

Himesh's music career had taken off, and he found fame 

and fortune, but there was a hollowness in his heart that 

no amount of success could fill. His songs were chart

toppers, but they lacked the soul-stirring emotion that he 

had once poured into his music for Riti. 

One rainy night, as Himesh sat alone in his dimly lit studio, 

the power suddenly went out. The room was cast into 

darkness, and he could hear the rain drumming on the 

windows. A haunting sense of "wrong-turn" overcame him.

Then, he heard it—an eerie, distant melody, one that he 

had sung countless times for Riti under the moonlit sky.

It echoed through the darkness, filling the room with a 

ghostly presence. Himesh's heart raced, and he knew he 

couldn't be imagining it. It was as if Riti's voice had returned 

from the past. 

Terrified but driven by an inexplicable force, he followed 

the haunting tune through the dark corridors of his 

mansion. The melody led him to a forgotten, dusty room he 

hadn't entered in years. The room was filled with cobwebs, 

old furniture draped with dusty sheets, and a worn-out 

piano that hadn't been touched in ages. 

Himesh cautiously approached the piano and brushed 

away the dust from its keys. As he placed his fingers on 

them, the haunting melody continued to flow, as if guided 

by an unseen hand. His voice joined in, harmonizing with 

the spectral tune. The room seemed to come alive, as if it 

were a portal to the past. 

The music intensified, and Himesh could almost feel Riti's 

presence beside him. It was a moment of surreal 

connection that transcended time and space. As the last 

note faded, the power was suddenly restored, and the 

room was plunged into light. 

Himesh was alone, his heart pounding, but the room now 

felt different. The oppressive atmosphere had lifted, and 

the piano seemed to gleam with newfound life. He couldn't 

explain what had just transpired, but he knew one thing for 

certain—Riti's love had returned to him, if only for a 

moment, through the haunting echo of their melody. 

From that day on, Himesh dedicated his music to the 

memory of his lost love, pouring all his emotions into every 

note and lyric. And even though Riti had moved on with her 

life, somewhere in the world, she felt the same haunting 

echoes of their love, forever intertwined with the music 

that connected their souls across time and space.