
Echoes of Light: Triumph over darkness

This tale follows a boy who gained valuable lessons from his errors. Despite facing numerous setbacks and doubts about his abilities, he always made decisions based on his moral compass. This mindset instilled in him a strong sense of self-assurance and unparalleled strength, all thanks to his unique perspective. Disclaimer:-This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locals, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental

Slayer_21 · Fantasie
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20 Chs

Asmodeus's Scheme

Friends, now wherever Vijay appears, the story will be told in his words.

I got up and sat down. My entire body was drenched in sweat. Sir, I too had mild pain, which had never happened before. I thought further but before that the alarm started playing its dissonant tune… When I looked at the time, it was 5.30. This was my daily schedule, every day I used to wake up at 5.30 and go for jogging to freshen up. I shook my head and went to freshen up. Then wore a track suit and came down to the hall. No one was awake yet. Towards the garden a little distance away which was the common garden of our area. While walking, the same dream was wandering in my mind, I had such a dream for the first time. I was remembering that girl's eyes again and again and that dreadful scene after us and those eyes with white pupils. Then that voice that called my name, what was all this? Science says that some part of our thinking resides in the back part of our brain which is also called Medulla Oblongata from which dreams are born, but I never thought like this, alas no, still such a dream!!! While thinking all this, I didn't realize when I went to the garden to jog.

As soon as I reached the garden, I shook my head and started jogging.

"Vicky"..just one round had been completed when someone called me but I did not stop.

Ronit - Brother, since when you become deaf?

Me - When you know that I am jogging, i do not stop, then why do you call out!!!

Ronit- fuck! , what kind of trouble will happen if you wait a little...

Me: fucker!, suddenly I remembered, where is Anjali?

Ronit- Oh trouble!!!! Due to your jogging, she left .

The moment he says something else to me, I get a punch in the back, not only me but also Ronit.

Aaaahh. This voice was not mine but Ronit's.

Both of us stopped. When I turned around, Anjali was wearing smile and was staring at us….

Ronit- Oye, have you gone mad? Who hits so hard?

Anjali- I am . You bastard you saw Vicky so you ran away and left me there. And what were you calling me, trouble!!! Now let me tell you what the trouble is.

Me- Stop my mother, and breathe. This word 'trouble' is also Ronit's. He always calls you 'trouble' in front of me.

Today I said it. On another hand, Anjali's face turned red like a tomato after hearing this, while on the other hand, Ronit's face turned pale. This was his usual routine, whenever Vicky went into a mess he would put Ronit ahead.

Ronit- I swear Anjali, it is nothing like that. This guy is using us to save himself.

Me- I am using you. Okay son, smarter than your father. I will undress you infornt of her, only then you will understand.

Hearing this, Ronit's face turned from yellow to black. The poor guy was trapped from both sides. Seeing Ronit like this, Anjali got angry and the she start giggling. Ronit felt relieved after seeing Anjali laughing.

Anjali- Both of you stop your drama. And if you want to fool me then don't even think.

I said slowly, "is it necessary to be a fool now!!!"

Anjali- What did you say?

Me: Nothing, I was just saying that we have survived. Now that both of you are done, go jogging.

Anjali: Yes, when have I felt like it? Whenever i see both of you, you start goofing around. While saying this, Anjali moved forward running. We also hurriedly followed her words and started jogging behind her.

Well, I didn't tell you, mine, Ronit's and Anjali's bungalows are at walking distance from Pali Hills. My house is on the first street, Ronit's is on the second street and Anjali's is on the third street, so all three of us accept Sundays come to this garden for jogging. We three also go to school together..

The garden in which we jog is quite big. One round itself is almost 1 kilometer big. Anjali and Ronit got tired after taking 2 rounds and went and sat on a bench. But I kept running. When the 5 rounds were over, I also went and sat near both of them. This was my daily routine.

Ronit- You bastard, I don't understand whether you are a boy or a horse. You just keep running.

Anjali- Yes friend. And still there is no sign of tiredness in your ass.

Now what should I tell them, I myself don't understand why I am like this. I feel tired but very little. I can easily do the hard work of ten people. And on top of that I never get fever, it doesn't matter if it is too cold or hot. I hardly get injured, and it also heals quickly.

Mai- It's nothing like that, both of you, on the other hand, I will make you more fit.

Ronit/Anjali- What did you say,

Then both of them ran after me and caught me. After some time I started running towards them but when I saw that both of them were getting tired, I surrendered myself to them.

Ronit- Now tell me who is lazy. Saying this, both of them started hitting me.

Me: Okay, okay, sorry. Forgive me, sir. Not you two, I am lazy. Now happy...

Anjali- Yes, now I have you under my control.

Me - Yes don't, you win i lost. Now let's go home, today is Ronit's favorite day anyway...

Ronit seemed to regain consciousness after hearing this.

Ronit- Bastards! , you both will get me killed. I had thought that I would jog for a while and then go home and do revision for an hour, but due to both of you, I got late.

Anjali- by the way, what will you do in an hour when you will not be able to do anything in the whole year.

Me- And if not then what. Zero can be multiplied with anything, the answer is zero.

As soon as I said this, Anjali started laughing loudly and so did I.

Ronit- Laugh, you guys, laugh. One day I too will become topper, then I will tell you.

Me- We will see then. Tell me what you will do now.

Ronit- Man, my brain has fused. I don't understand what to do...

Me- Come on, don't cry too much..take this, I took out a folded paper from the pocket of my track shirt and gave it to Ronit.

Me- There are some important formulas and some equations in it which can come in today's paper. You will be passed today. (By now you must have understood that today is our mathematics paper, and our Ronit is in mathematics Is at front but from behind...)

Ronit- Thank you brother, you are my best friend.

Anjali- What did you say and what about the mathematics that I have been teaching you for the last one month?

Ronit- Hey why are you angry, you both are my life.

Me- Keep your life with you and just throw a party after passing by, understood.

Ronit - You selfish person, it's okay anyway, I will throw a party, will you both remember the kind hearted person you were brought up with?

Me- It's a gimmick.

Then some other similar things happened. After some time, we said goodbye to each other and left for our respective homes.

When I reached home, I saw Aunty Martha cleaning the same hall.(She is the head maid of our house. She has a very good heart and considers me her son.)

Me- Good morning Martha aunty. how are you this morning...!!!

Martha- Oh good morning Vicky. I am absolutely fine. Hmm, I must say, you have become exactly like your father in fitness and discipline.

Me- Obvious aunty. Like father, like son.

Mother- Not just in discipline, my child is like his father in everything...

I turned and saw that mother was coming.

Me- Good morning mother

Mother- Good morning son.

Me- I am like father. By the way mother, can I ask you something???

Mother- Yes son, ask!!!

Me- What do you wear that makes you look so young even today? I mean seriously, if anyone saw us together they would think you were my older sister.

Mother- Martha, I told you that he is exactly like his father. Son, this charm of yours will not work on me. I have heard such dialogues a lot from your father.

Me- But when did dad call you his elder sister??

At first mother did not understand but when she did, she started holding my ears.

Mother: You scoundrel, you pull your mother's leg.

Me: Aaah, but mother, here are my hands, see how I will pull your leg.

Mother and Martha both have my point.

Martha- Ma'am Vicky is very naughty and so is Witty. You cannot win in talks with him.

Mother: Yes, it is. I gave my mother a tight hug and she kissed my forehead.

Mother- So son, today is your last paper. Get ready and come quickly for breakfast.

Mother- Okay mother.

Then I went straight to my room. After taking shower, wearing uniform etc., i came straight down to the hall. Both father and mother were sitting at the dining table.

Me- Good morning father...

Dad- Good morning champ. So what is going on? Everything is ready,

Me- Yes father, I am absolutely ready….

Father: There is a mathematics paper today.

Me- Yes father. And today is the last paper. Then holidaysSSSSSSSS...

Dad- Wow. Someone is very excited… Okay then, you come after giving the paper, then we will plan where to go during the holidays.

Me- You are the best father. I will tell Ronit and Anjali also.

Mother: Even if you don't say anything, who will let you go anywhere alone?

Father: Yes son, this is also the case. You do one thing, I will call both of them in the evening, then we will decide together.

Me- Okay father.

By now Aunty Martha had also served breakfast, so everyone started eating silently. Mother has a rule that no one should talk while eating.

After having breakfast, I said goodbye to mom and dad and went out. I had just reached my lawn when I saw Ronit and Anjali coming inside. I walked towards them.

Me- Then. You understood something.

Ronit- Yes man, it has entered my mind a little bit. Now let's see what happens.

Anjali- Don't take too much tension, you will pass.

My school was some 8 kilometers away from my home. Me, Ronit and Anjali used to go to school together by car.

While we were still talking, I saw a old man outside the gate who was talking to our security guard. I don't know why that man happened to talk to them.

Me- Both of you ask driver uncle to take out the car, I will come in a minute.

Then I turned and walked towards that Old man. When I reached him, I don't know why my hand went towards his feet and i touched them.

Saint- May you be victorious, may you be fearless.

Me- Grandpa, you needed something.

Old man with a light smile

Old man- Yes son, I wanted to meet your parents.

Me- Mom and Dad, you know them!!!

Old man- i know a lot about them.

Ronit- What is he doing there? Come on, it will be late brother.

Mother- Okay gramdpa. You can come.

He caressed my head and went inside.

I also followed my friends and sit in the car.

Ronit- You bastard, what always makes you late, what kind of grass was growing there. Firstly, there is a mathematics paper and you are moving here and there on it.

Me: Isn't it getting late now? And by keeping your mouth closed you will help us. whenever you open it, only bad things come out. How will your paper get any better.

Anjali insisted on this point of mine. Ronit sat there making a face. Then nothing special happened, all three of us left for our school.

after I left

Mom and Dad were in their room when Martha Aunty came and told that someone had come to meet. When mom and dad came out, they were surprised and happy to see the person in front of them.

Father: teacher you. Yes, he was none other than Saint Vishakh.

Mom and dad both touched Saint Vishakh's pairs.

Mother- teacher, we are blessed to have seen you. But how did you get our address?

Saint Visakh smiled after listening to mother.

Saint Vishakh- When did I lose your address, I will have to search for it. And anyway, today raj is a famous and humanitarian personality of this society. It is very easy to trace you.

Mona- You are still standing. Come.

All three went and sat on the sofa.

Mother- What will you take Teacher? It's time for breakfast. I'll serve breakfast.

Saint Vishakh- There is no need for that, daughter, my hunger was quenched just by seeing Vijay.

Father: Yes Teacher. Our son is exactly as you said.

Saint Vishakh- I had said something else also. I remember that..

Both mother and father looked at each other, then at saint who was sitting in front.

Father/Mother: Please Teacher. But which thing?

Saint Vishakh- Whenever the right time comes, I will ask you for something and you had promised that you will give it.

Dad/Mom- Yes we remember Teacher. Tell us what you want.

Saint Vishakh- I want your son for some time.

Raj was surprised to hear this and mother felt that Gurudev had asked for her life.

Saint Vishakh- Don't panic, stay safe. I want Vijay only for a few days.

Hearing this, mom and dad held their breath.

Father: May I ask why only Vijay!!!

Saint Vishakh - Son, not everything but I will tell you some things. This world is more strange than you think it is. Many things will happen in the future that will threaten your son's life. And certainly if I do not give higher education to your son, his death is certain. That education could not be given here in the open in front of everyone, rather I would have to take Vijay with me.

Dad was still thinking and ever since mother had heard that my life was in danger, her condition had worsened.

Saint Vishakh- Mona, daughter, there is no need for you to panic. Your son is very powerful. He just needs the right guidance. It is for his welfare only to send him with me. Further wish of both of you.

Dad kept thinking for some time and then decided something and said

Father: there is nothing better for us than the life of our child. If you take him and he will be safe then I have no problem.

Mother: Yes, I don't care either, just that my child should be fine.

By the way, teacher when do you want to take Vijay? And for how long will you keep him?

Saint Vishakh- I will come to take Vijay after 2 days. Vijay will stay with me for 45 days. Then I will leave him here. But I am giving you advice not to tell anyone where Vijay has gone.

Father- Okay. As per your wish.

Saint Vishakh then bid farewell to Mom and Dad and went away but left my Mom and Dad in deep thought.

On the other hand, there is a planet where there is no trace of spirituality or life, there are only black deep ditches and big rocks everywhere...

Suddenly there is a light and a world door is formed and out of it comes a black shadow who slowly stops in front of a big rock...

That dark shadow puts forward one of its hands. A bright light comes out from his hand and boommmmmmmmmmm… the rock breaks into pieces. But as soon as the rock breaks, a path is formed inside it. It looked like a cave which was covered with rock. That black shadow goes inside the cave. It was completely dark inside. But it seemed as if the black shadow could see everything clearly. After going inside for a while the black shadow stops. Both his hands fail and he says.

" Drishyam Shaktyam Drishyam Bhava"

And with this, black rays come out from his hand and start going everywhere.


The cave glows with light and someone hits the wall and falls.

What happened is that those black rays go to one place and collide with an invisible force. That power gets hits the wall and then becomes visible...

Unknown- ASMODEUSSSS...You here...How?

(Yes friends, this dark shadow was none other than ASMODEUS)

ASMODEUS- You took a lot of turns, friend. Well, this is a good place to hide from ASMODEUS. But there is no place in this universe where one can hide forever...

Unknown made some energy balls and threw them towards ASMODEUS but all went in vain.

ASMODEUS- All this will be of no use. And right now I don't have time to waste on small things. ASMODEUS immediately reached the unknown person and placed his hand on his head and said the spell.

"May you be hypnotized".. A yellow light came out of ASMODEUS's hand and went inside the person in front. Now the person in front was standing silently as if he had no life in him.

ASMODEUS- Now you are my slave. You will do whatever I say.

ASMODEUS gave some order to a person unknown to us.

Unknown- Whatever orders my master. And he disappeared unnoticed, all that remained was ASMODEUS and his terrifying laugh...ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...

To be continued...