
Echoes of Forgotten Ruins

In a world ravaged by the divine "blessings" that brought both power and destruction, civilization lies in ruins, divided into five nations consumed by mutual distrust and hatred. These blessings, bestowed by capricious gods who see humanity as mere entertainment, have left a fractured world struggling to reclaim its past glory. Amid this chaos, a determined young woman embarks on an epic journey to mend the shattered realms. As she explores the remnants of godly ruins, she seeks to unravel ancient secrets and forge a path toward unity, striving to heal the deep-seated wounds of hatred and restore harmony to her fractured world. Join her as she navigates treacherous landscapes, confronts formidable challenges, and confronts the very deities who cast her world into turmoil.

Akayya · Fantasie
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 Who am I?

Blessings are mysterious powers that humans suddenly develop, spreading across the world like a plague. Some say these abilities are gifts bestowed by the gods, tokens of divine favor meant to uplift and guide humanity. Others view them as curses, ominous signs that the gods have abandoned us to fend for ourselves in a world of chaos and uncertainty. There are also those who believe blessings represent a breakthrough, a long-awaited acknowledgment from the gods that humanity has finally earned their notice.

For the past five thousand years, these varied perspectives have shaped our understanding of blessings. Civilizations have risen and fallen, empires have been built and destroyed, all under the shadow of this enigmatic force. Despite millennia of contemplation and study, no one has ever come close to uncovering the true nature of blessings. Theories and beliefs abound, but the ultimate truth remains elusive.

One thing, however, is certain: blessings are the sole reason why the world we once knew has been reduced to nothing more than forgotten stories in the books of old.

??? PoV

Cold... wet... lonely. Those were the first words that came to mind when I awoke in this strange place. I had no recollection of who I was, where I was, or what my purpose here might be. As I looked around the white-marble halls, lined with pillars and filled with dark water that reached over my ankles, a sense of disorientation washed over me.

"Where am I?" I murmured, my voice echoing down the seemingly endless corridor.

I continued to wander through the empty halls. After nearly an hour, a voice broke the silence. "You are finally here," it said, "I've waited for so long." The voice was alluring, soft, carefree, and... gentle. Following the voice, I moved toward the end of the hall. As I did, the beautiful marble surroundings began to show signs of age and neglect. Cracks appeared in the walls, broken sculptures littered the floor, and vines, mold, and fungi crept through the crevices. The once pristine white marble was now covered in black dirt and soot.

"Eight... I'm here~" the voice sang out from the dimly lit halls.

"Who are you? Why are you calling me Eight?" I shouted into the darkness, but no answer came.

Ignoring my fear, I continued down the darkened hall until I reached a circular room with a coffin at its center. Seated elegantly on top of the coffin was a lady. Her skin was as white as the marble walls, and she wore a beautiful white-slit dress adorned with golden accessories. Beside her lay a book with a strange cover that looked like the vines of a plant. Her black hair cascaded down her back, and she wore a veil over her eyes. Yet even with the veil, I could tell at a glance that words could not capture her beauty. 

She turned her gaze in my direction, a soft smile gracing her lips.

"I've been waiting for you... dear," she said. I attempted to respond, but no words escaped my lips, and my body refused to move; I was paralyzed in place.

"I know you must have many questions," she continued, appearing before me and tenderly cupping my cheeks, her touch gentle and affectionate.

"But unfortunately, now is not the time for us to converse further. I hope... that this time..." Leaning forward, she pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead before gracefully returning to her seat atop the marble coffin. The book lying beside her floated into the air, its pages flipping open of their own accord as if guided by an unseen force.

"This time... we shall reach the conclusion destined for us both," her words echoed as my strength waned, the room filling with water.

"I am eager to witness the path you shall choose," she added, as bells chimed throughout the chamber and the water began to glow blue, swirling around me.

"Once more... Pioneer," she said, and a brilliant light engulfed me. The last thing I saw was her soft, reassuring smile before my vision blurred.

Suddenly, a powerful wind pushed against me. I glanced downward, realizing I was hurtling through the sky above the clouds, descending rapidly toward the earth below.

"Oh, come on!" I shouted in panic, swiftly readjusting myself as though this were routine. Casting my gaze into the distance, I spotted a flock of large birds with a height of 3.8 meters and a wingspan of 8.22 meters. with two heads, elongated necks, and vibrant colors, each adorned with two sets of wings. I angled myself toward them, hoping to hitch a ride. Grabbing hold of one, I was met with immediate resistance as it attempted to shake me off. Acting on instinct, I reached for a certain spot between its heads, buried under layers of feathers, and pulled it like a rein, successfully steering the creature.

"How did I know that?" I questioned myself as I guided away from the flock. Riding atop the bird, I scanned the landscape for any signs of civilization or people, but luck was not on my side.

"The sun is already setting, and I am still without shelter or knowledge of this place," I muttered to myself, slowly guiding the bird toward the towering 300-foot trees.

"I suppose we'll have to rest here for a while," I said to the bird, gently stroking its heads as it curled up to sleep. I marveled at the magnificent creature, pondering how I had instinctively found its weak spot and learned to control it so effortlessly.

"Who am I, truly?" I mused, gazing up at the starry sky, trying to piece together the events of the day.

"Who are you?" I murmured, recalling the enigmatic woman from earlier. "And why did you call me 'eight'?"

I settled comfortably onto the back of my avian companion, closing my eyes as I readied myself to resume my search. With a hopeful heart, I sought people, answers, perhaps even companionship, anything that might offer a clue to my identity.