
Chapter # 30

Mr. Wilson: "You trespassed, installed cameras, and now you're badmouthing my wife. And after all that you want me to believe you... Get out before I call security." He said after a small pause.

Me: "Please, sir, hear us out. We have proof."

Mr. Wilson: "I don't want to see it."

Me: "But—"

Mr. Wilson: "Leave the office right now!"

Mia intervenes.

Mia: "Stop, guys. Let it be." She looks irritated.

Me: "What?" We all look at Mia.

Mia: "He doesn't want his daughter to live peacefully. Let's go."

Mr. Wilson: "What?"

Mia: "What else? Do you think your daughter's happy? She has friends? Is she living peacefully? No, she isn't."

Mia: "I've been her friend for almost 10 years now, and you know what? I haven't seen her genuinely happy in the last three years."

Mr. Wilson: "The last three years?"

Mia: "Yes, since her mom died. Or, you could say, since you brought in her 'stepmom.' She changed, became cold-blooded."

Mr. Wilson: "What?!" He's in disbelief.

Mia: "Yes, believe it or not, this is the reality. You were so busy with work that you never understood her. You just thought she had another mom, and that was enough. But it wasn't!"

Mia continues, her emotions rising.

Mia: "If you still don't believe us, watch with your own eyes. Katie, show him the recordings."

I connected my phone to the LED screen.

Case was studying in her room. And Ms.Cara was watching T.V in the living room. Even though it sounds heartless but I hope that Ms.Cara does, what she always does to Case. Just a last time. Cause after that she won't be able to even see her.

It's only so that Mr.Wilson believes us. And thats the only way he will.

It's been 15 minutes and nothing happened.

We all were nervous. Mr. Wilson kept his eyes on the screen all the time.

Suddenly, Ms.Cara dropped some juice on the table and called Case.

Case: "Yes mom." She came down hurriedly.

Ms.Cara: "Clean that." She said pointing at the table.

Mr.Wilson: "What the hell?" He said angrily

Case: "Can you please tell the maid to clean it. I'm studying right now. My exams are coming."

Ms.Cara: "Oh so now you'll talk back to me."

Case: "No I'm just saying that I can't, right now."

Ms.Cara: "Clean or you'll know what I will do to you." She said smirking evily.

Case: "But-"

Ms.Cara: "You wanna go there."

Case: "No I will clean the table."

Ms.Cara: "Good. You must really hate in the store room."

Mr. Wilson gasped at that.

Case started cleaning the table. Ms.Cara looked at her smirking. She then dropped some juice on her shoes.

Ms.Cara: "Oh I'm so clumsy today.

Darling can you clean that too."

Case: "Oh okay." She started cleaning her shoes.

I looked at Mr.Wilson. I couldn't describe his expression. It was filled with hatred, disappointment, hopelessness, sympathy...

After Case cleaned everything. She went back. And just after a minute Ms.Case called her again..

Case: "What now?"

Ms.Cara: "Make me a cup of coffee.".She said that to her even though her maid(her niece) was sitting beside her.

Case: "But told you i have to study."

Ms.Cara: "Aah I get that.

Maria(maid's name) take her to her favorite place."

Case: 'No I won't go there." She said frantically.

Maria got up and grabbed her arm and started to drag her away.

Case tried to get away but Ms.Cara stood up and slapped her.

Ms.Cara: "This is what you get if you disobey me."

A few tears slipped from her eyes.

Case: " No, please don't. Its really dark in the basement. I won't do it again. Please forgive me."

She came closer to Case, harhsly grabbed her face and barked.

Ms.Cara: "Don't you dare disobey me again or else you know the consequences." She then pushed her on the ground.

"Now get lost."

Case quciky got up and ran to her room. She locked her door and started crying.

Case: ''Mom, I miss you so much. Why did you leave me? What do I do..? Mom, come back."

I found myself crying after this. Ethan rubbed my back and calmed me down.

I can truly feel her.

Mr. Wilson: "Turn it off. I can't watch anymore."

He was visibly affected. His eyes closed and tears rolling down his face.