
Echoes of Destiny: Elara Thornwood

Elara a young maiden on the outskirts of a rural village suddenly gets an invitation to the magical academy of Starhaven, she discovers that her family has a past that is being kept. Ancient Magic you say? well, will Elara be able to discover her true potential and will she be able to meet new people there? Find out in "Echoes of Destiny"!

Spaghettiosese · Fantasie
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3 Chs

2 | The Academy

The next morning, I awoke before dawn and hurriedly dressed myself in a fresh set of clothing, making sure not to wake my father. He had stayed out late last night with a couple of friends at the local tavern, so I knew I didn't want to risk disturbing him before he woke up.

I look at myself in the mirror.

Well — it wasn't anything special, a simple white button-up shirt with some brown leggings underneath a knee-length brown dress and a pair of black boots. Girls like me don't get to wear such lavish clothing y'know.

Anyhow, I cannot ponder over such luxury as today is an important event.

The day I leave this small village of Willowbrook and head to Starhaven Academy!

I brush the strands of hair covering my face, tucking them neatly behind my ear, and take a deep breath. My heart is pounding with anticipation as I step out of my home and into the bright sunshine, the scent of fresh earth and flowers filling my nose, reminding me of home.

The village is bustling with activity, the streets lined with carts and stalls selling everything from bread, cheese, and meat to fruits, vegetables, and herbs — all grown right here in Willowbrook, of course! People are going about their daily business, buying supplies or chatting amongst themselves, while children play tag in the alleys and adults sit on porches drinking tea.

"Elara." I turn to see my father standing behind me, he looks tired but surprisingly happy.

"Look." he started, "I...am proud. You know, I am not the best dad out there, but I tried, right?" he smiled weakly as he continued, "The books, your mother's journals, I gave my best to help you understand the world, and I hope it was not a mistake..." he paused, and then added,

"...but please, be careful, ok? I don't want—"

"Papa." I cut him off, "I will be fine, your daughter is a strong woman after all." he looks at me with sad eyes as I embrace him.

"I'll write to you often, await my letters kay'?" 

He nods giving me a weak smile, "Y-yeah, I'll miss you..."

"I'll miss you too Papa," I say as we give each other one last look before the carriage comes to pick me up.

As I rode along in the carriage I couldn't help but feel anxious and excited at the same time. The ride itself was smooth, but it felt like an eternity as it rolled along, bumping occasionally over the rough terrain. I peered outside the window of the coach and watched as the sun slowly rose higher into the sky, casting rays of warm golden light onto the surrounding fields below. Finally, after several hours had passed, the carriage came to a stop outside of a large gate empowered by mana. The campus was filled with nobles from different countries who came here to study and practice their magic. It was truly an amazing sight to behold and I couldn't wait to get inside.

As soon as the gates opened, the driver announced, "Welcome to the Starhaven Academy, Miss," I thanked him politely before stepping out of the coach.

The moment my foot touched the pavement of the courtyard I felt a surge of energy coursing through my entire body like electricity. This sensation caused me to gasp loudly which made me sound foolish in front of everyone else around me but that didn't matter at that moment because it felt amazing!

I took a deep breath and exhaled, calming myself down. I looked around at the other students walking past me towards their destination. Most of them wore expensive robes with embroidered crests sewn into various parts, indicating that they were from noble families or rich backgrounds. They seemed to be heading towards the entrance hall where a group of people were waiting outside to greet them.

"The entrance exam will begin in 30 minutes. Please check in at the front desk for further instructions." A loud voice rang through my ears causing me to jump slightly, startled by the sudden announcement.

Oh shoot I gotta sign in!